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📜  检查机器人的给定移动序列是否是圆形的

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:08.145000             🧑  作者: Mango



G - Go one unit
  L - Turn left
  R - Turn right 


Input: path[] = "GLGLGLG"
Output: Given sequence of moves is circular 

Input: path[] = "GLLG"
Output: Given sequence of moves is circular 


这个想法是将起始位置视为 (0, 0),将方向视为东(我们可以为这些选择任何值)。如果在给定的移动序列之后,我们回到 (0, 0),那么给定的序列是循环的,否则不是。

   W -------------- E

移动“G”根据以下规则改变 x 或 y。
a) 如果当前方向是北,那么“G”增加 y 并且不改变 x。
b) 如果当前方向是东,那么“G”增加 x 并且不改变 y。
c) 如果当前方向为南,则“G”递减 y 并且不改变 x。
d) 如果当前方向是西,那么'G'递减 x 并且不改变 y。
a) 如果当前方向为北,则“L”将方向更改为西,“R”更改为东
b) 如果当前方向为东,则“L”将方向更改为北,“R”更改为南
c) 如果当前方向为南,则“L”将方向更改为东,“R”更改为西
d) 如果当前方向为西,则“L”将方向更改为南,“R”更改为北。

// A c++ program to check if the given path for a robot is circular or not
using namespace std;
// Macros for East, North, South and West
#define N 0
#define E 1
#define S 2
#define W 3
// This function returns true if the given path is circular, else false
bool isCircular(char path[])
  // Initialize starting point for robot as (0, 0) and starting
  // direction as N North
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  int dir = N;
  // Traverse the path given for robot
  for (int i=0; path[i]; i++)
      // Find current move
      char move = path[i];
      // If move is left or right, then change direction
      if (move == 'R')
        dir = (dir + 1)%4;
      else if (move == 'L')
        dir = (4 + dir - 1)%4;
      // If move is Go, then change  x or y according to
      // current direction
      else // if (move == 'G')
         if (dir == N)
         else if (dir == E)
         else if (dir == S)
         else // dir == W
   // If robot comes back to (0, 0), then path is cyclic
  return (x == 0 && y == 0);
// Driver program
int main()
    char path[] = "GLGLGLG";
    if (isCircular(path))
      cout << "Given sequence of moves is circular";
      cout << "Given sequence of moves is NOT circular";

// Write Java code here
// A Java program to check if
// the given path for a robot
// is circular or not
class GFG {
// Macros for East, North, South and West
// This function returns true if
// the given path is circular,
// else false
static boolean isCircular(char path[])
  // Initialize starting
  // point for robot as
  // (0, 0) and starting
  // direction as N North
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  int dir = 0;
  // Traverse the path given for robot
  for (int i=0; i < path.length; i++)
      // Find current move
      char move = path[i];
      // If move is left or
      // right, then change direction
      if (move == 'R')
        dir = (dir + 1)%4;
      else if (move == 'L')
        dir = (4 + dir - 1) % 4;
      // If move is Go, then
      // change  x or y according to
      // current direction
      else // if (move == 'G')
         if (dir == 0)
         else if (dir == 1)
         else if (dir == 2)
         else // dir == 3
   // If robot comes back to
   // (0, 0), then path is cyclic
  return (x == 0 && y == 0);
// Driver program
public static void main(String[] args)
    String path_ = "GLGLGLG";
    char path[] = path_.toCharArray();
    if (isCircular(path))
      System.out.println("Given sequence" +
      " of moves is circular");
      System.out.println("Given sequence" +
      " of moves is NOT circular");
// This code is contributed by prerna saini.

# Python program to check if the given path for a robot is circular
# or not
N = 0
E = 1
S = 2
W = 3
# This function returns true if the given path is circular,
# else false
def isCircular(path):
    # Initialize starting point for robot as (0, 0) and starting
    # direction as N North
    x = 0
    y = 0
    dir = N
    # Traverse the path given for robot
    for i in xrange(len(path)):
        # Find current move
        move = path[i]
        # If move is left or right, then change direction
        if move == 'R':
            dir = (dir + 1)%4
        elif move == 'L':
            dir = (4 + dir - 1)%4
        # If move is Go, then change x or y according to
        # current direction
        else:    # if move == 'G'
            if dir == N:
                y += 1
            elif dir == E:
                x += 1
            elif dir == S:
                y -= 1
                x -= 1
    return (x == 0 and y == 0)
# Driver program
path = "GLGLGLG"
if isCircular(path):
    print "Given sequence of moves is circular"
    print "Given sequence of moves is NOT circular"
# This code is contributed by BHAVYA JAIN

// A C# program to check if
// the given path for a robot
// is circular or not
using System;
class GFG {
// Macros for East, North, South and West
// This function returns true if
// the given path is circular,
// else false
static bool isCircular(string path)
// Initialize starting
// point for robot as
// (0, 0) and starting
// direction as N North
int x = 0, y = 0;
int dir = 0;
// Traverse the path
// given for robot
for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++)
    // Find current move
    char move = path[i];
    // If move is left or
    // right, then change direction
    if (move == 'R')
        dir = (dir + 1) % 4;
    else if (move == 'L')
        dir = (4 + dir - 1) % 4;
    // If move is Go, then
    // change x or y according to
    // current direction
    // if (move == 'G')
        if (dir == 0)
        else if (dir == 1)
        else if (dir == 2)
        else // dir == 3
// If robot comes back to
// (0, 0), then path is cyclic
return (x == 0 && y == 0);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    string path = "GLGLGLG";
     if (isCircular(path))
      Console.WriteLine("Given sequence of moves is circular");
      Console.WriteLine("Given sequence of moves is NOT circular");
// This code is contributed by Sam007



Given sequence of moves is circular

时间复杂度:O(n),其中 n 是给定序列中的移动次数。