📜  页面排名算法与实现

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:20.583000             🧑  作者: Mango


PageRank (PR) 是 Google 搜索使用的一种算法,用于在其搜索引擎结果中对网站进行排名。 PageRank 以谷歌创始人之一拉里·佩奇的名字命名。 PageRank 是衡量网站页面重要性的一种方法。根据谷歌:


PageRank 算法输出一个概率分布,用于表示一个人随机点击链接将到达任何特定页面的可能性。可以为任何大小的文档集合计算 PageRank。在几篇研究论文中假设分布在计算过程开始时在集合中的所有文档中平均分配。 PageRank 计算需要多次通过,称为“迭代”,通过集合来调整近似的 PageRank 值以更接近地反映理论真实值。

假设一个包含四个网页的小宇宙:A、B、C 和 D。从一个页面到其自身的链接,或从一个页面到另一个页面的多个出站链接被忽略。 PageRank 被初始化为所有页面的相同值。在 PageRank 的原始形式中,所有页面的 PageRank 之和是当时网络上的页面总数,因此本示例中的每个页面的初始值都为 1。但是,更高版本的 PageRank,以及本节的其余部分,假设概率分布在 0 和 1 之间。因此,本示例中每一页的初始值为 0.25。
在下一次迭代中,从给定页面转移到其出站链接目标的 PageRank 在所有出站链接中平均分配。
如果系统中仅有的链接是从页面 B、C 和 D 到 A,则每个链接将在下一次迭代时将 0.25 PageRank 转移到 A,总共 0.75。
PR(A) = PR(B) + PR(C) + PR(D).\,
假设页面 B 有一个指向页面 C 和 A 的链接,页面 C 有一个指向页面 A 的链接,页面 D 有指向所有三个页面的链接。因此,在第一次迭代中,页面 B 会将其现有值的一半(即 0.125)转移到页面 A,将另一半(即 0.125)转移到页面 C。页面 C 会将其所有现有值 0.25 转移到唯一的它链接到的页面,A。由于 D 有三个出站链接,它会将其现有值的三分之一,即大约 0.083,转移到 A。在此迭代完成时,页面 A 的 PageRank 大约为 0.458。
PR(A)={\frac {PR(B)}{2}}+{\frac {PR(C)}{1}}+{\frac {PR(D)}{3}}.\,
换句话说,出站链接赋予的 PageRank 等于文档自身的 PageRank 分数除以出站链接的数量 L(·)。
PR(A)={\frac {PR(B)}{L(B)}}+{\frac {PR(C)}{L(C)}}+{\frac {PR(D)}{L(D)}}.\,  在一般情况下,任何页面 u 的 PageRank 值都可以表示为:
PR(u) = \sum_{v \in B_u} \frac{PR(v)}{L(v)}  ,
即页面 u 的 PageRank 值取决于集合 Bu(包含链接到页面 u 的所有页面的集合)中每个页面 v 的 PageRank 值除以来自页面 v 的链接数 L(v)。算法涉及用于计算 PageRank 的阻尼因子。这就像政府从一个人身上提取的所得税,尽管他自己支付了他。


