📜  mike tyson peso pesado - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:32:54.291000             🧑  作者: Mango

Mike Tyson Peso Pesado - Python

Mike Tyson Peso Pesado is a Python package that provides the functionality for simulating boxing matches between historical heavyweight boxers.


You can install the package using pip:

pip install mike-tyson-peso-pesado

First, import the MikeTysonPesoPesado class from the package:

from mike_tyson_peso_pesado import MikeTysonPesoPesado

Then, create an instance of the class and call the simulate_fight method, passing in the names of the two boxers you want to simulate a fight between:

tyson = MikeTysonPesoPesado()
result = tyson.simulate_fight("Mike Tyson", "Muhammad Ali")

The simulate_fight method returns the result of the fight in the form of a dictionary with the following keys:

  • "winner": the name of the winner of the fight
  • "method": the method by which the winner won (e.g. KO, TKO, UD, MD)
  • "round": the round in which the fight ended

Here's an example of how to print out the result of the fight:

print("{} defeated {} by {} in round {}".format(
    result["winner"], result["loser"], result["method"], result["round"]))
Supported Boxers

Currently, the following historical heavyweight boxers are supported:

  • Muhammad Ali
  • Joe Frazier
  • George Foreman
  • Sonny Liston
  • Rocky Marciano
  • Floyd Patterson
  • Jack Dempsey
  • Gene Tunney
  • Jack Johnson
Wrapper for Sporting AI

The Mike Tyson Peso Pesado package is also available as a wrapper for the Sporting AI API, which provides access to a much larger set of boxing data and statistics. You can learn more about the Sporting AI API at https://www.sportingai.com/.

To use the wrapper, first install the sportingai package:

pip install sportingai

Then, import the SportingAIBoxing class from the sportingai package and pass it to the constructor of the MikeTysonPesoPesado class:

from sportingai.boxing import SportingAIBoxing

tyson = MikeTysonPesoPesado(SportingAIBoxing())

Now, when you call the simulate_fight method, it will use data and statistics from the Sporting AI API to simulate the fight.


Mike Tyson Peso Pesado is a Python package that provides the functionality for simulating boxing matches between historical heavyweight boxers. With its support for a variety of boxers and a wrapper for the Sporting AI API, it's a useful tool for anyone interested in the sport of boxing.