Input : Geeks for Geeks
Output : Geeks FOR Geeks
Explanation: The string contains three words “Geeks”, “for”, “Geeks” out of which the word “for” contains all its characters as lower cases, therefore, toggle the case of the word. Print the remaining characters as it is.
Input : HELLO world
Output : hello WORLD
if all the characters are in the same case
if all the characters are lower case
then convert into upper case
else convert into lower case
else print the same word
# Python program to toggle character in
# a string only with same case
# Function to toggle case
def toggle(s):
word_list = s.split()
# traverse through each word of the string
for word in word_list:
# initially assume all the characters in word
# are in the same case and set the flag to 1
flag = 1
# check the case of the first
# character in the word
if word[0].islower():
# if the case is lower set the r value to 1
r = 1
# traverse through the remaining
# characters in the word
for j in word:
# if any of the characters are in upper case
if j.isupper():
# then set the flag to 0
flag = 0
# if the case is upper
# set the r value to 1
r = 0
# traverse through the remaining
# characters in the word
for j in word:
# if any of the characters are in lower case
if j.islower():
# then set the flag to 0
flag = 0
# if the flag is 0 then print the word as it is
if flag == 0: print(word, end =" ")
# if the word is in lower case
# then print the word in upper case
if r == 1: print(word.upper(), end =" ")
# if the word is in upper case
# then print the word in lower case
else: print(word.lower(), end =" ")
# driver code
s = 'Geeks for Geeks'
Geeks FOR Geeks
# Python program to toggle character in
# a string only with same case
# Function to toggle case
def toggle(s):
word_list = s.split()
# traverse through each word of the string
for word in word_list:
if word.islower() :
print(word.upper(), end =" ")
elif word.isupper() :
print(word.lower(), end =" ")
else :
print(word, end =" ")
# driver code
s = 'Geeks for Geeks'
Geeks FOR Geeks