Input : {“geeksforgeeks”, “geeks”, “geek”, “geezer”}
Output : "gee"
Input : {"apple", "ape", "april"}
Output : "ap"
我们将我们的字符串视为 – “geeksforgeeks”、“geeks”、“geek”、“geezer”。
// A C++ Program to find the longest common prefix
using namespace std;
// A Function to find the string having the minimum
// length and returns that length
int findMinLength(string arr[], int n)
int min = arr[0].length();
for (int i=1; i
// A Java Program to find the longest common prefix
class GFG
// A Function to find the string having the minimum
// length and returns that length
static int findMinLength(String arr[], int n)
int min = arr[0].length();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (arr[i].length() < min)
min = arr[i].length();
return (min);
// A Function that returns the longest common prefix
// from the array of strings
static String commonPrefix(String arr[], int n)
int minlen = findMinLength(arr, n);
String result = ""; // Our resultant string
char current; // The current character
for (int i = 0; i < minlen; i++)
// Current character (must be same
// in all strings to be a part of
// result)
current = arr[0].charAt(i);
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
if (arr[j].charAt(i) != current)
return result;
// Append to result
result += (current);
return (result);
// Driver program to test above function
public static void main(String[] args)
String arr[] = {"geeksforgeeks", "geeks",
"geek", "geezer"};
int n = arr.length;
String ans = commonPrefix(arr, n);
if (ans.length() > 0) {
System.out.println("The longest common prefix is "
+ ans);
} else {
System.out.println("There is no common prefix");
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji
Python 3
# Python 3 Program to find the longest common prefix
# A Function to find the string having the minimum
# length and returns that length
def findMinLength(arr, n):
min = len(arr[0])
for i in range(1,n):
if (len(arr[i])< min):
min = len(arr[i])
# A Function that returns the longest common prefix
# from the array of strings
def commonPrefix(arr, n):
minlen = findMinLength(arr, n)
result =""
for i in range(minlen):
# Current character (must be same
# in all strings to be a part of
# result)
current = arr[0][i]
for j in range(1,n):
if (arr[j][i] != current):
return result
# Append to result
result = result+current
return (result)
# Driver program to test above function
if __name__ == "__main__":
arr = ["geeksforgeeks", "geeks",
"geek", "geezer"]
n = len(arr)
ans = commonPrefix (arr, n)
if (len(ans)):
print("The longest common prefix is ",ans)
print("There is no common prefix")
// A C# Program to find the longest common prefix
using System;
class GFG
// A Function to find the string having the minimum
// length and returns that length
static int findMinLength(String []arr, int n)
int min = arr[0].Length;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (arr[i].Length < min)
min = arr[i].Length;
return (min);
// A Function that returns the longest common prefix
// from the array of strings
static String commonPrefix(String []arr, int n)
int minlen = findMinLength(arr, n);
String result = ""; // Our resultant string
char current; // The current character
for (int i = 0; i < minlen; i++)
// Current character (must be same
// in all strings to be a part of
// result)
current = arr[0][i];
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
if (arr[j][i] != current)
return result;
// Append to result
result += (current);
return (result);
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
String []arr = {"geeksforgeeks", "geeks",
"geek", "geezer"};
int n = arr.Length;
String ans = commonPrefix(arr, n);
if (ans.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("The longest common prefix is "
+ ans);
Console.WriteLine("There is no common prefix");
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */
输出 :
The longest common prefix is gee
在第 1 组中,我们讨论了“逐字匹配”算法。
现在没有上述字符串的公共前缀字符串。通过 Set 1 中讨论的“逐字匹配”算法,我们通过遍历所有字符串得出没有公共前缀字符串的结论。但是如果我们使用这个算法,那么在第一次迭代中我们就会知道没有公共前缀字符串 ,因为我们不会进一步寻找每个字符串的第二个字符。
时间复杂度:由于我们正在遍历所有字符的所有字符串,所以我们可以说时间复杂度是 O(NM) 其中,
N = Number of strings
M = Length of the largest string string