def pagerank(G, alpha=0.85, personalization=None,
             max_iter=100, tol=1.0e-6, nstart=None, weight='weight',
    """Return the PageRank of the nodes in the graph.
    PageRank computes a ranking of the nodes in the graph G based on
    the structure of the incoming links. It was originally designed as
    an algorithm to rank web pages.
    G : graph
      A NetworkX graph.  Undirected graphs will be converted to a directed
      graph with two directed edges for each undirected edge.
    alpha : float, optional
      Damping parameter for PageRank, default=0.85.
    personalization: dict, optional
      The "personalization vector" consisting of a dictionary with a
      key for every graph node and nonzero personalization value for each node.
      By default, a uniform distribution is used.
    max_iter : integer, optional
      Maximum number of iterations in power method eigenvalue solver.
    tol : float, optional
      Error tolerance used to check convergence in power method solver.
    nstart : dictionary, optional
      Starting value of PageRank iteration for each node.
    weight : key, optional
      Edge data key to use as weight.  If None weights are set to 1.
    dangling: dict, optional
      The outedges to be assigned to any "dangling" nodes, i.e., nodes without
      any outedges. The dict key is the node the outedge points to and the dict
      value is the weight of that outedge. By default, dangling nodes are given
      outedges according to the personalization vector (uniform if not
      specified). This must be selected to result in an irreducible transition
      matrix (see notes under google_matrix). It may be common to have the
      dangling dict to be the same as the personalization dict.
    pagerank : dictionary
       Dictionary of nodes with PageRank as value
    The eigenvector calculation is done by the power iteration method
    and has no guarantee of convergence.  The iteration will stop
    after max_iter iterations or an error tolerance of
    number_of_nodes(G)*tol has been reached.
    The PageRank algorithm was designed for directed graphs but this
    algorithm does not check if the input graph is directed and will
    execute on undirected graphs by converting each edge in the
    directed graph to two edges.
    if len(G) == 0:
        return {}
    if not G.is_directed():
        D = G.to_directed()
        D = G
    # Create a copy in (right) stochastic form
    W = nx.stochastic_graph(D, weight=weight)
    N = W.number_of_nodes()
    # Choose fixed starting vector if not given
    if nstart is None:
        x = dict.fromkeys(W, 1.0 / N)
        # Normalized nstart vector
        s = float(sum(nstart.values()))
        x = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in nstart.items())
    if personalization is None:
        # Assign uniform personalization vector if not given
        p = dict.fromkeys(W, 1.0 / N)
        missing = set(G) - set(personalization)
        if missing:
            raise NetworkXError('Personalization dictionary '
                                'must have a value for every node. '
                                'Missing nodes %s' % missing)
        s = float(sum(personalization.values()))
        p = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in personalization.items())
    if dangling is None:
        # Use personalization vector if dangling vector not specified
        dangling_weights = p
        missing = set(G) - set(dangling)
        if missing:
            raise NetworkXError('Dangling node dictionary '
                                'must have a value for every node. '
                                'Missing nodes %s' % missing)
        s = float(sum(dangling.values()))
        dangling_weights = dict((k, v/s) for k, v in dangling.items())
    dangling_nodes = [n for n in W if W.out_degree(n, weight=weight) == 0.0]
    # power iteration: make up to max_iter iterations
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        xlast = x
        x = dict.fromkeys(xlast.keys(), 0)
        danglesum = alpha * sum(xlast[n] for n in dangling_nodes)
        for n in x:
            # this matrix multiply looks odd because it is
            # doing a left multiply x^T=xlast^T*W
            for nbr in W[n]:
                x[nbr] += alpha * xlast[n] * W[n][nbr][weight]
            x[n] += danglesum * dangling_weights[n] + (1.0 - alpha) * p[n]
        # check convergence, l1 norm
        err = sum([abs(x[n] - xlast[n]) for n in x])
        if err < N*tol:
            return x
    raise NetworkXError('pagerank: power iteration failed to converge '
                        'in %d iterations.' % max_iter)

>>> import networkx as nx
>>> G=nx.barabasi_albert_graph(60,41)
>>> pr=nx.pagerank(G,0.4)
>>> pr

