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📜  给定词典顺序的按字典顺序排列的最大字符串

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-24 16:55:21             🧑  作者: Mango




时间复杂度: O(N 2 )
辅助空间: O(1)


  1. 创建一个映射,以给定的字符串顺序存储字符的索引。
  2. 将数组的第一个字符串视为字典上最大的字符串,如ans
  3. 现在遍历在范围[1,N]给定的字符串,并比较每个字符串用的字符串使用存储在地图索引ANS。
  4. 继续在上述步骤中更新最大的词典字符串并打印该字符串。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;  
int compare(string word1, string word2,
            int order[]);
// Find the lexicographically
// largest string
string largestString(string a[], int n,
                     string order)
    // Create a map of characters
    int map[26];
    // Value of each character is
    // string is given priority
    // according to their occurence
    // in the string
    for(int i = 0; i < order.length(); i++)
        map[order[i] - 'a'] = i;
    // Take first String as maximum
    string ans = a[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        // Compare two strings each time
        if (compare(ans, a[i], map) < 0)
            // Update answer
            ans = a[i];
    return ans;
// Implement compare function
// to get the dictionary order
int compare(string word1, string word2, 
            int order[])
    int i = 0, j = 0, charcompareval = 0;
    while (i < word1.length() && 
           j < word2.length()) 
        // Compare each char
        // according to the order
        charcompareval = order[word1[i] - 'a'] -
                         order[word2[i] - 'a'];
        // Find the first non matching
        // character in the string
        if (charcompareval != 0)
            return charcompareval;
    // If one word is prefix of
    // other return shortest word
    if (charcompareval == 0)
        return (word1.length() - 
        return charcompareval;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 3;
    // Given array of strings arr
    string arr[] = { "abc", "abd", "abz" };
    // Given order of string
    string order = "abczdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy";
    // Function call
    string ans = largestString(arr, n, order);
    cout << ans;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    // Find the lexicographically
    // largest string
    public static String
    largestString(String[] a, int n,
                String order)
        // Create a map of characters
        int map[] = new int[26];
        // Value of each character is
        // string is given priority
        // according to their occurence
        // in the string
        for (int i = 0; i < order.length(); i++)
            map[order.charAt(i) - 'a'] = i;
        // Take first String as maximum
        String ans = a[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Compare two strings each time
            if (compare(ans, a[i], map) < 0)
                // Update answer
                ans = a[i];
        return ans;
    // Implement compare function
    // to get the dictionary order
    public static int
    compare(String word1, String word2,
            int[] order)
        int i = 0, j = 0, charcompareval = 0;
        while (i < word1.length()
            && j < word2.length()) {
            // Compare each char
            // according to the order
                = order[word1.charAt(i) - 'a']
                - order[word2.charAt(i) - 'a'];
            // Find the first non matching
            // character in the string
            if (charcompareval != 0)
                return charcompareval;
        // If one word is prefix of
        // other return shortest word
        if (charcompareval == 0)
            return (word1.length()
                    - word2.length());
            return charcompareval;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int n = 3;
        // Given array of strings arr
        String arr[] = { "abc", "abd", "abz" };
        // Given order of string
        String order
            = "abczdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy";
        // Function call
        String ans
            = largestString(arr, n, order);

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Find the lexicographically
# largest string
def largestString(a, n, order):
    # Create a map of characters
    map = [0] * 26
    # Value of each character is
    # string is given priority
    # according to their occurence
    # in the string
    for i in range(len(order)):
            map[ord(order[i]) - ord('a')] = i
    # Take first String as maximum
    ans = a[0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        # Compare two strings each time
        if (compare(ans, a[i], map) < 0):
            # Update answer
            ans = a[i]
    return ans
# Implement compare function
# to get the dictionary order
def compare(word1, word2, order):
    i = 0
    j = 0
    charcompareval = 0;
    while (i < len(word1) and
        j < len(word2)):
        # Compare each char
        # according to the order
        charcompareval = (order[ord(word1[i]) - ord('a')] -
                        order[ord(word2[i]) - ord('a')])
        # Find the first non matching
        # character in the string
        if (charcompareval != 0):
            return charcompareval
        i += 1
        j += 1
    # If one word is prefix of
    # other return shortest word
    if (charcompareval == 0):
        return (len(word1) - len(word2))
        return charcompareval
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 3
    # Given array of strings arr
    arr = [ "abc", "abd", "abz" ]
    # Given order of string
    order = "abczdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy"
    # Function call
    ans = largestString(arr, n, order)
# This code is contributed by chitranayal

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Find the lexicographically
// largest string
public static String largestString(String[] a, int n,
                                    String order)
    // Create a map of characters
    int []map = new int[26];
    // Value of each character is
    // string is given priority
    // according to their occurence
    // in the string
    for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
    map[order[i] - 'a'] = i;
    // Take first String as maximum
    String ans = a[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
    // Compare two strings each time
    if (compare(ans, a[i], map) < 0)
        // Update answer
        ans = a[i];
    return ans;
// Implement compare function
// to get the dictionary order
public static int compare(String word1, 
                            String word2, 
                            int[] order)
    int i = 0, j = 0, charcompareval = 0;
    while (i < word1.Length && 
        j < word2.Length) 
    // Compare each char
    // according to the order
    charcompareval = order[word1[i] - 'a'] -
                    order[word2[i] - 'a'];
    // Find the first non matching
    // character in the string
    if (charcompareval != 0)
        return charcompareval;
    // If one word is prefix of
    // other return shortest word
    if (charcompareval == 0)
    return (word1.Length - 
    return charcompareval;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String []args)
    int n = 3;
    // Given array of strings arr
    String []arr = { "abc", "abd", "abz" };
    // Given order of string
    String order = "abczdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy";
    // Function call
    String ans = largestString(arr, n, order);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


时间复杂度: O(N * max_word_length)
辅助空间: O(1)