📜  PyQt5 - 蛇游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:06.232000             🧑  作者: Mango

PyQt5 - 蛇游戏

在本文中,我们将了解如何使用 PyQt5 设计简单的蛇游戏。

Snake是视频游戏概念的通用名称,玩家在其中操纵一条越来越长的线,而线本身就是主要障碍。这个概念起源于 1976 年的街机游戏 Blockade,实现 Snake 的便利性导致了许多平台的数百个版本(其中一些在标题中带有蛇或蠕虫一词)。


# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtCore import * 
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 
from PyQt5.QtGui import * 
import random
import sys
# creating game window
class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Window, self).__init__()
        # creating a board object
        self.board = Board(self)
        # creating a status bar to show result
        self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
        # adding border to the status bar
        self.statusbar.setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid black;")
        # calling showMessage method when signal received by board
        # adding board as a central widget
        # setting title to the window
        self.setWindowTitle('Snake game')
        # setting geometry to the window
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)
        # starting the board object
        # showing the main window
# creating a board class
# that inherits QFrame
class Board(QFrame):
    # creating signal object
    msg2statusbar = pyqtSignal(str)
    # speed of the snake
    # timer countdown time
    SPEED = 80
    # block width and height
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, parent):
        super(Board, self).__init__(parent)
        # creating a timer
        self.timer = QBasicTimer()
        # snake
        self.snake = [[5, 10], [5, 11]]
        # current head x head
        self.current_x_head = self.snake[0][0]
        # current y head
        self.current_y_head = self.snake[0][1]
        # food list
        self.food = []
        # growing is false
        self.grow_snake = False
        # board list
        self.board = []
        # direction
        self.direction = 1
        # called drop food method
        # setting focus
    # square width method
    def square_width(self):
        return self.contentsRect().width() / Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS
    # square height
    def square_height(self):
        return self.contentsRect().height() / Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS
    # start method
    def start(self):
        # msg for status bar
        # score = current len - 2
        self.msg2statusbar.emit(str(len(self.snake) - 2))
        # starting timer
        self.timer.start(Board.SPEED, self)
    # paint event
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # creating painter object
        painter = QPainter(self)
        # getting rectangle
        rect = self.contentsRect()
        # board top
        boardtop = rect.bottom() - Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS * self.square_height()
        # drawing snake
        for pos in self.snake:
            self.draw_square(painter, rect.left() + pos[0] * self.square_width(),
                             boardtop + pos[1] * self.square_height())
        # drawing food
        for pos in self.food:
            self.draw_square(painter, rect.left() + pos[0] * self.square_width(),
                             boardtop + pos[1] * self.square_height())
    # drawing square
    def draw_square(self, painter, x, y):
        # color
        color = QColor(0x228B22)
        # painting rectangle
        painter.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, self.square_width() - 2,
                         self.square_height() - 2, color)
    # key press event
    def keyPressEvent(self, event):
        # getting key pressed
        key = event.key()
        # if left key pressed
        if key == Qt.Key_Left:
            # if direction is not right
            if self.direction != 2:
                # set direction to left
                self.direction = 1
        # if right key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Right:
            # if direction is not left
            if self.direction != 1:
                # set direction to right
                self.direction = 2
        # if down key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Down:
            # if direction is not up
            if self.direction != 4:
                # set direction to down
                self.direction = 3
        # if up key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Up:
            # if direction is not down
            if self.direction != 3:
                # set direction to up
                self.direction = 4
    # method to move the snake
    def move_snake(self):
        # if direction is left change its position
        if self.direction == 1:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head - 1, self.current_y_head
            # if it goes beyond left wall
            if self.current_x_head < 0:
                self.current_x_head = Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS - 1
        # if direction is right change its position
        if self.direction == 2:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head + 1, self.current_y_head
            # if it goes beyond right wall
            if self.current_x_head == Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS:
                self.current_x_head = 0
        # if direction is down change its position
        if self.direction == 3:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head + 1
            # if it goes beyond down wall
            if self.current_y_head == Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS:
                self.current_y_head = 0
        # if direction is up change its position
        if self.direction == 4:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head - 1
            # if it goes beyond up wall
            if self.current_y_head < 0:
                self.current_y_head = Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS
        # changing head position
        head = [self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head]
        # inset head in snake list
        self.snake.insert(0, head)
        # if snake grow is False
        if not self.grow_snake:
            # pop the last element
            # show msg in status bar
            # make grow_snake to false
            self.grow_snake = False
    # time event method
    def timerEvent(self, event):
        # checking timer id
        if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId():
            # call move snake method
            # call food collision method
            # call is suicide method
            # update the window
    # method to check if snake collides itself
    def is_suicide(self):
        # traversing the snake
        for i in range(1, len(self.snake)):
            # if collision found
            if self.snake[i] == self.snake[0]:
                # show game ended msg in status bar
                self.msg2statusbar.emit(str("Game Ended"))
                # making background color black
                self.setStyleSheet("background-color : black;")
                # stopping the timer
                # updating the window
    # method to check if the food cis collied
    def is_food_collision(self):
        # traversing the position of the food
        for pos in self.food:
            # if food position is similar of snake position
            if pos == self.snake[0]:
                # remove the food
                # call drop food method
                # grow the snake
                self.grow_snake = True
    # method to drop food on screen
    def drop_food(self):
        # creating random co-ordinates
        x = random.randint(3, 58)
        y = random.randint(3, 38)
        # traversing if snake position is not equal to the
        # food position so that food do not drop on snake
        for pos in self.snake:
            # if position matches
            if pos == [x, y]:
                # call drop food method again
        # append food location
        self.food.append([x, y])
# main method
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication([])
    window = Window()

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