📜  使用Java为 PDF 中的表格设置背景

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:59.334000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用Java为 PDF 中的表格设置背景

您有没有想过如何将 PDF 表格中的不同单元格设置为各种颜色?好吧,在本文中,我们将看到如何使用您喜欢的语言Java中的iText库设置 PDF 表格中各种单元格的背景。

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创建一个新的Java Maven 项目并在 pom.xml 文件中添加以下依赖项。此步骤将所有必需的 jar 文件添加到 Maven 依赖项中。


// Java program to set the background of a PDF table
// Importing the necessary classes
import com.itextpdf.kernel.color.Color;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfWriter;
import com.itextpdf.layout.Document;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Cell;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Table;
import com.itextpdf.layout.property.TextAlignment;
// Personal Info Class
class PersonalInfo {
    // Name of each person
    String name;
    // Age of each person
    int age;
    // Country of origin of each person
    String origin;
    // Initializing the PersonalInfo object
    PersonalInfo(String name, int age, String origin)
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.origin = origin;
public class TableBackground {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try catch block to catch file Exceptions
        try {
            // Path of the PDF file
            String path = "F:/Table.pdf";
            // Creating a PDF writer object
            PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(path);
            // Creating a PDF Document object
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
            // Creating a Document object
            Document doc = new Document(pdf);
            // Creating an empty table with three columns
            Table table = new Table(3);
            // Initializing three cells which make the first
            // row of the table
            Cell c1 = new Cell();
            Cell c2 = new Cell();
            Cell c3 = new Cell();
            // Adding text to the cells
            // Setting the background color of each cell
            // Aligning the text to the center of each cell
            // Adding the cells to the table
            // Initializing an array of personal info
            PersonalInfo[] personalInfo
                = new PersonalInfo[3];
            // Adding data to the personal info array
                = new PersonalInfo("Yuri", 37, "Russian");
                = new PersonalInfo("Diksha", 18, "Indian");
                = new PersonalInfo("Sergio", 34, "Italian");
            // For loop to iterate over each person
            for (PersonalInfo pi : personalInfo) {
                // Initializing three empty cells which
                // represent the name, gender and origin of
                // a person
                // Cell 1 represents name
                c1 = new Cell();
                // Cell 2 represents age
                c2 = new Cell();
                // Cell 3 represents origin
                c3 = new Cell();
                // Checking whether the person is Indian
                if (pi.origin.equals("Indian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Indian flag
                    c1.setBackgroundColor(Color.ORANGE, 10);
                // Checking whether the person is Russian
                else if (pi.origin.equals("Russian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Russian flag
                // Checking whether the person is Italian
                else if (pi.origin.equals("Italian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Italian flag
                // Adding the person's details to their
                // respective cells
                c2.add(pi.age + "");
                // Aligning the text to the center of each
                // cell
                // Adding the cells to the table
            // Adding the table to the document
            // Closing the document
            System.out.println("Table Created");
        // Catching any unwanted exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

将背景设置为 PDF 表格

第 1 步:创建一个空的 PDF 文件。

  • 将空 PDF 的路径分配给 String 变量。
  • 从包com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf 中导入PdfWriter 。 (PdfWriter 允许我们在 PDF 文件上写入内容)
  • PdfWriter 接受一个 String 变量,因为它是一个表示 PDF 目标的参数。
  • 通过传递 PDF 文件的路径来初始化 PdfWriter 对象。

以下代码创建一个空的 PDF。

String path = "F:/Table.pdf"; 
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(path);

第 2 步:创建一个代表空 PDF 文件的 PDF 文档。

  • 从包 com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf 导入PdfDocument (PdfDocument 用于表示代码中的pdf。此后可用于添加或修改各种功能,例如字体、图像、表格等)
  • PdfDocument 接受 PdfWriter 或 PdfReader 对象作为它的参数。
  • 通过传递 PdfWriter 对象来初始化 PdfDocument。

