您将得到一个正整数n作为除数,并得到另一个数字m(2 ^ k的形式),您必须在不进行实际除法的情况下找到商和余数。
Input : n = 43, m = 8
Output : Quotient = 5, Remainder = 3
Input : n = 58, m = 16
Output : Quotient = 3, Remainder = 10
在此,我们使用数字的按位表示来理解任何数字除以2 ^ k的除数的作用。所有为2的幂的数字在其表示中仅包含1个设置位,我们将使用此属性。
- 余数= n&(m-1)
- 商=(n >> log2(m))
// CPP to find remainder and quotient
using namespace std;
// function to print remainder and quotient
void divide(int n,int m)
// print Remainder by
// n AND (m-1)
cout <<"Remainder = " << ((n) &(m-1));
// print quotient by
// right shifting n by (log2(m)) times
cout <<"\nQuotient = " <<(n >> (int)(log2(m)));
// driver program
int main()
int n = 43, m = 8;
divide(n, m);
return 0;
// Java to find remainder and quotient
import java.io.*;
public class GFG {
// function to print remainder and
// quotient
static void divide(int n, int m)
// print Remainder by
// n AND (m-1)
System.out.println("Remainder = "
+ ((n) &(m-1)));
// print quotient by right shifting
// n by (log2(m)) times
System.out.println("Quotient = "
+ (n >> (int)(Math.log(m) / Math.log(2))));
// driver program
static public void main (String[] args)
int n = 43, m = 8;
divide(n, m);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.
Python 3
# Python 3 to find remainder and
# quotient
import math
# function to print remainder and
# quotient
def divide(n, m):
# print Remainder by
# n AND (m-1)
print("Remainder = ",
((n) &(m-1)))
# print quotient by
# right shifting n by
# (log2(m)) times
print("Quotient = " ,(n >>
# driver program
n = 43
m = 8
divide(n, m)
# This code is contributed by
# Smitha
// C# to find remainder and quotient
using System;
public class GFG
// function to print remainder and quotient
static void divide(int n,int m)
// print Remainder by
// n AND (m-1)
Console.WriteLine("Remainder = " +((n) & (m - 1)));
// print quotient by
// right shifting n by (log2(m)) times
Console.WriteLine("Quotient = "
+ (n >> (int)(Math.Log(m))));
// Driver program
static public void Main ()
int n = 43, m = 8;
divide(n, m);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.
> (int)(log($m, 2)));
// Driver Code
$n = 43;
$m = 8;
divide($n, $m);
//This code is contributed by mits
Remainder = 3
Quotient = 5