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📜  如何创建一个简单的 JavaScript 测验?

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-29 05:55:57             🧑  作者: Mango

JavaScript 可用于使任何网页成为动态网页。在本文中,我们将了解如何使用 JavaScript 制作一个简单的测验 Web 应用程序。

此测验 Web 应用程序将具有以下功能。

  • 问题的用户界面和四个交互选项。
  • 问题之间的导航。
  • TrueFalse输出值的形式进行评估。

方法:对于用户界面,使用 HTML div标签将页面分为四个部分,并给定类和 id 来标识它们。选择类和 Id 名称,以便它承载每个div的用途。

  • 第一个“div”用于“结果”,用于显示问题的状态,如果选择的答案正确与否。
  • 第二个“div”用于“question-container”,用于保存问题文本并显示它们。
  • 第三个“div”是“option-container”,顾名思义,它将包含问题的所有四个选项。
  • 第四个“div”用于“导航”,它将有一个按钮用于导航到下一个问题并评估所选答案。

所有这四个“div”都在另一个带有“panel”类的“div”中。我们在脚本中使用了这个 DOM 元素。


HTML 代码:以下代码演示了测验应用程序的设计部分。



            Question goes here.         

    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;    
    height: 100vh;    
    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 10vh;
    background-color: #c7dddf;
    font-size: x-large;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    height: 10vh;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 50px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around; 
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 20vh;
    background-color: #9eb1b3;   
    padding: 10px;
    width: 15vw;
    height: 10vh;
    font-size: larger;
    background-color: lightskyblue;
    border-radius: 25%;
    background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 10vh;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around;
    height: 8vh;
    padding: 5px;
    font-size: larger;
    background-color: #50DBB4;
    color: white;
    background-color: #BF3325;

// Questions will be asked
const Questions = [{
        id: 0,
        q: "What is capital of India?",
        a: [{ text: "gandhinagar", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Surat", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Delhi", isCorrect: true },
            { text: "mumbai", isCorrect: false }
        id: 1,
        q: "What is the capital of Thailand?",
        a: [{ text: "Lampang", isCorrect: false, isSelected: false },
            { text: "phuket", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Ayutthaya", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Bangkok", isCorrect: true }
        id: 2,
        q: "What is the capital of Gujarat",
        a: [{ text: "surat", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "vadodara", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "gandhinagar", isCorrect: true },
            { text: "rajkot", isCorrect: false }
// Set start
var start = true;
// Iterate
function iterate(id) {
    // Getting the result display section
    var result = document.getElementsByClassName("result");
    result[0].innerText = "";
    // Getting the question
    const question = document.getElementById("question");
    // Setting the question text
    question.innerText = Questions[id].q;
    // Getting the options
    const op1 = document.getElementById('op1');
    const op2 = document.getElementById('op2');
    const op3 = document.getElementById('op3');
    const op4 = document.getElementById('op4');
    // Providing option text 
    op1.innerText = Questions[id].a[0].text;
    op2.innerText = Questions[id].a[1].text;
    op3.innerText = Questions[id].a[2].text;
    op4.innerText = Questions[id].a[3].text;
    // Providing the true or false value to the options
    op1.value = Questions[id].a[0].isCorrect;
    op2.value = Questions[id].a[1].isCorrect;
    op3.value = Questions[id].a[2].isCorrect;
    op4.value = Questions[id].a[3].isCorrect;
    var selected = "";
    // Show selection for op1
    op1.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op1.value;
    // Show selection for op2
    op2.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op2.value;
    // Show selection for op3
    op3.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op3.value;
    // Show selection for op4
    op4.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        selected = op4.value;
    // Grabbing the evaluate button
    const evaluate = document.getElementsByClassName("evaluate");
    // Evaluate method
    evaluate[0].addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (selected == "true") {
            result[0].innerHTML = "True";
            result[0].style.color = "green";
        } else {
            result[0].innerHTML = "False";
            result[0].style.color = "red";
if (start) {
// Next button and method
const next = document.getElementsByClassName('next')[0];
var id = 0;
next.addEventListener("click", () => {
    start = false;
    if (id < 2) {

CSS 代码: CSS 有助于对齐不同的选项和按钮。 :hover属性负责创建选择选项的效果。我们还将使用 JavaScript 更改选择效果。

代码负责用户界面的外观和对齐。该文件包含在上述代码的 head 部分中。


    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;    
    height: 100vh;    
    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 10vh;
    background-color: #c7dddf;
    font-size: x-large;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    height: 10vh;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 50px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around; 
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 20vh;
    background-color: #9eb1b3;   
    padding: 10px;
    width: 15vw;
    height: 10vh;
    font-size: larger;
    background-color: lightskyblue;
    border-radius: 25%;
    background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;
    width: 80vw;
    height: 10vh;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around;
    height: 8vh;
    padding: 5px;
    font-size: larger;
    background-color: #50DBB4;
    color: white;
    background-color: #BF3325;

