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本章介绍了Apache POI API下的一些类和方法,这些类和方法对于使用Java程序处理Excel文件至关重要。
HSSFWorkbook-此类具有读取和写入.xls格式的Microsoft Excel文件的方法。它与MS-Office 97-2003版本兼容。
XSSFWorkbook-此类具有读取和写入.xls或.xlsx格式的Microsoft Excel和OpenOffice xml文件的方法。它与MS-Office 2007版或更高版本兼容。
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
HSSFWorkbook() Creates a new HSSFWorkbook object from scratch. |
2 |
HSSFWorkbook(DirectoryNode directory, boolean preserveNodes) Creates a new HSSFWworkbook objectinside a specific directory. |
3 |
HSSFWorkbook(DirectoryNode directory, POIFSFileSystem fs, boolean preserveNodes) Given a POIFSFileSystem object and a specific directory within it, it creates an SSFWorkbook object to read a specified workbook. |
4 |
HSSFWorkbook(java.io.InputStream s) Creates a new HSSFWorkbook object using an input stream. |
5 |
HSSFWorkbook(java.io.InputStream s, boolean preserveNodes) Constructs a POI file system around your input stream. |
6 |
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs) Constructs a new HSSFWorkbook object using a POIFSFileSystem object. |
7 |
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs, boolean preserveNodes) Given a POIFSFileSystem object, it creates a new HSSFWorkbook object to read a specified workbook. |
fs –是包含工作簿流的POI文件系统。
注– HSSFWorkbook类包含许多方法。但是它们仅与xls格式兼容。在本教程中,重点是Excel文件格式的最新版本。因此,此处未列出HSSFWorkbook的类方法。如果您需要这些类方法,请参阅https://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFWorkbook.html上的POI-HSSFWorkbook类API 。
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
XSSFWorkbook() Creates a new XSSFworkbook object from scratch. |
2 |
XSSFWorkbook(java.io.File file) Constructs an XSSFWorkbook object from a given file. |
3 |
XSSFWorkbook(java.io.InputStream is) Constructs an XSSFWorkbook object, by buffering the whole input stream into memory and then opening an OPCPackage object for it. |
4 |
XSSFWorkbook(java.lang.String path) Constructs an XSSFWorkbook object given the full path of a file. |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
createSheet() Creates an XSSFSheet for this workbook, adds it to the sheets, and returns the high level representation. |
2 |
createSheet(java.lang.String sheetname) Creates a new sheet for this Workbook and returns the high level representation. |
3 |
createFont() Creates a new font and adds it to the workbook’s font table. |
4 |
createCellStyle() Creates a new XSSFCellStyle and adds it to the workbook’s style table. |
5 |
createFont() Creates a new font and adds it to the workbook’s font table. |
6 |
setPrintArea(int sheetIndex, int startColumn, int endColumn, int startRow,int endRow) Sets the print area of a given sheet as per the specified parameters. |
有关此类的其余方法,请参阅以下位置的完整API文档: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook.html。有关方法的完整列表。
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook) Creates new HSSFSheet called by HSSFWorkbook to create a sheet from scratch. |
2 |
HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook, InternalSheet sheet) Creates an HSSFSheet representing the given sheet object. |
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
XSSFSheet() Creates new XSSFSheet – called by XSSFWorkbook to create a sheet from scratch. |
2 |
XSSFSheet(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel) Creates an XSSFSheet representing the given package part and relationship. |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress region) Adds a merged region of cells (hence those cells form one). |
2 |
autoSizeColumn(int column) Adjusts the column width to fit the contents. |
3 |
iterator() This method is an alias for rowIterator() to allow foreach loops |
4 |
addHyperlink(XSSFHyperlink hyperlink) Registers a hyperlink in the collection of hyperlinks on this sheet |
有关此类的其余方法,请参见以下网址的完整API: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFSheet.html。
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
createCell(int columnIndex) Creates new cells within the row and returns it. |
2 |
setHeight(short height) Sets the height in short units. |
Sr.No. | Cell Type & Description |
1 |
CELL_TYPE_BLANK Represents blank cell |
2 |
CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN Represents Boolean cell (true or false) |
3 |
CELL_TYPE_ERROR Represents error value on a cell |
4 |
CELL_TYPE_FORMULA Represents formula result on a cell |
5 |
CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC Represents numeric data on a cell |
6 |
CELL_TYPE_STRING Represents string (text) on a cell |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
setCellStyle(CellStyle style) Sets the style for the cell. |
2 |
setCellType(int cellType) Sets the type of cells (numeric, formula, or string). |
3 |
setCellValue(boolean value) Sets a boolean value for the cell. |
4 |
setCellValue(java.util.Calendar value) Sets a date value for the cell. |
5 |
setCellValue(double value) Sets a numeric value for the cell. |
6 |
setCellValue(java.lang.String str) Sets a string value for the cell. |
7 |
setHyperlink(Hyperlink hyperlink) Assigns a hyperlink to this cell. |
有关此类的其余方法和字段,请访问以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFCell.html
