想要花哨并创建动画横幅吗?这个程序将在Python控制台打印一个很酷的动画横幅。最初,它仅适用于显示'GeeksForGeeks' 。通过自己添加更多字符将其视为挑战。
重要提示:- 为此,您必须在控制台中打开文件,而不是通过编辑器/IDLE。
import os
import time
#You can change the width of the display according to your wish.
WIDTH = 250
# Written below currently is GeeksForGeeks. If you wish to get more
# written, you have to add each alphabet manually.
message = "geeksforgeeks".upper()
#The message will get printed here.
printedMessage = [ "","","","","","","","","","","","","","", ]
What we have done here is a dictionary mapping the letters to their line.
These mapped indexes identify itself to each letter in the dictionary and
also for each line in the display.
characters = { " " : [ " ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" " ],
"E" : [ "*****",
"* ",
"* ",
"* ",
"* ",
"*****" ],
"O" : [ "*****",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"*****" ],
"K" : [ " * *",
" * * ",
" * * ",
" ** ",
" * * ",
" * * ",
" * *" ],
"S" : [" **** ",
" * ",
" * ",
" *** ",
" * ",
" * ",
" **** " ],
"G" : [" *** ",
"* * ",
"* ",
"* *** ",
"* * ",
"* * ",
" *** " ],
"F" : ["***** ",
"* ",
"* ",
"**** ",
"* ",
"* ",
"* " ],
"R" : [" **** ",
" * * ",
" * * ",
" **** ",
" * * ",
" * * ",
" * * " ]
for row in range(7):
for char in message:
printedMessage[row] += (str(characters[char][row]) + " ")
offset = WIDTH
while True:
for row in range(7):
print(" " * offset + printedMessage[row][max(0,offset*-1):WIDTH - offset])
offset -=1
if offset <= ((len(message)+2)*6) * -1:
offset = WIDTH
#Use this to change the speed of the animation that you wish to keep.