给定一个字符串s以及 S 中存在的两个单词w1和w2 。任务是找到w1和w2之间的最小距离。这里,距离是第一个词和第二个词之间的步数或词数。
Input : s = “geeks for geeks contribute practice”, w1 = “geeks”, w2 = “practice”
Output : 1
There is only one word between the closest occurrences of w1 and w2.
Input : s = “the quick the brown quick brown the frog”, w1 = “quick”, w2 = “frog”
Output : 2
一个简单的方法是考虑 w1 的每次出现。对于 w1 的每次出现,找到最近的 w2 并跟踪最小距离。
// C++ program to find Minimum Distance
// Between Words of a String
using namespace std;
// Function to implement split function
void split(const string &s, char delimiter,
vector &words)
string token;
stringstream tokenStream(s);
while (getline(tokenStream, token, delimiter))
// Function to calculate the minimum
// distance between w1 and w2 in s
int distance(string s, string w1, string w2)
if (w1 == w2)
return 0;
// get individual words in a list
vector words;
split(s, ' ', words);
// assume total length of the string
// as minimum distance
int min_dist = words.size() + 1;
// traverse through the entire string
for (int index = 0; index < words.size(); index++)
if (words[index] == w1)
for (int search = 0;
search < words.size(); search++)
if (words[search] == w2)
// the distance between the words is
// the index of the first word - the
// current word index
int curr = abs(index - search) - 1;
// comparing current distance with
// the previously assumed distance
if (curr < min_dist)
min_dist = curr;
// w1 and w2 are same and adjacent
return min_dist;
// Driver Code
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
string s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
string w1 = "geeks";
string w2 = "practice";
cout << distance(s, w1, w2) << endl;
return 0;
// This code is contributed by
// sanjeev2552
// Java program to find Minimum Distance
// Between Words of a String
class solution
// Function to calculate the minimum
// distance between w1 and w2 in s
static int distance(String s,String w1,String w2)
if (w1 .equals( w2) )
return 0 ;
// get individual words in a list
String words[] = s.split(" ");
// assume total length of the string
// as minimum distance
int min_dist = (words.length) + 1;
// traverse through the entire string
for (int index = 0;
index < words.length ; index ++)
if (words[index] .equals( w1))
for (int search = 0;
search < words.length; search ++)
if (words[search] .equals(w2))
// the distance between the words is
// the index of the first word - the
// current word index
int curr = Math.abs(index - search) - 1;
// comparing current distance with
// the previously assumed distance
if (curr < min_dist)
min_dist = curr ;
// w1 and w2 are same and adjacent
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
String s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
String w1 = "geeks" ;
String w2 = "practice" ;
System.out.print( distance(s, w1, w2) );
//contributed by Arnab Kundu
# function to calculate the minimum
# distance between w1 and w2 in s
def distance(s, w1, w2):
if w1 == w2 :
return 0
# get individual words in a list
words = s.split(" ")
# assume total length of the string as
# minimum distance
min_dist = len(words)+1
# traverse through the entire string
for index in range(len(words)):
if words[index] == w1:
for search in range(len(words)):
if words[search] == w2:
# the distance between the words is
# the index of the first word - the
# current word index
curr = abs(index - search) - 1;
# comparing current distance with
# the previously assumed distance
if curr < min_dist:
min_dist = curr
# w1 and w2 are same and adjacent
return min_dist
# Driver code
s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice"
w1 = "geeks"
w2 = "practice"
print(distance(s, w1, w2))
// C# program to find Minimum Distance
// Between Words of a String
using System;
class solution
// Function to calculate the minimum
// distance between w1 and w2 in s
static int distance(string s,string w1,string w2)
if (w1 .Equals( w2) )
return 0 ;
// get individual words in a list
string[] words = s.Split(" ");
// assume total length of the string
// as minimum distance
int min_dist = (words.Length) + 1;
// traverse through the entire string
for (int index = 0;
index < words.Length ; index ++)
if (words[index] .Equals( w1))
for (int search = 0;
search < words.Length; search ++)
if (words[search] .Equals(w2))
// the distance between the words is
// the index of the first word - the
// current word index
int curr = Math.Abs(index - search) - 1;
// comparing current distance with
// the previously assumed distance
if (curr < min_dist)
min_dist = curr ;
// w1 and w2 are same and adjacent
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
string s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
string w1 = "geeks" ;
string w2 = "practice" ;
Console.Write( distance(s, w1, w2) );
// C++ program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
using namespace std;
int distance(string s, string w1, string w2)
if (w1 == w2)
return 0;
vector words;
// Used to split string around spaces.
