📜  Python - 使用 Tkinter 的 MCQ 问答游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:16.704000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python - 使用 Tkinter 的 MCQ 问答游戏

先决条件: Python GUI – tkinter

Python提供了一个标准的 GUI 框架 Tkinter,用于开发快速简便的 GUI 应用程序。在这里,我们将使用带有 GUI 的Python开发一个简单的多项选择测验。我们将使用 Tkinter 在Python创建一个多项选择测验。首先,我们将在您喜欢的目录中创建一个名为 Quiz 的库。



1. 我们将创建 data.json 来存储数据

测验的数据在data.json 中定义,JSON 数据是名称/值对并包含值数组。我们为测验定义了示例数据,如下所示:

  "question": [
    "Q1. What Indian city is the capital of two states?",
    "Q2. Which city is the capital of India?",
    "Q3. Smallest State of India?",
    "Q4. Where is Taj Mahal Located?"
  "answer": [
  "options": [


2. 在 quiz.py 中使用 Tkinter 创建 GUI

  1. 导入模块:tkinter 和 json
  2. 创建应用程序的主窗口(容器)
  3. 添加小部件以显示数据
  4. 为按钮添加功能
  5. 在测验中使用数据

注意: data.json 和 quiz.py 都将在我们上面定义的同一目录中创建。

现在我们已经创建了用于存储数据的 data.json 文件,我们将创建包含测验程序的quiz.py文件。

# Python program to create a simple GUI
# Simple Quiz using Tkinter
#import everything from tkinter
from tkinter import *
# and import messagebox as mb from tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox as mb
#import json to use json file for data
import json
#class to define the components of the GUI
class Quiz:
    # This is the first method which is called when a
    # new object of the class is initialized. This method
    # sets the question count to 0. and initialize all the
    # other methoods to display the content and make all the
    # functionalities available
    def __init__(self):
        # set question number to 0
        # assigns ques to the display_question function to update later.
        # opt_selected holds an integer value which is used for
        # selected option in a question.
        # displaying radio button for the current question and used to
        # display options for the current question
        # display options for the current question
        # displays the button for next and exit.
        # no of questions
        # keep a counter of correct answers
    # This method is used to display the result
    # It counts the number of correct and wrong answers
    # and then display them at the end as a message Box
    def display_result(self):
        # calculates the wrong count
        wrong_count = self.data_size - self.correct
        correct = f"Correct: {self.correct}"
        wrong = f"Wrong: {wrong_count}"
        # calcultaes the percentage of correct answers
        score = int(self.correct / self.data_size * 100)
        result = f"Score: {score}%"
        # Shows a message box to display the result
        mb.showinfo("Result", f"{result}\n{correct}\n{wrong}")
    # This method checks the Answer after we click on Next.
    def check_ans(self, q_no):
        # checks for if the selected option is correct
        if self.opt_selected.get() == answer[q_no]:
            # if the option is correct it return true
            return True
    # This method is used to check the answer of the
    # current question by calling the check_ans and question no.
    # if the question is correct it increases the count by 1
    # and then increase the question number by 1. If it is last
    # question then it calls display result to show the message box.
    # otherwise shows next question.
    def next_btn(self):
        # Check if the answer is correct
        if self.check_ans(self.q_no):
            # if the answer is correct it increments the correct by 1
            self.correct += 1
        # Moves to next Question by incrementing the q_no counter
        self.q_no += 1
        # checks if the q_no size is equal to the data size
        if self.q_no==self.data_size:
            # if it is correct then it displays the score
            # destroys the GUI
            # shows the next question
    # This method shows the two buttons on the screen.
    # The first one is the next_button which moves to next question
    # It has properties like what text it shows the functionality,
    # size, color, and property of text displayed on button. Then it
    # mentions where to place the button on the screen. The second
    # button is the exit button which is used to close the GUI without
    # completing the quiz.
    def buttons(self):
        # The first button is the Next button to move to the
        # next Question
        next_button = Button(gui, text="Next",command=self.next_btn,
        # palcing the button  on the screen
        # This is the second button which is used to Quit the GUI
        quit_button = Button(gui, text="Quit", command=gui.destroy,
        width=5,bg="black", fg="white",font=("ariel",16," bold"))
        # placing the Quit button on the screen
    # This method deselect the radio button on the screen
    # Then it is used to display the options available for the current
    # question which we obtain through the question number and Updates
    # each of the options for the current question of the radio button.
    def display_options(self):
        # deselecting the options
        # looping over the options to be displayed for the
        # text of the radio buttons.
        for option in options[self.q_no]:
    # This method shows the current Question on the screen
    def display_question(self):
        # setting the Question properties
        q_no = Label(gui, text=question[self.q_no], width=60,
        font=( 'ariel' ,16, 'bold' ), anchor= 'w' )
        #placing the option on the screen
        q_no.place(x=70, y=100)
    # This method is used to Display Title
    def display_title(self):
        # The title to be shown
        title = Label(gui, text="GeeksforGeeks QUIZ",
        width=50, bg="green",fg="white", font=("ariel", 20, "bold"))
        # place of the title
        title.place(x=0, y=2)
    # This method shows the radio buttons to select the Question
    # on the screen at the specified position. It also returns a
    # lsit of radio button which are later used to add the options to
    # them.
    def radio_buttons(self):
        # initialize the list with an empty list of options
        q_list = []
        # position of the first option
        y_pos = 150
        # adding the options to the list
        while len(q_list) < 4:
            # setting the radio button properties
            radio_btn = Radiobutton(gui,text=" ",variable=self.opt_selected,
            value = len(q_list)+1,font = ("ariel",14))
            # adding the button to the list
            # placing the button
            radio_btn.place(x = 100, y = y_pos)
            # incrementing the y-axis position by 40
            y_pos += 40
        # return the radio buttons
        return q_list
# Create a GUI Window
gui = Tk()
# set the size of the GUI Window
# set the title of the Window
gui.title("GeeksforGeeks Quiz")
# get the data from the json file
with open('data.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
# set the question, options, and answer
question = (data['question'])
options = (data['options'])
answer = (data[ 'answer'])
# create an object of the Quiz Class.
quiz = Quiz()
# Start the GUI
