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📜  用最少的替换将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的字谜

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:08.539000             🧑  作者: Mango

用最少的替换将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的字谜

给定两个字符串X 和 Y,我们需要将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的变位词,且替换次数最少。如果我们有多种实现目标的方法,我们会选择按字典顺序较小的字符串,其中每个字符串的长度\in [1, 100000]

Input : X = "CDBABC" 
        Y = "ADCABD"
Output : Anagram : ADBADC
         Number of changes made: 2

Input : X = "PJPOJOVMAK"
        Y = "FVACRHLDAP"
Output : Anagram : ACPDFHVLAR
         Number of changes made: 7

我们必须将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的字典序上最小的字谜,在原始字符串X 中进行最少的替换。我们维护两个计数器数组,用于存储两个字符串中每个字符的计数/频率。设两个字符串的计数器为Count_{x}   Count_{y}   .现在,根据定义,字谜意味着两个字谜中字符的频率始终相等。因此,要将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的字谜,字符的频率应该相等。因此,为了将字符串X 转换为字符串Y 的变位词,我们总共需要进行的更改总数为
(\sum |Count_{x_{i}} - Count_{y_{i}}|)/2   ,我们迭代每个字符i
一半的工作已经完成,因为我们知道要完成多少次替换。我们现在需要字典上更小的字符串。现在,对于特定位置,我们查找从“A”到“Z”的所有可能字符,并检查每个字符是否适合该位置或现在。为了更好地理解,我们对字符串中的每个位置进行迭代。检查是否有一个字符存在于字符串Y 中而不存在于字符串X 中(或者字符的频率在字符串Y 中更多而在字符串X 中更少)。现在,如果有,我们检查X中当前位置的字符,是不是没有必要?即它在字符串X 中的频率是否更高而在字符串Y 中的频率更低。现在,如果所有的框都被打勾,我们进一步检查我们是否在这个位置插入了字符,因为我们需要生成字典上更小的字符串。如果所有条件都为真,我们将字符串X 中的字符替换为字符串Y 中的字符。在所有这些替换之后,我们可以打印更改后的字符串X 作为输出。

// C++ program to convert string X to
// string Y which minimum number of changes.
using namespace std;
#define MAX 26
// Function that converts string X
// into lexicographically smallest
// anagram of string Y with minimal changes
void printAnagramAndChanges(string X, string Y)
    int countx[MAX] = {0}, county[MAX] = {0},
        ctrx[MAX] = {0}, ctry[MAX] = {0};
    int change = 0;
    int l = X.length();
    // Counting frequency of characters
    // in each string.
    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        countx[X[i] - 'A']++;
        county[Y[i] - 'A']++;
    // We maintain two more counter arrays
    // ctrx[] and ctry[]
    // Ctrx[] maintains the count of extra
    // elements present in string X than
    // string Y
    // Ctry[] maintains the count of
    // characters missing from string X
    // which should be present in string Y.
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
        if (countx[i] > county[i])
            ctrx[i] += (countx[i] - county[i]);
        else if (countx[i] < county[i])
            ctry[i] += (county[i] - countx[i]);
        change += abs(county[i] - countx[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        // This means that we cannot edit the
        // current character as it's frequency
        // in string X is equal to or less
        // than the frequency in string Y.
        // Thus, we go to the next position
        if (ctrx[X[i] - 'A'] == 0)
        // Here, we try to find that character,
        // which has more frequency in string Y
        // and less in string X. We try to find
        // this character in lexicographical
        // order so that we get
        // lexicographically smaller string
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
            if ((ctry[j]) > 0)
        // This portion deals with the
        // lexicographical property.
        // Now, we put a character in string X
        // when either this character has smaller
        // value than the character present there
        // right now or if this is the last position
        // for it to exchange, else we fix the
        // character already present here in
        // this position.
        if (countx[X[i] - 'A'] == ctrx[X[i] - 'A']
            || X[i] - 'A' > j) {
            countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
            ctrx[X[i] - 'A']--;
            X[i] = 'A' + j;
            countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
    cout << "Anagram : " << X << endl;
    cout << "Number of changes made : " << change / 2;
// Driver program
int main()
    string x = "CDBABC", y = "ADCABD";
    printAnagramAndChanges(x, y);
    return 0;

// Java program to convert string X to
// string Y which minimum number of changes.
class GFG
    static final int MAX = 26;
    // Function that converts string X
    // into lexicographically smallest
    // anagram of string Y with minimal changes
    static void printAnagramAndChanges(char[] X,
                                        char[] Y)
        int countx[] = new int[MAX], county[] = new int[MAX],
            ctrx[] = new int[MAX], ctry[] = new int[MAX];
        int change = 0;
        int l = X.length;
        // Counting frequency of characters
        // in each string.
        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            countx[X[i] - 'A']++;
            county[Y[i] - 'A']++;
        // We maintain two more counter arrays
        // ctrx[] and ctry[]
        // Ctrx[] maintains the count of extra
        // elements present in string X than
        // string Y
        // Ctry[] maintains the count of
        // characters missing from string X
        // which should be present in string Y.
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            if (countx[i] > county[i])
                ctrx[i] += (countx[i] - county[i]);
            else if (countx[i] < county[i])
                ctry[i] += (county[i] - countx[i]);
            change += Math.abs(county[i] - countx[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            // This means that we cannot edit the
            // current character as it's frequency
            // in string X is equal to or less
            // than the frequency in string Y.
            // Thus, we go to the next position
            if (ctrx[X[i] - 'A'] == 0)
            // Here, we try to find that character,
            // which has more frequency in string Y
            // and less in string X. We try to find
            // this character in lexicographical
            // order so that we get
            // lexicographically smaller string
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
                if ((ctry[j]) > 0)
            // This portion deals with the
            // lexicographical property.
            // Now, we put a character in string X
            // when either this character has smaller
            // value than the character present there
            // right now or if this is the last position
            // for it to exchange, else we fix the
            // character already present here in
            // this position.
            if (countx[X[i] - 'A'] == ctrx[X[i] - 'A']
                || X[i] - 'A' > j)
                countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
                ctrx[X[i] - 'A']--;
                X[i] = (char) ('A' + j);
                countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
        System.out.println("Anagram : " + String.valueOf(X));
        System.out.println("Number of changes made : " + change / 2);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String x = "CDBABC", y = "ADCABD";
        printAnagramAndChanges(x.toCharArray(), y.toCharArray());
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