istringstream ss(s);
string word; // for storing each word
// Traverse through all words
// while loop till we get
// strings to store in string word
while (ss >> word)
int n = words.size();
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (words[i] == w1 || (words[i] == w2))
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n)
if (words[i] == w1 || (words[i] == w2))
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((words[prev] != words[i]) &&
(i - prev) < min_dist)
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
int main()
string s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
string w1 = "geeks";
string w2 = "practice";
// Java program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
class GFG {
static int distance(String s, String w1, String w2) {
if (w1.equals(w2)) {
return 0;
// get individual words in a list
String[] words = s.split(" ");
int n = words.length;
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (words[i].equals(w1) || words[i].equals(w2)) {
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n) {
if (words[i].equals(w1) || words[i].equals(w2)) {
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((!words[prev].equals(words[i])) && (i - prev) < min_dist) {
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
} else {
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
String w1 = "geeks";
String w2 = "practice";
System.out.println(distance(s, w1, w2));
// This code is contributed by princiRaj1992
// C# program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
using System;
class GFG
static int distance(String s, String w1, String w2)
if (w1.Equals(w2))
return 0;
// get individual words in a list
String[] words = s.Split(" ");
int n = words.Length;
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (words[i].Equals(w1) || words[i].Equals(w2))
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n)
if (words[i].Equals(w1) || words[i].Equals(w2))
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((!words[prev].Equals(words[i])) &&
(i - prev) < min_dist)
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
String s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
String w1 = "geeks";
String w2 = "practice";
Console.Write(distance(s, w1, w2));
// This code is contributed by Mohit kumar 29
# Python3 program to extract words from
# a string using stringstream
def distance(s, w1, w2):
if w1 == w2 :
return 0
# get individual words in a list
words = s.split(" ")
n = len(words)
# assume total length of the string as
# minimum distance
min_dist = n+1
# Find the first occurrence of any of the two
# numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
# this occurrence in prev
for i in range(n):
if words[i] == w1 or words[i] == w2:
prev = i
# Traverse after the first occurrence
while i < n:
if words[i] == w1 or words[i] == w2:
# If the current element matches with
# any of the two then check if current
# element and prev element are different
# Also check if this value is smaller than
# minimum distance so far
if words[prev] != words[i] and (i - prev) < min_dist :
min_dist = i - prev - 1
prev = i
prev = i
i += 1
return min_dist
# Driver code
s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice"
w1 = "geeks"
w2 = "practice"
print(distance(s, w1, w2))
// C++ program to find Minimum Distance
// Between Words of a String
using namespace std;
int shortestDistance(vector &s, string word1, string word2)
if(word1==word2) return 0;
int ans = INT_MAX;
//To store the lastposition of word1
int lastPos = -1;
for(int i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i++)
if(s[i] == word1 || s[i] == word2)
//first occurrence of word1
if(lastPos == -1)
lastPos = i;
//if word1 repeated again we store the last position of word1
lastPos = i;
//find the difference of position of word1 and word2
ans = min(ans , (i-lastPos)-1);
lastPos = i;
return ans;
//Driver code
int main() {
vector s{"geeks", "for", "geeks", "contribute",
string w1 = "geeks";
string w2 = "practice";
// C++ program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
using namespace std;
int distance(string s, string w1, string w2)
if (w1 == w2)
return 0;
vector words;
// Used to split string around spaces.
