📜  VersionOne-添加项目

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-30 14:41:38             🧑  作者: Mango


项目是项目管理工具的基础。项目代表一组项目和任务,应在定义的时间内完成以将其视为已完成。在项目找到其存在之前,无法执行任何其他功能/任务。项目将所有sprint / backlog /任务/问题等归为一类。在本章中,我们将讨论有关将项目添加到VersionOne中的问题。




  • 以Admin身份登录并转到右上角的设置,然后选择Project&Field Admin→Project,如下面的屏幕快照所示。它打开“项目”页面,并显示层次结构中的所有可用项目。万一之前没有添加任何项目,它将不会显示任何项目。


  • 展开系统(所有项目)。单击父项目旁边的“添加子项目”按钮,用户要在该项目下创建新项目,如下所示:


  • 它将打开添加项目表单,用户需要在其中在不同字段中输入详细信息-

Field Action Description
Title Type the name of the project. The name of the project/release as it displays in the Project Tree.
Parent Project This field is pre-populated with the name of the parent project. Click on the name to view additional details. The name of the project that is one level higher in the Project Tree hierarchy.
Iteration Schedule Click on the magnifying glass to assign an Iteration Schedule to the project. The Iteration Schedule assigned to the project..
Planning Level Select one of the following −
  • Enterprise
  • Portfolio
  • Value Stream
  • Release Train
  • Program Increment
Indicates how the specific node is being used in the Project. When this attribute is set on a Project, any new child project will automatically be assigned the next value from the list.
Description Type a narrative description of the project This is a rich text field that allows to add expanded details about the project.
Budget Type in the budget amount The allocated budget amount for the project/release.
Begin Date The date the project begins. The date the project begins. This field is required.
End Date The date the project ends. The date the project ends. This field is optional.
Status Select the status of the project. Indicates the status of the project.
Owner Type the first three characters of the project owner’s name. The person to contact if any questions.
Target Swag Type in the Swag amount. The amount of Swag user expects to be delivered in the project. Useful when planning.
Target Estimate Points Type in the Target Estimate amount. The amount of Estimate you expect to be delivered in the Project. Useful when planning.
Test Suite Select a TestSuite from the dropdown list. The TestSuite assigned to the project.
Pipelines Select a Pipeline from the dropdown list. Pipelines assigned to the project.
Reference Type any additional project information. Free form short text field for information about the project.
  • 现在单击保存/保存并新建/保存并查看,如下面的屏幕截图所示-


  • 单击“保存”后,将列出项目,如下面的屏幕快照所示。