以下代码创建一个 PdfDocument,它代表空的 PDF 文件。

PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);

第 3 步:创建文档。

  • 从包com.itextpdf.layout导入文档
  • 创建一个 Document 对象来制作 PDF 的可读版本。
  • Document 类的构造函数之一接受 PdfDocument 对象作为它的参数。
  • 通过传递 PdfDocument 对象来初始化文档。


Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);

第 4 步:创建一个表。

  • 从包com.itextpdf.layout.element导入
  • 表格由单元格创建,每个单元格占据一个单元行和列。
  • 表构造函数接受列数作为参数。
  • 通过传递列数作为参数来初始化表对象。


Table table = new Table(3);

第 5 步:使用 setBackgroundColor(Color.color, float opacity) 将单元格添加到具有偏好背景的表格中。

  • 包 e com.itextpdf.layout.element 中导入Cell
  • 从包com.itextpdf.kernel.color导入颜色
  • 初始化要添加到表格中的单元格数。
  • 使用add(String text)向单元格添加文本。
  • 使用 setBackgroundColor(Color.color, float opacity) 设置单元格的背景颜色。
  • 将单元格添加到表格中。


Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.add("Geeks for Geeks");
cell.setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN, 2);

第 6 步:将表格添加到文档中。

  • 使用document.add(Table table) 将创建的表格添加到文档中。
  • 使用document.close() 关闭文档。

以下代码将表格添加到 PDF 文档。




// Java program to set the background of a PDF table
// Importing the necessary classes
import com.itextpdf.kernel.color.Color;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfWriter;
import com.itextpdf.layout.Document;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Cell;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Table;
import com.itextpdf.layout.property.TextAlignment;
// Personal Info Class
class PersonalInfo {
    // Name of each person
    String name;
    // Age of each person
    int age;
    // Country of origin of each person
    String origin;
    // Initializing the PersonalInfo object
    PersonalInfo(String name, int age, String origin)
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.origin = origin;
public class TableBackground {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try catch block to catch file Exceptions
        try {
            // Path of the PDF file
            String path = "F:/Table.pdf";
            // Creating a PDF writer object
            PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(path);
            // Creating a PDF Document object
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
            // Creating a Document object
            Document doc = new Document(pdf);
            // Creating an empty table with three columns
            Table table = new Table(3);
            // Initializing three cells which make the first
            // row of the table
            Cell c1 = new Cell();
            Cell c2 = new Cell();
            Cell c3 = new Cell();
            // Adding text to the cells
            // Setting the background color of each cell
            // Aligning the text to the center of each cell
            // Adding the cells to the table
            // Initializing an array of personal info
            PersonalInfo[] personalInfo
                = new PersonalInfo[3];
            // Adding data to the personal info array
                = new PersonalInfo("Yuri", 37, "Russian");
                = new PersonalInfo("Diksha", 18, "Indian");
                = new PersonalInfo("Sergio", 34, "Italian");
            // For loop to iterate over each person
            for (PersonalInfo pi : personalInfo) {
                // Initializing three empty cells which
                // represent the name, gender and origin of
                // a person
                // Cell 1 represents name
                c1 = new Cell();
                // Cell 2 represents age
                c2 = new Cell();
                // Cell 3 represents origin
                c3 = new Cell();
                // Checking whether the person is Indian
                if (pi.origin.equals("Indian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Indian flag
                    c1.setBackgroundColor(Color.ORANGE, 10);
                // Checking whether the person is Russian
                else if (pi.origin.equals("Russian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Russian flag
                // Checking whether the person is Italian
                else if (pi.origin.equals("Italian")) {
                    // Setting the color of the cells to the
                    // colors of the Italian flag
                // Adding the person's details to their
                // respective cells
                c2.add(pi.age + "");
                // Aligning the text to the center of each
                // cell
                // Adding the cells to the table
            // Adding the table to the document
            // Closing the document
            System.out.println("Table Created");
        // Catching any unwanted exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

