📜  Apache NiFi-API

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-18 08:44:00             🧑  作者: Mango

NiFi提供了大量的API,可帮助开发人员进行更改并从任何其他工具或定制开发的应用程序中获取NiFi的信息。在本教程中,我们将使用Google chrome中的postman应用程序来解释一些示例。

要添加postmantoyour Google Chrome,请转到下面提到的URL,然后单击“添加到chrome”按钮。现在,您将看到一个添加了Google Chrome浏览器的新应用。


NiFi rest API的当前版本为1.8.0,并且该文档位于下面提到的URL中。


以下是最常用的NiFi rest API模块-

  • http:// / nifi-api / < api路径>

  • 如果启用了HTTPS https:// / nifi-api / < api-path >

S.No. API module Name api-path Description
1 Access /access To authenticate user and get access token from NiFi.
2 Controller /controller To manage the cluster and create reporting task.
3 Controller Services /controller-services It is used to manage controller services and update controller service references.
4 Reporting Tasks /reporting-tasks To manage reporting tasks.
5 Flow /flow To get the data flow metadata and  component status and query history
6 Process Groups /process-groups To upload and instantiate a template and create components.
7 Processors /processors To create and schedule a processor and set its properties.
8 Connections /connections To create a connection, set queue priority and update connection destination
9 FlowFile Queues /flowfile-queues To view queue contents, download flowfile content, and empty queue.
10 Remote Process Groups /remote-process-groups To create a remote group and enable transmission.
11 Provenance /provenance To query provenance, and search event lineage.



GET http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/flow/about


   "about": {
      "title": "NiFi",
      "version": "1.7.1",
      "uri": "http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/",
      "contentViewerUrl": "../nifi-content-viewer/",
      "timezone": "SGT",
      "buildTag": "nifi-1.7.1-RC1",
      "buildTimestamp": "07/12/2018 12:54:43 SGT"