📜  Apache NiFi-管理

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-18 08:43:00             🧑  作者: Mango

Apache NiFi为管理目的提供了对ambari,zookeeper等多种工具的支持。 NiFi还在nifi.properties文件中提供了配置,以便为管理员设置HTTPS和其他内容。


NiFi本身不处理集群中的投票过程。这意味着在创建集群时,所有节点都是主要节点和协调者。因此,将Zookeeper配置为管理主节点和协调者的投票。 nifi.properties文件包含一些用于设置zookeeper的属性。

S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.
./conf/zookeeper.properties To specify the path and name of zookeeper property file.
2 nifi.zookeeper.connect.string empty To specify the connection string of zookeeper.
3 nifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout 3 secs To specify the connection timeout of zookeeper with NiFi.
4 nifi.zookeeper.session.timeout 3 secs To specify the session timeout of zookeeper with NiFi.
5 nifi.zookeeper.root.node /nifi To specify root node for zookeeper.
6 nifi.zookeeper.auth.type empty To specify authentication type for zookeeper.


要通过HTTPS使用NiFi,管理员必须生成密钥库和信任库,并在nifi.properties文件中设置一些属性。 TLS工具包可用于生成所有必需的密钥,以在Apache NiFi中启用HTTPS。

S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.web.https.port empty To specify https port number.
2 nifi.web.https.network.interface.default empty Default interface for https in NiFi.
3 nifi.security.keystore empty To specify the path and file name of keystore.
4 nifi.security.keystoreType empty To specify the type of keystore type like JKS.
5 nifi.security.keystorePasswd empty To specify keystore password.
6 nifi.security.truststore empty To specify the path and file name of truststore.
7 nifi.security.truststoreType empty To specify the type of truststore type like JKS.
8 nifi.security.truststorePasswd empty To specify truststore password.



S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period 10 sec To specify the time to gracefully shutdown the NiFi flowcontroller.
2 nifi.administrative.yield.duration 30 sec To specify the administrative yield duration for NiFi.
3 nifi.authorizer.configuration.file ./conf/authorizers.xml To specify the path and file name of authorizer configuration file.
4 nifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file ./conf/login-identity-providers.xml To specify the path and file name of login identity provider configuration file.