📜  来自 Scrapy Python站点的电子邮件 ID 提取器项目

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:01.411000             🧑  作者: Mango

来自 Scrapy Python站点的电子邮件 ID 提取器项目

Scrapy 是用Python编写的开源网络爬虫框架,用于网络爬虫,也可用于提取通用数据。首先,所有子页面链接都从主页中获取,然后使用正则表达式从这些子页面中抓取电子邮件 ID。

本文展示了从 geeksforgeeks 站点提取的电子邮件 ID 作为参考。

如何使用 Scrapy 创建电子邮件 ID 提取器项目?

1.安装包- 从终端运行以下命令

pip install scrapy 
pip install scrapy-selenium


scrapy startproject projectname (Here projectname is geeksemailtrack) 
cd projectname 
scrapy genspider spidername (Here spidername is emails)


from shutil import which 
SELENIUM_DRIVER_EXECUTABLE_PATH = which('chromedriver') 
'scrapy_selenium.SeleniumMiddleware': 800 

4) 现在为您的 chrome 下载 chrome 驱动程序并将其放在您的 chrome scrapy.cfg 文件附近。要下载 chrome 驱动程序,请参阅此站点 - 下载 chrome 驱动程序。


分步代码 -

1. 导入所有需要的库——

# web scraping framework
import scrapy
# for regular expression
import re
# for selenium request
from scrapy_selenium import SeleniumRequest
# for link extraction
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor

def start_requests(self):
    yield SeleniumRequest(

def parse(self, response):
        # this helps to get all links from source code
        links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
        # Finallinks contains links urk
        Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
        # links list for url that may have email ids
        links = []
        # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
        # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
        for link in Finallinks:
            if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
        # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
        # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
        l = links[0]
        # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}

def parse_link(self, response):
    # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
    links = response.meta['links']
    flag = 0
    # links that contains following bad words are discarded
    bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
    for word in bad_words:
        # if any bad word is found in the current page url
        # flag is assigned to 1
        if word in str(response.url):
            flag = 1
    # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
    # that url/page
    if (flag != 1):
        html_text = str(response.text)
        # regular expression used for email id
        email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
        # set of email_list to get unique
        email_list = set(email_list)
        if (len(email_list) != 0):
            for i in email_list:
                # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
    # parse_link function is called till
    # if condition satisfy
    # else move to parsed function
    if (len(links) > 0):
        l = links[0]
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}
        yield SeleniumRequest(

def parsed(self, response):
    # emails list of uniqueemail set
    emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
    finalemail = []
    for email in emails:
        # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
        # and append email ids to finalemail
        if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
    # final unique email ids from geeksforgeeks site
    print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

# web scraping framework
import scrapy
# for regular expression
import re
# for selenium request
from scrapy_selenium import SeleniumRequest
# for link extraction
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor
class EmailtrackSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # name of spider
    name = 'emailtrack'
    # to have unique email ids
    uniqueemail = set()
    # start_requests sends request to given https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
    # and parse function is called
    def start_requests(self):
        yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parse(self, response):
            # this helps to get all links from source code
            links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
            # Finallinks contains links urk
            Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
            # links list for url that may have email ids
            links = []
            # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
            # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
            for link in Finallinks:
                if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
            # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
            # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
            l = links[0]
            # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
    def parse_link(self, response):
        # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
        links = response.meta['links']
        flag = 0
        # links that contains following bad words are discarded
        bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
        for word in bad_words:
            # if any bad word is found in the current page url
            # flag is assigned to 1
            if word in str(response.url):
                flag = 1
        # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
        # that url/page
        if (flag != 1):
            html_text = str(response.text)
            # regular expression used for email id
            email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
            # set of email_list to get unique
            email_list = set(email_list)
            if (len(email_list) != 0):
                for i in email_list:
                    # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
        # parse_link function is called till
        # if condition satisfy
        # else move to parsed function
        if (len(links) > 0):
            l = links[0]
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
            yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parsed(self, response):
        # emails list of uniqueemail set
        emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
        finalemail = []
        for email in emails:
            # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
            # and append email ids to finalemail
            if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
        # final unique email ids from geeksforgeeks site
        print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

