📜  jQuery UI Selectmenu

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-27 02:01:08             🧑  作者: Mango

jQuery UI选择菜单

jQuery UI Selectmenu用于扩展本机HTML select元素的功能。它提供了行为和外观方面的自定义功能,远远超出了本机选择的限制。

jQuery UI Selectmenu小部件提供对select元素的适当替换,并充当原始select元素的代理,控制原始select元素的状态以进行表单提交或序列化。

jQuery UI selectmenu()方法的示例


  jQuery UI Selectmenu - Default functionality


Option Description
appendTo It is used to append the menu. Its default value is NULL.
disabled If you set this option to true, it disables the Selectmenu. Its default value is FALSE.
icons This option is used to specify a button.
position It identifies the position of the menu in relation to the associated button element.
width It specifies the width of the menu in pixels. Its default value is NULL.


让我们以一个示例来演示上面的表选项。以下示例在jQuery UI Selectmenu示例中指定如何使用Disabled选项。

$( ".selector" ).selectmenu({
  disabled: true



var disabled = $( ".selector" ).selectmenu( "option", "disabled" );


$( ".selector" ).selectmenu( "option", "disabled", true );

jQueryUI selectmenu()示例2



  jQuery UI Selectmenu - Default functionality

以下是可与此jQueryUI Selectmenu方法一起使用的不同操作(方法)的列表。

Action Description
close This method is used to close the menu. It does not accept any argument.
destroy It is used to remove the Selectmenu functionality completely and return the element back to its pre-init state. It does not accept any argument.
disable It is used to disable the Selectmenu functionality. It does not accept any argument.
enable It is used to enable the Selectmenu. It does not accept any argument.
instance This method retrieves the instance object of Selectmenu. It does not accept any argument.
menuWidget It returns the jQuery object containing the menu element. It does not accept any argument.
open It is used to open the menu. It does not accept any argument.
option It gets an object having the key/value pairs specifying the current Selectmenu options hash.
refresh It is used to parse the original element and re-render the menu. It does not accept any argument.
widget It returns a jQuery object having the button element.