Preact 和 Angular 的区别
Angular: Angular 是谷歌开发的前端框架。它确实有助于应用程序的快速开发,并且基于 MVC 框架。 Angular 完全用 Typescript 编写。
- Angular JS中有两种方式绑定
- 依赖注入和数据绑定减少了要编写的代码量。
- Service Worker 支持由 Angular 提供。
Preact:而 Preact 是用于开发前端或用户界面的库。 Preact 是轻量级的,大小为 3kB,它是具有相同 ES6 API 的 reactJS 的替代方案。
- 它是 React JS 的轻量级库
- 它提供了 react JS 的大部分功能,但与reactJS相比仍然很小
- 它可以快速高效地呈现数据。
Preact 和 Angular 的区别:Sr.No. Preact Angular 1. It is a lightweight alternativeReactJS. It is a complex framework for developing frontend applications. 2. It is written in JavaScript. It is completely based on Typescript single-page. 3. It is small in size of about 3kB and still offer the same React API for development purpose. While angular is a heavy MVC framework that is suitable for developing large applications. 4. It works with and updates the virtual DOM. It works with and updates the real DOM. 5. It is a Javascript library and lightweight alternative for ReactJS. It is the complex MVC framework used to develop single page applications. 6. It can be installed by npm install -g preact-cli It can be installed by npm install -g angular-cli 7. It’s an architecture based on the Document Object Model. It is architecture is based on the Model view controller. 8. Effective memory usage Memory used is larger as compared to preact.