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📜  在Python中将 JSON 转换为字典

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:47.437000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中将 JSON 转换为字典

JSON 代表 JavaScript 对象表示法。这意味着由编程语言中的文本组成的脚本(可执行)文件用于存储和传输数据。 Python通过一个名为 json 的内置包支持 JSON。要使用此功能,我们在Python脚本中导入 json 包。 JSON中的文本是通过quoted-string完成的,该字符串包含{}内键值映射中的值。它类似于Python中的字典。

  • json.load(): json.loads()函数存在于Python内置的“json”模块中。该函数用于解析 JSON字符串。

示例 1:假设 JSON 文件如下所示:



# Python program to demonstrate
# Conversion of JSON data to
# dictionary
# importing the module
import json
# Opening JSON file
with open('data.json') as json_file:
    data = json.load(json_file)
    # Print the type of data variable
    print("Type:", type(data))
    # Print the data of dictionary
    print("\nPeople1:", data['people1'])
    print("\nPeople2:", data['people2'])

# Python program to demonstrate
# Conversion of JSON data to
# dictionary
# importing the module
import json
# Opening JSON file
with open('data.json') as json_file:
    data = json.load(json_file)
    # for reading nested data [0] represents
    # the index value of the list
    # for printing the key-value pair of
    # nested dictionary for loop can be used
    print("\nPrinting nested dictionary as a key-value pair\n")
    for i in data['people1']:
        print("Name:", i['name'])
        print("Website:", i['website'])
        print("From:", i['from'])

输出 :


示例 2:读取嵌套数据
在上面的 JSON 文件中,第一个键 people1 中有一个嵌套字典。下面是读取嵌套数据的实现。


# Python program to demonstrate
# Conversion of JSON data to
# dictionary
# importing the module
import json
# Opening JSON file
with open('data.json') as json_file:
    data = json.load(json_file)
    # for reading nested data [0] represents
    # the index value of the list
    # for printing the key-value pair of
    # nested dictionary for loop can be used
    print("\nPrinting nested dictionary as a key-value pair\n")
    for i in data['people1']:
        print("Name:", i['name'])
        print("Website:", i['website'])
        print("From:", i['from'])

输出 :
