📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-27 02:00:14             🧑  作者: Mango
w = Scale(top, options)
SN | Option | Description |
1 | activebackground | The background color of the widget when it has the focus. |
2 | bg | The background color of the widget. |
3 | bd | The border size of the widget. The default is 2 pixel. |
4 | command | It is set to the procedure which is called each time when we move the slider. If the slider is moved rapidly, the callback is done when it settles. |
5 | cursor | The mouse pointer is changed to the cursor type assigned to this option. It can be an arrow, dot, etc. |
6 | digits | If the control variable used to control the scale data is of string type, this option is used to specify the number of digits when the numeric scale is converted to a string. |
7 | font | The font type of the widget text. |
8 | fg | The foreground color of the text. |
9 | from_ | It is used to represent one end of the widget range. |
10 | highlightbackground | The highlight color when the widget doesn’t have the focus. |
11 | highlighcolor | The highlight color when the widget has the focus. |
12 | label | This can be set to some text which can be shown as a label with the scale. It is shown in the top left corner if the scale is horizontal or the top right corner if the scale is vertical. |
13 | length | It represents the length of the widget. It represents the X dimension if the scale is horizontal or y dimension if the scale is vertical. |
14 | orient | It can be set to horizontal or vertical depending upon the type of the scale. |
15 | relief | It represents the type of the border. The default is FLAT. |
16 | repeatdelay | This option tells the duration up to which the button is to be pressed before the slider starts moving in that direction repeatedly. The default is 300 ms. |
17 | resolution | It is set to the smallest change which is to be made to the scale value. |
18 | showvalue | The value of the scale is shown in the text form by default. We can set this option to 0 to suppress the label. |
19 | sliderlength | It represents the length of the slider window along the length of the scale. The default is 30 pixels. However, we can change it to the appropriate value. |
20 | state | The scale widget is active by default. We can set this to DISABLED to make it unresponsive. |
21 | takefocus | The focus cycles through the scale widgets by default. We can set this option to 0 if we don’t want this to happen. |
22 | tickinterval | The scale values are displayed on the multiple of the specified tick interval. The default value of the tickinterval is 0. |
23 | to | It represents a float or integer value that specifies the other end of the range represented by the scale. |
24 | troughcolor | It represents the color of the through. |
25 | variable | It represents the control variable for the scale. |
26 | width | It represents the width of the through part of the widget. |
SN | Method | Description |
1 | get() | It is used to get the current value of the scale. |
2 | set(value) | It is used to set the value of the scale. |
from tkinter import *
def select():
sel = "Value = " + str(v.get())
label.config(text = sel)
top = Tk()
v = DoubleVar()
scale = Scale( top, variable = v, from_ = 1, to = 50, orient = HORIZONTAL)
btn = Button(top, text="Value", command=select)
label = Label(top)