📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-23 00:59:33             🧑  作者: Mango
aggregate: "" || 1, pipeline: [ , <...>],
explain: , allowDiskUse: ,
cursor: ,
maxTimeMS: ,
bypassDocumentValidation: ,
readConcern: ,
collation: ,
hint: ,
comment: ,
Fields | Type | Description |
aggregate | string | It contains the name of the aggregation pipeline |
pipeline | array | The array that transforms the list of documents as a part of the aggregation pipeline. |
explain | boolean | The explain field is optional that is used to return the information on the processing of the pipeline. |
allowDiskUse | boolean | It enables the command to write to the temporary files. |
cursor | document | It addresses the documents that contains the control option for the creation of the cursor object. |
maxTimeMS | non-negative integer | It defines a time limit for the processing operations on a cursor. |
Bypass Document Validation |
boolean | It is applicable only in case if you specify the out or merge aggregation stages. |
readConcern | document | It specifies the read concern. The possible read concern levels are – local, available, majority, and linearizable. |
collation | document | We can specify language-specific rules for string comparison using collation. Such as – rules for case and accent marks.
collation: { locale: |
hint | string or document | It declares the index either by the index name or by the index specification document. |
comment | string | We can declare an arbitrary string to help trace the operation through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs. |
writeConcern | document | It is set to use the default write concern with the $out or $merge pipeline stages. |
_id: ObjectId("52769ea0f3dc6ead47c9a1b2"),
author: "Ankit",
title: "JavaTpoint",
tags: [ "Java Tutorial", "DBMS Tutorial", "mongodb"]
db.runCommand( { aggregate: "articles",
pipeline: [
{ $project: { tags: 1 } },
{ $unwind: "$tags" },
{ $group: { _id: "$tags", count: { $sum : 1 } } }
cursor: { }
} )
MongoDB count命令对集合或视图中的文档数进行计数。它返回包含计数和命令状态的文档。
count: ,
query: ,
limit: ,
skip: ,
hint: ,
readConcern: ,
Field | Type | Description |
count | string | It is the name of the collection or view to count. |
query | document | It is optional and used to select the document to count in the collection or view. |
limit | integer | It is optional and used to limit the maximum number of matching documents to return. |
skip | integer | It is optional and is used for matching documents to skip before returning results. |
hint | string | It is used to define either the index name as a string or the index specification document. |
readConcerndocument | It specifies the read concern.
readConcern: { level: |
collation | document | It allows us to define language-specific rules for string comparison. Syntax: collation: { locale: |
db.runCommand( { count: 'orders' } )
distinct: "",
key: "",
query: ,
readConcern: ,
Field | Type | Description |
distinct | string | It is the name of the collection to query for different values |
key | string | This is the field for which the command returns the distinct value. |
query | document | It specifies the documents from where the distinct value will be retrieved. |
readConcerndocument | It specifies the read concern.
readConcern: { level: |
collation | document | It allows us to define language-specific rules for string comparison. Syntax: collation: { locale: |
db.runCommand ( { distinct: "library", key: "books" } )
mapReduce: ,
map: ,
reduce: ,
finalize: ,
Field | Type | Description |
MapReduce | collection | It is the name of the collection on which we want to perform the map-reduce operation. |
map | function | It is a JavaScript function that associates or maps the key-value pair. |
reduce | function | It is a JavaScript function that reduces to a single object all the values associated with a particular key. |
out | string | It specifies where to store the output. |
query | document | It specifies the selection criteria to determine the documents input to the map function. |
sort | document | It sorts the input document. |
limit | number | It specifies a maximum number of documents for the input into the map function. |
finalize | function | It follows the reduce method to modify the output. |
scope | document | It is an option and declares the global variables that are accessible on the map. |
jsMode | boolean | The jsMode specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format. |
verbose | boolean | It specifies whether to include the timing information in the result or not. |
bypass Document Validation |
boolean | It enables map-reduce to bypass document validation during the operation. |
collation | document | It allows us to specify language-specific rules for string comparison.
collation: { locale: |
writeConcern | document | It is a document that expresses the write concern to use when outputting to a collection. |
var mapFunction = function() { ... };
var reduceFunction = function(key, values) { ... };
mapReduce: ,
map: mapFunction,
reduce: reduceFunction,
out: { merge: },