# Python3 program to convert string X to
# string Y which minimum number of changes.
MAX = 26
# Function that converts string X
# into lexicographically smallest
# anagram of string Y with minimal changes
def printAnagramAndChanges(x, y):
    x = list(x)
    y = list(y)
    countx, county = [0] * MAX, [0] * MAX
    ctrx, ctry = [0] * MAX, [0] * MAX
    change = 0
    l = len(x)
    # Counting frequency of characters
    # in each string.
    for i in range(l):
        countx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] += 1
        county[ord(y[i]) - ord('A')] += 1
    # We maintain two more counter arrays
    # ctrx[] and ctry[]
    # Ctrx[] maintains the count of extra
    # elements present in string X than
    # string Y
    # Ctry[] maintains the count of
    # characters missing from string X
    # which should be present in string Y.
    for i in range(MAX):
        if countx[i] > county[i]:
            ctrx[i] += (countx[i] - county[i])
        elif countx[i] < county[i]:
            ctry[i] += (county[i] - countx[i])
        change += abs(county[i] - countx[i])
    for i in range(l):
        # This means that we cannot edit the
        # current character as it's frequency
        # in string X is equal to or less
        # than the frequency in string Y.
        # Thus, we go to the next position
        if ctrx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] == 0:
        # Here, we try to find that character,
        # which has more frequency in string Y
        # and less in string X. We try to find
        # this character in lexicographical
        # order so that we get
        # lexicographically smaller string
        j = 0
        for j in range(MAX):
            if ctry[j] > 0:
        # This portion deals with the
        # lexicographical property.
        # Now, we put a character in string X
        # when either this character has smaller
        # value than the character present there
        # right now or if this is the last position
        # for it to exchange, else we fix the
        # character already present here in
        # this position.
        if countx[ord(x[i]) -
                ord('A')] == ctrx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] or \
                                  ord(x[i]) - ord('A') > j:
            countx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] -= 1
            ctrx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] -= 1
            ctry[j] -= 1
            x[i] = chr(ord('A') + j)
            countx[ord(x[i]) - ord('A')] -= 1
    print("Anagram :", ''.join(x))
    print("Number of changes made :", change // 2)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = "CDBABC"
    y = "ADCABD"
    printAnagramAndChanges(x, y)
# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552

// C# program to convert string X to
// string Y which minimum number of changes.
using System;
class GFG
    static readonly int MAX = 26;
    // Function that converts string X
    // into lexicographically smallest
    // anagram of string Y with minimal changes
    static void printAnagramAndChanges(char[] X,
                                        char[] Y)
        int []countx = new int[MAX];
        int []county = new int[MAX];
        int []ctrx = new int[MAX];
        int []ctry = new int[MAX];
        int change = 0;
        int l = X.Length;
        // Counting frequency of characters
        // in each string.
        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            countx[X[i] - 'A']++;
            county[Y[i] - 'A']++;
        // We maintain two more counter arrays
        // ctrx[] and ctry[]
        // Ctrx[] maintains the count of extra
        // elements present in string X than
        // string Y
        // Ctry[] maintains the count of
        // characters missing from string X
        // which should be present in string Y.
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            if (countx[i] > county[i])
                ctrx[i] += (countx[i] - county[i]);
            else if (countx[i] < county[i])
                ctry[i] += (county[i] - countx[i]);
            change += Math.Abs(county[i] - countx[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            // This means that we cannot edit the
            // current character as it's frequency
            // in string X is equal to or less
            // than the frequency in string Y.
            // Thus, we go to the next position
            if (ctrx[X[i] - 'A'] == 0)
            // Here, we try to find that character,
            // which has more frequency in string Y
            // and less in string X. We try to find
            // this character in lexicographical
            // order so that we get
            // lexicographically smaller string
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
                if ((ctry[j]) > 0)
            // This portion deals with the
            // lexicographical property.
            // Now, we put a character in string X
            // when either this character has smaller
            // value than the character present there
            // right now or if this is the last position
            // for it to exchange, else we fix the
            // character already present here in
            // this position.
            if (countx[X[i] - 'A'] == ctrx[X[i] - 'A']
                || X[i] - 'A' > j)
                countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
                ctrx[X[i] - 'A']--;
                X[i] = (char) ('A' + j);
                countx[X[i] - 'A']--;
        Console.WriteLine("Anagram : " +
        Console.WriteLine("Number of changes made : " +
                            change / 2);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String x = "CDBABC", y = "ADCABD";
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar



Anagram : ADBADC
Number of changes made : 2

总时间复杂度为O(len*26)   当我们忽略常量时,复杂度是O(len)