JavaScript 代码:我们将动态显示问题和选项,为此,我们创建了一个对象数组,其中每个对象都有一个问题和相应的选项以及正确答案的信息。有了这个对象数组,我们就有了 JSON 格式,因此它可以帮助我们处理 API 并在大多数情况下处理 JSON 类型的真实数据。


How to access any question text Questions[id].q
How to access  text of the first option of any question Questions[id].a[0].text
How to know whether the option is true or false Questions[id].a[0].isCorrect

注意: “id”根据问题编号不断变化,它代表数组中的问题编号。

Questions数组已定义。我们采用了一个布尔变量“start”,它最初设置为真,表示测验的开始。 iterate()函数负责根据传递给它的“id”显示问题和选项。使用代码后面的“下一步”按钮有条件地调用此函数。

iterate()函数:我们从 HTML div中获取结果,并使用 node 元素的 HTML innerText属性将其设置为空文本。设置问题后,我们将使用表中讨论的相同方法设置选项。我们还设置了选项“value”,它也来自数组“Questions”。此“op1.value”表示该选项按钮的值,“Questions[id].a[0].isCorrect”会将其设置为truefalse 。然后我们设置一个变量“selected”,用于保存用户所选选项的值。

评估按钮是使用 addEventListener函数实现的。如果它是正确的,那么它会将“result”div文本设置为“true”并将“style.color”属性设置为“green”,否则它将“result”div设置为“false”并将“ style.color”属性为“红色”。

我们正在使用类名获取下一个按钮。设置点击事件将检查 id 变量。如果它小于我们的总问题 id,在我们的例子中是 (0,1,2),这样我们的数组就不会越界。我们正在调用“迭代”函数,有条件地传递问题的新 ID,同时将“开始”设置为false,表示这不是测验的开始。


// Questions will be asked
const Questions = [{
        id: 0,
        q: "What is capital of India?",
        a: [{ text: "gandhinagar", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Surat", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Delhi", isCorrect: true },
            { text: "mumbai", isCorrect: false }
        id: 1,
        q: "What is the capital of Thailand?",
        a: [{ text: "Lampang", isCorrect: false, isSelected: false },
            { text: "phuket", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Ayutthaya", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "Bangkok", isCorrect: true }
        id: 2,
        q: "What is the capital of Gujarat",
        a: [{ text: "surat", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "vadodara", isCorrect: false },
            { text: "gandhinagar", isCorrect: true },
            { text: "rajkot", isCorrect: false }
// Set start
var start = true;
// Iterate
function iterate(id) {
    // Getting the result display section
    var result = document.getElementsByClassName("result");
    result[0].innerText = "";
    // Getting the question
    const question = document.getElementById("question");
    // Setting the question text
    question.innerText = Questions[id].q;
    // Getting the options
    const op1 = document.getElementById('op1');
    const op2 = document.getElementById('op2');
    const op3 = document.getElementById('op3');
    const op4 = document.getElementById('op4');
    // Providing option text 
    op1.innerText = Questions[id].a[0].text;
    op2.innerText = Questions[id].a[1].text;
    op3.innerText = Questions[id].a[2].text;
    op4.innerText = Questions[id].a[3].text;
    // Providing the true or false value to the options
    op1.value = Questions[id].a[0].isCorrect;
    op2.value = Questions[id].a[1].isCorrect;
    op3.value = Questions[id].a[2].isCorrect;
    op4.value = Questions[id].a[3].isCorrect;
    var selected = "";
    // Show selection for op1
    op1.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op1.value;
    // Show selection for op2
    op2.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op2.value;
    // Show selection for op3
    op3.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        selected = op3.value;
    // Show selection for op4
    op4.addEventListener("click", () => {
        op1.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op2.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op3.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue";
        op4.style.backgroundColor = "lightgoldenrodyellow";
        selected = op4.value;
    // Grabbing the evaluate button
    const evaluate = document.getElementsByClassName("evaluate");
    // Evaluate method
    evaluate[0].addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (selected == "true") {
            result[0].innerHTML = "True";
            result[0].style.color = "green";
        } else {
            result[0].innerHTML = "False";
            result[0].style.color = "red";
if (start) {
// Next button and method
const next = document.getElementsByClassName('next')[0];
var id = 0;
next.addEventListener("click", () => {
    start = false;
    if (id < 2) {


JavaScript 测验

这是使用 JavaScript 的简单测验 Web 应用程序,您肯定可以通过使用真实的 API、问题随机播放、设置问题点、设置计数器等来实现它,从而将其提升到一个新的水平。