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📜  检查二叉树的每个节点自身或其任何直接邻居的值是否为K

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-23 19:52:13             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一棵二叉树和一个值K ,任务是检查二叉树的每个节点的节点值是否为K或它的相邻连接节点中至少一个节点的值为K。

                   /   \
                  0     0
                /   \     \
               1     0     1
              /     /  \    \
             2     1    0    5
                  /    /
                 3    0
K = 0
Output: False
We can observe that some leaf nodes
are having value other than 0 and
are not connected with any
adjacent node whose value is 0. 

                   / \
                  2   1
K = 0  
Output: True
Since, all nodes of the tree
are either having value 0 or
connected with adjacent node
having value 0.


  1. 这个想法是简单地执行预遍历并递归地传递父节点的引用。
  2. 在遍历每个节点时,请检查以下条件:
    • 如果节点的值为K或,
    • 如果其父节点值为K或,
    • 如果其任何子节点值为K。
  3. 如果树的任何节点不满足给定的三个条件中的任何一个,则返回False,否则返回True。


// C++ program for the above approach 
using namespace std; 
// Defining tree node 
struct node { 
    int value; 
    struct node *right, *left; 
// Utility function to create 
// a new node 
struct node* newnode(int key) 
    struct node* temp = new node; 
    temp->value = key; 
    temp->right = NULL; 
    temp->left = NULL; 
    return temp; 
// Function to check binary 
// tree whether its every node 
// has value K or, it is 
// connected with node having 
// value K 
bool connectedK(node* root, 
                node* parent, 
                int K, 
                bool flag) 
    // checking node value 
    if (root->value != K) { 
        // checking the left 
        // child value 
        if (root->left == NULL 
            || root->left->value != K) { 
            // checking the rigth 
            // child value 
            if (root->right == NULL 
                || root->right->value != K) { 
                // checking the parent value 
                if (parent == NULL 
                    || parent->value != K) { 
                    flag = false; 
                    return flag; 
    // Traversing to the left subtree 
    if (root->left != NULL) { 
        if (flag == true) { 
                = connectedK(root->left, 
                            root, K, flag); 
    // Traversing to the right subtree 
    if (root->right != NULL) { 
        if (flag == true) { 
                = connectedK(root->right, 
                            root, K, flag); 
    return flag; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    // Input Binary tree 
    struct node* root = newnode(0); 
    root->right = newnode(1); 
    root->right->right = newnode(0); 
    root->left = newnode(0); 
    int K = 0; 
    // Function call to check 
    // binary tree 
    bool result 
        = connectedK(root, NULL, 
                    K, true); 
    if (result == false) 
        cout << "False\n"; 
        cout << "True\n"; 
    return 0; 

// Java program for the above approach 
import java.util.*;
class GFG{ 
// Defining tree node 
static class node
    int value; 
    node right, left; 
// Utility function to create 
// a new node 
static node newnode(int key) 
    node temp = new node(); 
    temp.value = key; 
    temp.right = null; 
    temp.left = null; 
    return temp; 
// Function to check binary 
// tree whether its every node 
// has value K or, it is 
// connected with node having 
// value K 
static boolean connectedK(node root, 
                          node parent, 
                          int K, 
                          boolean flag) 
    // Checking node value 
    if (root.value != K) 
        // Checking the left 
        // child value 
        if (root.left == null ||
            root.left.value != K)
            // Checking the rigth 
            // child value 
            if (root.right == null ||
                root.right.value != K) 
                // Checking the parent value 
                if (parent == null || 
                    parent.value != K)
                    flag = false; 
                    return flag; 
    // Traversing to the left subtree 
    if (root.left != null) 
        if (flag == true)
            flag = connectedK(root.left, 
                              root, K, flag); 
    // Traversing to the right subtree 
    if (root.right != null) 
        if (flag == true) 
            flag = connectedK(root.right, 
                              root, K, flag); 
    return flag; 
// Driver code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Input Binary tree 
    node root = newnode(0); 
    root.right = newnode(1); 
    root.right.right = newnode(0); 
    root.left = newnode(0); 
    int K = 0; 
    // Function call to check 
    // binary tree 
    boolean result = connectedK(root, null, 
                                   K, true); 
    if (result == false) 
// This code is contributed by Rohit_ranjan

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Defining tree node
class Node:
    def __init__(self,key):
        self.value = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Function to check binary 
# tree whether its every node 
# has value K or, it is 
# connected with node having 
# value K 
def connectedK(root, parent, K, flag):
    # Checking node value
    if root.value != K:
        # Checking the left 
        # child value 
        if (root.left == None or 
            root.left.value != K):
            # Checking the right 
            # child value 
            if (root.right == None or 
                root.right.value != K):
                # Checking the parent value 
                if (parent == None or 
                    parent.value != K):
                    flag = False
                    return flag
    # Traversing to the left subtree
    if root.left != None:
        if flag == True:
            flag = connectedK(root.left, 
                              root, K, flag)
    # Traversing to the right subtree
    if root.right != None:
        if flag == True:
            flag = connectedK(root.right, 
                              root, K, flag)
    return flag
# Driver code
root = Node(0)
root.right = Node(1)
root.right.right = Node(0)
root.left = Node(0)
K = 0
# Function call to check 
# binary tree 
result = connectedK(root, None, K, True)
if result == False:
# This code is contributed by Stuti Pathak

// C# program for the above approach 
using System;
class GFG{ 
// Defining tree node 
class node
    public int value; 
    public node right, left; 
// Utility function to create 
// a new node 
static node newnode(int key) 
    node temp = new node(); 
    temp.value = key; 
    temp.right = null; 
    temp.left = null; 
    return temp; 
// Function to check binary 
// tree whether its every node 
// has value K or, it is 
// connected with node having 
// value K 
static bool connectedK(node root, 
                       node parent, 
                       int K, 
                       bool flag) 
    // Checking node value 
    if (root.value != K) 
        // checking the left 
        // child value 
        if (root.left == null ||
            root.left.value != K)
            // Checking the rigth 
            // child value 
            if (root.right == null ||
                root.right.value != K) 
                // Checking the parent value 
                if (parent == null || 
                    parent.value != K)
                    flag = false; 
                    return flag; 
    // Traversing to the left subtree 
    if (root.left != null) 
        if (flag == true)
            flag = connectedK(root.left, 
                              root, K, flag); 
    // Traversing to the right subtree 
    if (root.right != null) 
        if (flag == true) 
            flag = connectedK(root.right, 
                              root, K, flag); 
    return flag; 
// Driver code 
public static void Main(String[] args) 
    // Input Binary tree 
    node root = newnode(0); 
    root.right = newnode(1); 
    root.right.right = newnode(0); 
    root.left = newnode(0); 
    int K = 0; 
    // Function call to check 
    // binary tree 
    bool result = connectedK(root, null, 
                                K, true); 
    if (result == false) 
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh



时间复杂度: O(N),N是树的节点数。
辅助空间: O(1)