{0: 0.012774147598875784, 1: 0.013359655345577266, 2: 0.013157355731377924,
3: 0.012142198569313045, 4: 0.013160014506830858, 5: 0.012973342862730735,
 6: 0.012166706783753325, 7: 0.011985935451513014, 8: 0.012973502696061718,
9: 0.013374146193499381, 10: 0.01296354505412387, 11: 0.013163220326063332,
 12: 0.013368514624403237, 13: 0.013169335617283102, 14: 0.012752071800520563,
15: 0.012951601882210992, 16: 0.013776032065400283, 17: 0.012356820581336275,
18: 0.013151652554311779, 19: 0.012551059531065245, 20: 0.012583415756427995,
 21: 0.013574117265891684, 22: 0.013167552803671937, 23: 0.013165528583400423,
 24: 0.012584981049854336, 25: 0.013372989228254582, 26: 0.012569416076848989,
 27: 0.013165322299539031, 28: 0.012954300960607157, 29: 0.012776091973397076,
 30: 0.012771016515779594, 31: 0.012953404860268598, 32: 0.013364947854005844,
33: 0.012370004022947507, 34: 0.012977539153099526, 35: 0.013170376268827118,
 36: 0.012959579020039328, 37: 0.013155319659777197, 38: 0.013567147133137161,
 39: 0.012171548109779459, 40: 0.01296692767996657, 41: 0.028089802328702826,
 42: 0.027646981396639115, 43: 0.027300188191869485, 44: 0.02689771667021551,
 45: 0.02650459107960327, 46: 0.025971186884778535, 47: 0.02585262571331937,
48: 0.02565482923824489, 49: 0.024939722913691394, 50: 0.02458271197701402,
 51: 0.024263128557312528, 52: 0.023505217517258568, 53: 0.023724311872578157,
 54: 0.02312908947188023, 55: 0.02298716954828392, 56: 0.02270220663300396,
 57: 0.022060403216132875, 58: 0.021932442105075004, 59: 0.021643288632623502}


要在 networkx 中实现上述功能,您必须执行以下操作:


>>> import networkx as nx
>>> G=nx.barabasi_albert_graph(60,41)
>>> pr=nx.pagerank(G,0.4)
>>> pr

下面是输出,您将在必要的安装后在 IDLE 上获得。


{0: 0.012774147598875784, 1: 0.013359655345577266, 2: 0.013157355731377924,
3: 0.012142198569313045, 4: 0.013160014506830858, 5: 0.012973342862730735,
 6: 0.012166706783753325, 7: 0.011985935451513014, 8: 0.012973502696061718,
9: 0.013374146193499381, 10: 0.01296354505412387, 11: 0.013163220326063332,
 12: 0.013368514624403237, 13: 0.013169335617283102, 14: 0.012752071800520563,
15: 0.012951601882210992, 16: 0.013776032065400283, 17: 0.012356820581336275,
18: 0.013151652554311779, 19: 0.012551059531065245, 20: 0.012583415756427995,
 21: 0.013574117265891684, 22: 0.013167552803671937, 23: 0.013165528583400423,
 24: 0.012584981049854336, 25: 0.013372989228254582, 26: 0.012569416076848989,
 27: 0.013165322299539031, 28: 0.012954300960607157, 29: 0.012776091973397076,
 30: 0.012771016515779594, 31: 0.012953404860268598, 32: 0.013364947854005844,
33: 0.012370004022947507, 34: 0.012977539153099526, 35: 0.013170376268827118,
 36: 0.012959579020039328, 37: 0.013155319659777197, 38: 0.013567147133137161,
 39: 0.012171548109779459, 40: 0.01296692767996657, 41: 0.028089802328702826,
 42: 0.027646981396639115, 43: 0.027300188191869485, 44: 0.02689771667021551,
 45: 0.02650459107960327, 46: 0.025971186884778535, 47: 0.02585262571331937,
48: 0.02565482923824489, 49: 0.024939722913691394, 50: 0.02458271197701402,
 51: 0.024263128557312528, 52: 0.023505217517258568, 53: 0.023724311872578157,
 54: 0.02312908947188023, 55: 0.02298716954828392, 56: 0.02270220663300396,
 57: 0.022060403216132875, 58: 0.021932442105075004, 59: 0.021643288632623502}

上述代码已经在 IDLE(windows 的Python IDE)上运行。在运行此代码之前,您需要下载 networkx 库。花括号内的部分代表输出。它几乎类似于 Ipython(适用于 Ubuntu 用户)。


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank
  • http://networkx.readthedocs.io/en/networkx-1.10/index.html
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ranking-google-search-works/
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/google-search-works/