📜  给定非循环图的每个深度处的最小元素之和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 11:30:39             🧑  作者: Mango



  1. 初始化一个数组(例如arr [] )以在每个级别存储最小元素。
  2. 从给定的源节点S开始以可变深度(初始为0 )进行DFS遍历。
  3. 更新数组arr []中的当前深度的最小值。
  4. 通过从前一个递归调用增加depth的值来递归地为子节点递归,以便可以相应地更新对应深度处的最小值。
  5. 完成上述步骤后,存储在arr []中的值的总和就是所需的总和。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to add an edge in a graph
void addEdge(vector adj[],
            int u, int v)
// Variable to store depth of graph
int max_depth = 0;
// Function to know the depth of graph
void find_depth(vector adj[],
                vector& visited,
                int start, int depth)
    // Mark the node start as true
    visited[start] = true;
    // Update the maximum depth
    max_depth = max(max_depth, depth);
    // Recurr for the child node of
    // start node
    for (auto i : adj[start]) {
        if (!visited[i])
            find_depth(adj, visited,
                    i, depth + 1);
// Function to calculate min value
// at every depth
void dfs(vector adj[], int start,
        vector& visited,
        vector& store_min_elements,
        int depth)
    // marking already visited
    // vertices as true
    visited[start] = true;
    // Store the min value for
    // every depth
        = min(store_min_elements[depth],
    // Traverse Child node of start node
    for (auto i : adj[start]) {
        if (!visited[i])
            dfs(adj, i, visited,
                depth + 1);
// Function to calculate the sum
void minSum_depth(vector adj[],
                int start,
                int total_nodes)
    vector visited(total_nodes,
    // Calling function to know
    // the depth of graph
    find_depth(adj, visited,
            start, 0);
    // Set all value of visited
    // to false again
        visited.end(), false);
    // Declaring vector of
    // "max_depth + 1" size to
    // store min values at every
    // depth initialise vector
    // with max number
    vector store_min_elements(
        max_depth + 1, INT_MAX);
    // Calling dfs function for
    // calculation of min element
    // at every depth
    dfs(adj, start, visited,
        store_min_elements, 0);
    // Variable to store sum of
    // all min elements
    int min_sum = 0;
    // Calculation of minimum sum
    for (int i = 0;
        i < store_min_elements.size();
        i++) {
        min_sum += store_min_elements[i];
    // Print the minimum sum
    cout << min_sum << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given Nodes and start node
    int V = 7, start = 0;
    // Given graph
    vector adj[V];
    addEdge(adj, 0, 1);
    addEdge(adj, 0, 2);
    addEdge(adj, 0, 3);
    addEdge(adj, 1, 6);
    addEdge(adj, 2, 4);
    addEdge(adj, 3, 5);
    // Function Call
    minSum_depth(adj, start, V);

// Java program for the above approach 
import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*;
class Graph{
public static int V;
// Variable to store depth of graph
public static int max_depth = 0; 
private static LinkedList adj[]; 
Graph(int v) 
    V = v; 
    adj = new LinkedList[v]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < v; ++i) 
        adj[i] = new LinkedList(); 
static void addEdge(int v, int w) 
static void find_depth(boolean visited[], 
                       int start, int depth) 
    // Mark the node start as true 
    visited[start] = true; 
    // Update the maximum depth 
    max_depth = Math.max(max_depth, depth); 
    // Recurr for the child node of 
    // start node 
    Iterator i = adj[start].listIterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) 
        int n = i.next(); 
        if (!visited[n]) 
            find_depth(visited, n, depth + 1); 
// Function to calculate min value 
// at every depth 
static void dfs(int start, boolean visited[], 
                int store_min_elements[], 
                int depth) 
    // Marking already visited 
    // vertices as true 
    visited[start] = true; 
    // Store the min value for 
    // every depth 
    store_min_elements[depth] = Math.min(
        store_min_elements[depth], start); 
    // Traverse Child node of start node 
    Iterator i = adj[start].listIterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) 
        int n = i.next(); 
        if (!visited[n]) 
            dfs(n, visited, store_min_elements, 
                depth + 1); 
// Function to calculate the sum 
static void minSum_depth(int start, int total_nodes) 
    boolean visited[] = new boolean[total_nodes]; 
    // Calling function to know 
    // the depth of graph 
    find_depth(visited, start, 0); 
    // Set all value of visited 
    // to false again 
    Arrays.fill(visited, false); 
    // Declaring vector of 
    // "max_depth + 1" size to 
    // store min values at every 
    // depth initialise vector 
    // with max number 
    int store_min_elements[] = new int[max_depth + 1];
    // Calling dfs function for 
    // calculation of min element 
    // at every depth 
    dfs(start, visited, 
        store_min_elements, 0); 
    // Variable to store sum of 
    // all min elements 
    int min_sum = 0; 
    // Calculation of minimum sum 
    for(int i = 0; 
            i < store_min_elements.length; 
        min_sum += store_min_elements[i]; 
    // Print the minimum sum 
// Driver Code 
public static void main(String args[]) 
    // Given Nodes and start node
    V = 7;
    int start = 0; 
    Graph g = new Graph(V); 
    // Given graph 
    g.addEdge(0, 1); 
    g.addEdge(0, 2); 
    g.addEdge(0, 3); 
    g.addEdge(1, 6); 
    g.addEdge(2, 4); 
    g.addEdge(3, 5); 
    // Function call 
    minSum_depth( start, V); 
// This code is contributed by Stream_Cipher