istringstream ss(s);
string word; // for storing each word
// Traverse through all words
// while loop till we get
// strings to store in string word
while (ss >> word)
int n = words.size();
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (words[i] == w1 || (words[i] == w2))
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n)
if (words[i] == w1 || (words[i] == w2))
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((words[prev] != words[i]) &&
(i - prev) < min_dist)
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
int main()
string s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
string w1 = "geeks";
string w2 = "practice";
// Java program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
class GFG {
static int distance(String s, String w1, String w2) {
if (w1.equals(w2)) {
return 0;
// get individual words in a list
String[] words = s.split(" ");
int n = words.length;
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (words[i].equals(w1) || words[i].equals(w2)) {
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n) {
if (words[i].equals(w1) || words[i].equals(w2)) {
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((!words[prev].equals(words[i])) && (i - prev) < min_dist) {
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
} else {
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
String w1 = "geeks";
String w2 = "practice";
System.out.println(distance(s, w1, w2));
// This code is contributed by princiRaj1992
// C# program to extract words from
// a string using stringstream
using System;
class GFG
static int distance(String s, String w1, String w2)
if (w1.Equals(w2))
return 0;
// get individual words in a list
String[] words = s.Split(" ");
int n = words.Length;
// assume total length of the string as
// minimum distance
int min_dist = n + 1;
// Find the first occurrence of any of the two
// numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
// this occurrence in prev
int prev = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (words[i].Equals(w1) || words[i].Equals(w2))
prev = i;
// Traverse after the first occurrence
while (i < n)
if (words[i].Equals(w1) || words[i].Equals(w2))
// If the current element matches with
// any of the two then check if current
// element and prev element are different
// Also check if this value is smaller than
// minimum distance so far
if ((!words[prev].Equals(words[i])) &&
(i - prev) < min_dist)
min_dist = i - prev - 1;
prev = i;
prev = i;
i += 1;
return min_dist;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
String s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice";
String w1 = "geeks";
String w2 = "practice";
Console.Write(distance(s, w1, w2));
// This code is contributed by Mohit kumar 29
# Python3 program to extract words from
# a string using stringstream
def distance(s, w1, w2):
if w1 == w2 :
return 0
# get individual words in a list
words = s.split(" ")
n = len(words)
# assume total length of the string as
# minimum distance
min_dist = n+1
# Find the first occurrence of any of the two
# numbers (w1 or w2) and store the index of
# this occurrence in prev
for i in range(n):
if words[i] == w1 or words[i] == w2:
prev = i
# Traverse after the first occurrence
while i < n:
if words[i] == w1 or words[i] == w2:
# If the current element matches with
# any of the two then check if current
# element and prev element are different
# Also check if this value is smaller than
# minimum distance so far
if words[prev] != words[i] and (i - prev) < min_dist :
min_dist = i - prev - 1
prev = i
prev = i
i += 1
return min_dist
# Driver code
s = "geeks for geeks contribute practice"
w1 = "geeks"
w2 = "practice"
print(distance(s, w1, w2))
一个有效的解决方案是,如果 word1 再次出现,则将 word1 的索引存储在 (lastpos) 变量中,然后如果 word1 不出现,我们更新 (lastpos),然后简单地找到 word1 和 word2 索引的差异。
// C++ program to find Minimum Distance
// Between Words of a String
using namespace std;
int shortestDistance(vector &s, string word1, string word2)
if(word1==word2) return 0;
int ans = INT_MAX;
//To store the lastposition of word1
int lastPos = -1;
for(int i = 0 ; i < s.size() ; i++)
if(s[i] == word1 || s[i] == word2)
//first occurrence of word1
if(lastPos == -1)
lastPos = i;
//if word1 repeated again we store the last position of word1
lastPos = i;
//find the difference of position of word1 and word2
ans = min(ans , (i-lastPos)-1);
lastPos = i;
return ans;
//Driver code
int main() {
vector s{"geeks", "for", "geeks", "contribute",
string w1 = "geeks";
string w2 = "practice";