📜  度中心性(中心性度量)

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:45.954000             🧑  作者: Mango


在图论中,图的顶点的度数(或效价)是入射到顶点的边数,循环计数两次。 [1]顶点的度数 v表示 \deg(v)或者 \deg v .图 G 的最大度数,记为\Delta (G),以及图的最小度,表示为\delta (G), 是其顶点的最大和最小度数。在右图中,最大度数为5,最小度数为0。在正则图中,所有度数都相同,因此我们可以说图的度数。


顶点的度中心性v , 对于给定的图G:=(V,E)|V| 顶点和|E|边,定义为


节点级别的中心性定义可以扩展到整个图,在这种情况下,我们说的是图中心化。让v*成为中心度最高的节点G .让X:=(Y,Z)成为|Y|使以下数量最大化的节点连通图(与y*是中心度最高的节点X ):

H=\sum _{{j=1}}^{{|Y|}}[C_{D}(y*)-C_{D}(y_{j})]

C_D(G)= \frac{\displaystyle{\sum^{|V|}_{i=1}{[C_D(v*)-C_D(v_i)]}}}{H}

{H=(n-1)\cdot ((n-1)-1)=n^{2}-3n+2} .


import networkx as nx
def degree_centrality(G, nodes):
    r"""Compute the degree centrality for nodes in a bipartite network.
    The degree centrality for a node `v` is the fraction of nodes 
    connected to it.
    G : graph
       A bipartite network
    nodes : list or container
      Container with all nodes in one bipartite node set.
    centrality : dictionary
       Dictionary keyed by node with bipartite degree centrality as the value.
    The nodes input parameter must contain all nodes in one bipartite node set,
    but the dictionary returned contains all nodes from both bipartite node
    For unipartite networks, the degree centrality values are 
    normalized by dividing by the maximum possible degree (which is 
    `n-1` where `n` is the number of nodes in G). 
    In the bipartite case, the maximum possible degree of a node in a
    bipartite node set is the number of nodes in the opposite node set
    [1]_.  The degree centrality for a node `v` in the bipartite
    sets `U` with `n` nodes and `V` with `m` nodes is
    .. math::
        d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{m}, \mbox{for} v \in U ,
        d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{n}, \mbox{for} v \in V ,
    where `deg(v)` is the degree of node `v`.        
    top = set(nodes)
    bottom = set(G) - top
    s = 1.0/len(bottom)
    centrality = dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(top))
    s = 1.0/len(top)
    centrality.update(dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(bottom)))
    return centrality


import networkx as nx


{0: 0.5252525252525253, 1: 0.4444444444444445, 2: 0.5454545454545455, 3: 0.36363636363636365, 
4: 0.42424242424242425, 5: 0.494949494949495, 6: 0.5454545454545455, 7: 0.494949494949495, 
8: 0.5555555555555556, 9: 0.5151515151515152, 10: 0.5454545454545455, 11: 0.5151515151515152, 
12: 0.494949494949495, 13: 0.4444444444444445, 14: 0.494949494949495, 15: 0.4141414141414142, 
16: 0.43434343434343436, 17: 0.5555555555555556, 18: 0.494949494949495, 19: 0.5151515151515152, 
20: 0.42424242424242425, 21: 0.494949494949495, 22: 0.5555555555555556, 23: 0.5151515151515152, 
24: 0.4646464646464647, 25: 0.4747474747474748, 26: 0.4747474747474748, 27: 0.494949494949495, 
28: 0.5656565656565657, 29: 0.5353535353535354, 30: 0.4747474747474748, 31: 0.494949494949495, 
32: 0.43434343434343436, 33: 0.4444444444444445, 34: 0.5151515151515152, 35: 0.48484848484848486,
 36: 0.43434343434343436, 37: 0.4040404040404041, 38: 0.5656565656565657, 39: 0.5656565656565657, 
40: 0.494949494949495, 41: 0.5252525252525253, 42: 0.4545454545454546, 43: 0.42424242424242425, 
44: 0.494949494949495, 45: 0.595959595959596, 46: 0.5454545454545455, 47: 0.5050505050505051,
 48: 0.4646464646464647, 49: 0.48484848484848486, 50: 0.5353535353535354, 51: 0.5454545454545455,
 52: 0.5252525252525253, 53: 0.5252525252525253, 54: 0.5353535353535354, 55: 0.6464646464646465, 
56: 0.4444444444444445, 57: 0.48484848484848486, 58: 0.5353535353535354, 59: 0.494949494949495, 
60: 0.4646464646464647, 61: 0.5858585858585859, 62: 0.494949494949495, 63: 0.48484848484848486, 
64: 0.4444444444444445, 65: 0.6262626262626263, 66: 0.5151515151515152, 67: 0.4444444444444445, 
68: 0.4747474747474748, 69: 0.5454545454545455, 70: 0.48484848484848486, 71: 0.5050505050505051,
 72: 0.4646464646464647, 73: 0.4646464646464647, 74: 0.5454545454545455, 75: 0.4444444444444445,
 76: 0.42424242424242425, 77: 0.4545454545454546, 78: 0.494949494949495, 79: 0.494949494949495, 
80: 0.4444444444444445, 81: 0.48484848484848486, 82: 0.48484848484848486, 83: 0.5151515151515152,
 84: 0.494949494949495, 85: 0.5151515151515152, 86: 0.5252525252525253, 87: 0.4545454545454546, 
88: 0.5252525252525253, 89: 0.5353535353535354, 90: 0.5252525252525253, 91: 0.4646464646464647, 
92: 0.4646464646464647, 93: 0.5555555555555556, 94: 0.5656565656565657, 95: 0.4646464646464647,
 96: 0.494949494949495, 97: 0.494949494949495, 98: 0.5050505050505051, 99: 0.5050505050505051}