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
class Graph{ 
private static int V;
private static int start;
// Variable to store depth of graph
public static int max_depth = 0; 
private static List[] adj; 
Graph(int v) 
    V = v; 
    adj = new List[v]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < v; ++i) 
        adj[i] = new List(); 
// Function to add an edge in a graph 
void addEdge(int v, int w) 
// Function to know the depth of graph
void find_depth(bool []visited, 
                int start, int depth) 
    // Mark the node start as true 
    visited[start] = true; 
    // Update the maximum depth 
    max_depth = Math.Max(max_depth, depth); 
    // Recurr for the child node of 
    // start node 
    List vList = adj[start]; 
    foreach(var n in vList) 
        if (!visited[n]) 
            find_depth(visited, n, 
                       depth + 1); 
// Function to calculate min value 
// at every depth 
void dfs(int start, bool []visited, 
         int []store_min_elements, 
         int depth) 
    // Marking already visited 
    // vertices as true 
    visited[start] = true; 
    // Store the min value for 
    // every depth 
    store_min_elements[depth] = Math.Min(
        store_min_elements[depth], start); 
    // Traverse Child node of start node 
    List vList = adj[start]; 
    foreach(var n in vList) 
        if (!visited[n]) 
            dfs(n, visited, 
                depth + 1); 
// Function to calculate the sum 
void minSum_depth(int start, int total_nodes) 
    bool []visited = new bool[total_nodes]; 
    // Calling function to know 
    // the depth of graph 
    find_depth(visited, start, 0); 
    // Set all value of visited 
    // to false again
    for(int i = 0; i < visited.Length; i++) 
        visited[i] = false;
    // Declaring vector of "max_depth + 1"
    // size to store min values at every 
    // depth initialise vector with max number 
    int []store_min_elements = new int [max_depth + 1];
    for(int i = 0; 
            i < store_min_elements.Length;
        store_min_elements[i] = Int32.MaxValue;
    // Calling dfs function for 
    // calculation of min element 
    // at every depth 
    dfs(start, visited, store_min_elements, 0); 
    // Variable to store sum of 
    // all min elements 
    int min_sum = 0; 
    // Calculation of minimum sum 
    for(int i = 0; 
            i < store_min_elements.Length;
        min_sum += store_min_elements[i]; 
    // Print the minimum sum 
// Driver Code 
public static void Main() 
    // Given Nodes and start node
    V = 7;
    start = 0; 
    Graph g = new Graph(V); 
    // Given graph 
    g.addEdge(0, 1); 
    g.addEdge(0, 2); 
    g.addEdge(0, 3); 
    g.addEdge(1, 6); 
    g.addEdge(2, 4); 
    g.addEdge(3, 5); 
    // Function call
    g.minSum_depth(start , V); 
// This code is contributed by Stream_Cipher


时间复杂度: O(V + E)
辅助空间: O(V)