基于图像的隐写术背后的想法非常简单。图像由数字数据(像素)组成,它描述了图片内部的内容,通常是所有像素的颜色。因为我们知道每个图像都是由像素组成的,每个像素都包含 3 个值(红、绿、蓝)。
使用 ASCII 值将每个数据字节转换为其 8 位二进制代码。现在从左到右读取一组 3 个像素,总共包含 9 个值。前 8 个值用于存储二进制数据。如果出现 1,即使出现 0,该值也会变为奇数。
例如 :
假设要隐藏的消息是“ Hii ”。由于消息是 3 字节,因此,对数据进行编码所需的像素为 3 x 3 = 9。考虑一个总共 12 个像素的 4 x 3 图像,足以对给定数据进行编码。
[(27, 64, 164), (248, 244, 194), (174, 246, 250), (149, 95, 232),
(188, 156, 169), (71, 167, 127), (132, 173, 97), (113, 69, 206),
(255, 29, 213), (53, 153, 220), (246, 225, 229), (142, 82, 175)]
“ H ”的 ASCII 值为 72,其二进制等效值为 01001000。
取前 3 个像素 (27, 64, 164), (248, 244, 194), (174, 246, 250) 进行编码。现在将像素更改为 1 的奇数和 0 的偶数。因此,修改后的像素为 (26, 63, 164), (248, 243, 194), (174, 246, 250)。由于我们必须编码更多数据,因此,最后一个值应该是偶数。类似地,“ i ”可以在这个图像中编码。
[(26, 63, 164), (248, 243, 194), (174, 246, 250), (148, 95, 231),
(188, 155, 168), (70, 167, 126), (132, 173, 97), (112, 69, 206),
(254, 29, 213), (53, 153, 220), (246, 225, 229), (142, 82, 175)]
解码时,一次读取三个像素,直到最后一个值为奇数,这意味着消息结束。每 3 个像素包含一个二进制数据,可以通过相同的编码逻辑提取。如果值为奇数,则二进制位为 1,否则为 0。
# Python program implementing Image Steganography
# PIL module is used to extract
# pixels of image and modify it
from PIL import Image
# Convert encoding data into 8-bit binary
# form using ASCII value of characters
def genData(data):
# list of binary codes
# of given data
newd = []
for i in data:
newd.append(format(ord(i), '08b'))
return newd
# Pixels are modified according to the
# 8-bit binary data and finally returned
def modPix(pix, data):
datalist = genData(data)
lendata = len(datalist)
imdata = iter(pix)
for i in range(lendata):
# Extracting 3 pixels at a time
pix = [value for value in imdata.__next__()[:3] +
imdata.__next__()[:3] +
# Pixel value should be made
# odd for 1 and even for 0
for j in range(0, 8):
if (datalist[i][j] == '0' and pix[j]% 2 != 0):
pix[j] -= 1
elif (datalist[i][j] == '1' and pix[j] % 2 == 0):
if(pix[j] != 0):
pix[j] -= 1
pix[j] += 1
# pix[j] -= 1
# Eighth pixel of every set tells
# whether to stop ot read further.
# 0 means keep reading; 1 means thec
# message is over.
if (i == lendata - 1):
if (pix[-1] % 2 == 0):
if(pix[-1] != 0):
pix[-1] -= 1
pix[-1] += 1
if (pix[-1] % 2 != 0):
pix[-1] -= 1
pix = tuple(pix)
yield pix[0:3]
yield pix[3:6]
yield pix[6:9]
def encode_enc(newimg, data):
w = newimg.size[0]
(x, y) = (0, 0)
for pixel in modPix(newimg.getdata(), data):
# Putting modified pixels in the new image
newimg.putpixel((x, y), pixel)
if (x == w - 1):
x = 0
y += 1
x += 1
# Encode data into image
def encode():
img = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ")
image = Image.open(img, 'r')
data = input("Enter data to be encoded : ")
if (len(data) == 0):
raise ValueError('Data is empty')
newimg = image.copy()
encode_enc(newimg, data)
new_img_name = input("Enter the name of new image(with extension) : ")
newimg.save(new_img_name, str(new_img_name.split(".")[1].upper()))
# Decode the data in the image
def decode():
img = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ")
image = Image.open(img, 'r')
data = ''
imgdata = iter(image.getdata())
while (True):
pixels = [value for value in imgdata.__next__()[:3] +
imgdata.__next__()[:3] +
# string of binary data
binstr = ''
for i in pixels[:8]:
if (i % 2 == 0):
binstr += '0'
binstr += '1'
data += chr(int(binstr, 2))
if (pixels[-1] % 2 != 0):
return data
# Main Function
def main():
a = int(input(":: Welcome to Steganography ::\n"
"1. Encode\n2. Decode\n"))
if (a == 1):
elif (a == 2):
print("Decoded Word : " + decode())
raise Exception("Enter correct input")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# Calling main function
输出 :