2. 创建start_requests函数以从selenium访问站点。您可以添加自己的网址。


def start_requests(self):
    yield SeleniumRequest(

3. 创建解析函数:


def parse(self, response):
        # this helps to get all links from source code
        links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
        # Finallinks contains links urk
        Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
        # links list for url that may have email ids
        links = []
        # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
        # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
        for link in Finallinks:
            if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
        # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
        # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
        l = links[0]
        # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}


  • 在以下几行中,所有链接均从 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ 响应中提取。
links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response) 
Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links] 
  • Finallinks 是包含所有链接的列表。
  • 为了避免不必要的链接,我们设置了过滤器,如果链接属于联系人和关于页面,那么我们只会从该页面抓取详细信息。
for link in Finallinks: 
if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 
or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in 
  • 上面的过滤器不是必需的,但站点确实有很多标签(链接),因此,如果站点中有 50 个子页面,那么它将从这 50 个子 URL 中提取电子邮件。假设电子邮件主要在主页、联系页面和关于页面上,因此此过滤器有助于减少抓取那些可能没有电子邮件 ID 的 URL 的时间浪费。
  • 可能有电子邮件 id 的页面链接被一一请求,并使用正则表达式抓取电子邮件 id。



def parse_link(self, response):
    # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
    links = response.meta['links']
    flag = 0
    # links that contains following bad words are discarded
    bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
    for word in bad_words:
        # if any bad word is found in the current page url
        # flag is assigned to 1
        if word in str(response.url):
            flag = 1
    # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
    # that url/page
    if (flag != 1):
        html_text = str(response.text)
        # regular expression used for email id
        email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
        # set of email_list to get unique
        email_list = set(email_list)
        if (len(email_list) != 0):
            for i in email_list:
                # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
    # parse_link function is called till
    # if condition satisfy
    # else move to parsed function
    if (len(links) > 0):
        l = links[0]
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}
        yield SeleniumRequest(


通过response.text我们得到所请求 URL 的所有源代码。此处使用的正则表达式 '\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+' 可以翻译为类似这样的内容 查找以一个或多个字母开头的每一段字符串,后跟一个 at 符号 ('@') , 后跟一个或多个以点结尾的字母。
之后它应该再次有一个或多个字母。它是用于获取电子邮件 ID 的正则表达式。

5. 创建解析函数–


def parsed(self, response):
    # emails list of uniqueemail set
    emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
    finalemail = []
    for email in emails:
        # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
        # and append email ids to finalemail
        if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
    # final unique email ids from geeksforgeeks site
    print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

上面的正则表达式也导致了垃圾值如 select@1.13 在这个从 geeksforgeeks 抓取的电子邮件 ID 中,我们知道 select@1.13 不是电子邮件 ID。解析函数过滤器应用过滤器,只接收包含“.com”和“.in”的电子邮件。

使用以下命令运行蜘蛛 -

scrape crawl spidername (spidername is name of spider)




# web scraping framework
import scrapy
# for regular expression
import re
# for selenium request
from scrapy_selenium import SeleniumRequest
# for link extraction
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor
class EmailtrackSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # name of spider
    name = 'emailtrack'
    # to have unique email ids
    uniqueemail = set()
    # start_requests sends request to given https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
    # and parse function is called
    def start_requests(self):
        yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parse(self, response):
            # this helps to get all links from source code
            links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
            # Finallinks contains links urk
            Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
            # links list for url that may have email ids
            links = []
            # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
            # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
            for link in Finallinks:
                if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
            # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
            # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
            l = links[0]
            # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
    def parse_link(self, response):
        # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
        links = response.meta['links']
        flag = 0
        # links that contains following bad words are discarded
        bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
        for word in bad_words:
            # if any bad word is found in the current page url
            # flag is assigned to 1
            if word in str(response.url):
                flag = 1
        # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
        # that url/page
        if (flag != 1):
            html_text = str(response.text)
            # regular expression used for email id
            email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
            # set of email_list to get unique
            email_list = set(email_list)
            if (len(email_list) != 0):
                for i in email_list:
                    # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
        # parse_link function is called till
        # if condition satisfy
        # else move to parsed function
        if (len(links) > 0):
            l = links[0]
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
            yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parsed(self, response):
        # emails list of uniqueemail set
        emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
        finalemail = []
        for email in emails:
            # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
            # and append email ids to finalemail
            if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
        # final unique email ids from geeksforgeeks site
        print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

以上代码的工作视频 -

参考 -链接提取器