我们知道物质可能会改变形式,因为它是由微观粒子组成的。但是这些物质粒子的性质是什么?它背后的科学究竟是什么?让我们在下面了解更多关于它们的信息。此事 被定义为任何有质量并占据空间的东西。不同类型的物质包括笔、纸、夹子、土地、空气、冰等。每一种物质都是由微观粒子组成的。这些粒子非常小,以至于人眼是看不见的。让我们看看物质粒子的许多特性。
- 所有物质都由可能独立存在的极其微小的粒子组成:物质由可能是原子或分子的非常微小的粒子组成,例如,当我们将一勺盐或糖溶解在一杯水中时。
- 物质粒子之间存在空间:物质的粒子非常小,超出想象,这些粒子之间有空间。
- 物质粒子总是在运动:这是因为粒子所拥有的动能随着温度的升高而增加,因此粒子运动得更快。
- 物质粒子相互吸引:吸引力将物质粒子结合成一个整体,并导致粒子排列。物质粒子之间有一种作用力。
Rigid matter can also be called Solid matter. In Solid, the particles are very closely packed. And, thus the force of attraction between particles is very strong.
- 明确的形状、大小、体积和明显的边界。
- 可忽略不计的可压缩性。
- 固体在受到外力时倾向于保持其形状。
- 它们是刚性的,很难改变它们的形状。
- 物质单位体积的质量称为密度。
- 固体中的分子间作用力很高。
- 固体中的动能非常低。
- 固体不具有扩散特性。
Liquid matter can also be called as Liquid matter. In Liquids, the particles are less closely packed as compared to solid. And, thus Force of attraction between particles is also less strong.
- 没有明确的形状或明显的边界,但有固定的体积。
- 它们可以被压缩。
- 在科学中,气体和液体的通用名称是流体。
- 液体不是刚性的,但具有流动的特性,这就是液体被称为流体的原因。
- 分子间作用力小于固体。
- 在液体中,动能大于固体。
- 液体的密度适中。
- 液体具有扩散性。
- 它们可以采取任何形状。
- 大气中的氧气和二氧化碳气体扩散并溶解在水中。由于这些气体,水生植物和动物能够生存。
- 由于液体颗粒的自由运动,液体中的扩散比固体中的扩散要大得多。
现在让我们了解刚性和流动性之间的一些关键区别, Rigidity Fluidity1. Rigidity is the ability of a solid to maintain its form as it changes. That is, when an external force is applied to a solid substance, the form will remain unchanged. Fluidity is a characteristic that allows a molecule’s particles to move around in space. Fluidity refers to the ease with which particles may move about in a material. 2. It is the strongest force of attraction between particles and this property makes the solid rigid. Fluidity cannot resist a shear force or stress without moving as can a solid. Therefore, a lesser force of attraction and more space between particles makes the liquid and gas flow easily. 3. It is usually classified as Solids. It is usually classified as liquids or gases. 4. Rigidity gives the perfect shape to solids, as the particles in the solid are tightly packed. Fluidity does not give the perfect shape to solids, as the particles in the liquid or gas are loosely packed. 5. Thus, the matters which exhibit such property are called Rigid matters. e.g. Solids. Thus, the matters which exhibit such property are called Fluid matters. e.g. Liquid and gas.
The tendency of a substance to retain/maintain their shape when subjected to outside force is called Rigidity.
问题 2:水在 (a) 250°C (b) 100°C 时的物理状态是什么。
(a) Physical state of water at 250°C is a gaseous state because the boiling point of water is 100°C. Therefore at a temperature higher than its boiling point, it exists as gas.
(b) At 100°C both liquid and gaseous states are present. These are in a state of equilibrium. So at 100°C both liquid water and vapours are present.
问题 3:什么会产生更严重的烧伤、沸水或蒸汽?
Steam at 100°C will produce more severe bums as extra heat is hidden in it called latent heat whereas the boiling water does not have this hidden heat.
Both acetone and perfume are low boiling liquids. When they are poured on the palm, they evaporate readily and for this change of state they take the energy from the palm and we get a cooling sensation.
Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid because they undergo sublimation i.e they directly change into vapours without passing through the liquid state.