Sr.No. | Field & Description |
1 |
ALIGN_CENTER Center align the cell contents |
2 |
ALIGN_CENTER_SELECTION Center-selection horizontal alignment |
3 |
ALIGN_FILL Cell fit to the content size |
4 |
ALIGN_JUSTIFY Fit cell contents to its width |
5 |
ALIGN_LEFT Left align the cell contents |
6 |
ALIGN_RIGHT Right align the cell contents |
7 |
BORDER_DASH_DOT Cell style with dash and dot |
8 |
BORDER_DOTTED Cell style with dotted border |
9 |
BORDER_DASHED Cell style with dashed border |
10 |
BORDER_THICK Cell style with thick border |
11 |
BORDER_THIN Cell style with thin border |
12 |
VERTICAL_BOTTOM Align the cell contents vertical bottom |
13 |
VERTICAL_CENTER Align the cell contents vertical center |
15 |
VERTICAL_JUSTIFY Align and justify the cell contents vertically |
16 |
VERTICAL_TOP Top aligned vertical alignment |
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
XSSFCellStyle(int cellXfId, int cellStyleXfId, StylesTable stylesSource, ThemesTable theme) Creates a cell style from the supplied parts |
2 |
XSSFCellStyle(StylesTable stylesSource) Creates an empty cell Style |
S.No | Method & Description |
1 |
setAlignment(short align) Sets the type of horizontal alignment for the cell |
2 |
setBorderBottom(short border) Sets the type of border for the bottom border of the cell |
3 |
setBorderColor(XSSFCellBorder.BorderSide side, XSSFColor color) Sets the color for the selected border |
4 |
setBorderLeft(Short border) Sets the type of border for the left border of the cell |
5 |
setBorderRight(short border) Sets the type of border for the right border of the cell |
6 |
setBorderTop(short border) Sets the type of border for the top border of the cell |
7 |
setFillBackgroundColor(XSSFColor color) Sets the background fill color represented as an XSSFColor value. |
8 |
setFillForegroundColor(XSSFColor color) Sets the foreground fill color represented as an XSSFColor value. |
9 |
setFillPattern(short fp) Specifies the cell fill information for pattern and solid color cell fills. |
10 |
setFont(Font font) Sets the font for this style. |
11 |
setRotation(short rotation) Sets the degree of rotation for the text in the cell. |
12 |
setVerticalAlignment(short align) Sets the type of vertical alignment for the cell. |
对于此类中的其余方法和字段,请通过以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFCellStyle.html
Sr.No. | Class names (colors) |
1 | HSSFColor.AQUA |
3 | HSSFColor.BLACK |
4 | HSSFColor.BLUE |
7 | HSSFColor.CORAL |
10 | HSSFColor.SKY_BLUE |
11 | HSSFColor.WHITE |
12 | HSSFColor.YELLOW |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
getIndex() This method is used to get the index value of a nested class. |
有关其余方法和嵌套类,请参见以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hssf/util/HSSFColor.html
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
XSSFColor() Creates a new instance of XSSFColor. |
2 |
XSSFColor(byte[] rgb) Creates a new instance of XSSFColor using RGB. |
3 |
XSSFColor(java.awt.Color clr) Creates a new instance of XSSFColor using the Color class from the awt package. |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
setAuto(boolean auto) Sets a boolean value to indicate that the ctColor is automatic and the system ctColor is dependent. |
2 |
setIndexed(int indexed) Sets indexed ctColor value as system ctColor. |
对于其余方法,请访问以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFColor.html
Sr.No. | Constructor & Description |
1 |
XSSFFont() Creates a new XSSFont instance. |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
setBold(boolean bold) Sets a Boolean value for the ‘bold’ attribute. |
2 |
setColor(short color) Sets the indexed color for the font. |
3 |
setColor(XSSFColor color) Sets the color for the font in Standard Alpha RGB color value. |
4 |
setFontHeight(short height) Sets the font height in points. |
5 |
setFontName(java.lang.String name) Sets the name for the font. |
6 |
setItalic(boolean italic) Sets a Boolean value for the ‘italic’ property. |
对于其余方法,请通过以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFFont.html
Sr.No. | Field & Description |
1 |
LINK_DOCUMENT Used to link any other document |
2 |
LINK_EMAIL Used to link email |
3 |
LINK_FILE Used to link any other file in any format |
4 |
LINK_URL Used to link a web URL |
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
setAddress(java.lang.String address) Hyperlink address. |
对于其余方法,请访问以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFHyperlink.html
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
createFormulaEvaluator() Creates an XSSFFormulaEvaluator instance, the object that evaluates formula cells. |
2 |
createHyperlink(int type) Creates a new XSSFHyperlink. |
对于其余方法,请参考以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFCreationHelper.html
Sr.No. | Method & Description |
1 |
setLandscape(boolean ls) Sets a boolean value to allow or block landscape printing. |
2 |
setLeftToRight(boolean ltor) Sets whether to go left to right or top down in ordering while printing. |
3 |
setPaperSize(short size) Sets the paper size. |
对于其余方法,请访问以下链接: https : //poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFPrintSetup.html