Feistel Cipher 模型是用于开发许多分组密码(例如 DES)的结构或设计。 Feistel 密码在其设计中可能具有可逆、不可逆和自可逆组件。使用相同的加密和解密算法。每轮使用一个单独的密钥。然而,相同的轮密钥用于加密和解密。
- 创建所有纯文本字符的列表。
- 将纯文本转换为 Ascii,然后转换为 8 位二进制格式。
- 将二进制纯文本字符串分成两半:左半边(L1)和右半边(R1)
- 为两轮生成一个长度等于纯文本长度一半的随机二进制密钥(K1 和 K2)。
- 一种。使用 R1 和 K1 生成函数f1,如下所示:
f1= xor(R1, K1)
- 湾。现在第一轮后新的左半边(L2)和右半边(R2)如下:
R2= xor(f1, L1)
- 一种。使用 R2 和 K2 生成函数f2,如下所示:
f2= xor(R2, K2)
- 湾。现在第二轮后新的左半边(L3)和右半边(R3)如下:
R3= xor(f2, L2)
- R3 到 L3 的连接是密文
- 相同的算法用于解密以从密文中检索纯文本。
Plain Text is: Hello
Cipher Text: E1!w(
Retrieved Plain Text is: b'Hello'
Plain Text is: Geeks
Cipher Text: O;Q
Retrieved Plain Text is: b'Geeks'
# Python program to demonstrate
# Feistel Cipher Algorithm
import binascii
# Random bits key generation
def rand_key(p):
import random
key1 = ""
p = int(p)
for i in range(p):
temp = random.randint(0,1)
temp = str(temp)
key1 = key1 + temp
# Function to implement bit exor
def exor(a,b):
temp = ""
for i in range(n):
if (a[i] == b[i]):
temp += "0"
temp += "1"
return temp
# Defining BinarytoDecimal() function
def BinaryToDecimal(binary):
# Using int function to convert to
# string
string = int(binary, 2)
return string
# Feistel Cipher
PT = "Hello"
print("Plain Text is:", PT)
# Converting the plain text to
PT_Ascii = [ord(x) for x in PT]
# Converting the ASCII to
# 8-bit binary format
PT_Bin = [format(y,'08b') for y in PT_Ascii]
PT_Bin = "".join(PT_Bin)
n = int(len(PT_Bin)//2)
L1 = PT_Bin[0:n]
R1 = PT_Bin[n::]
m = len(R1)
# Generate Key K1 for the
# first round
K1= rand_key(m)
# Generate Key K2 for the
# second round
K2= rand_key(m)
# first round of Feistel
f1 = exor(R1,K1)
R2 = exor(f1,L1)
L2 = R1
# Second round of Feistel
f2 = exor(R2,K2)
R3 = exor(f2,L2)
L3 = R2
# Cipher text
bin_data = L3 + R3
str_data =' '
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), 7):
# slicing the bin_data from index range [0, 6]
# and storing it in temp_data
temp_data = bin_data[i:i + 7]
# passing temp_data in BinarytoDecimal() function
# to get decimal value of corresponding temp_data
decimal_data = BinaryToDecimal(temp_data)
# Decoding the decimal value returned by
# BinarytoDecimal() function, using chr()
# function which return the string corresponding
# character for given ASCII value, and store it
# in str_data
str_data = str_data + chr(decimal_data)
print("Cipher Text:", str_data)
# Decryption
L4 = L3
R4 = R3
f3 = exor(L4,K2)
L5 = exor(R4,f3)
R5 = L4
f4 = exor(L5,K1)
L6 = exor(R5,f4)
R6 = L5
PT1 = L6+R6
PT1 = int(PT1, 2)
RPT = binascii.unhexlify( '%x'% PT1)
print("Retrieved Plain Text is: ", RPT)
Plain Text is: Hello
Cipher Text: E1!w(
Retrieved Plain Text is: b'Hello'