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📜  圆锥台的体积和表面积的程序

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 06:14:56             🧑  作者: Mango






  • 圆锥台的体积:
    Volume (V) = 1/3 * pi * h(r2 + R2 + r*R)
    r = radius of smaller circle
    R = radius of bigger circle (or radius of base of the cone)
    h = height of the frustum
  • 圆锥台的弯曲表面积:
    Curved Surface Area (CSA) = pi * l(R + r)
    r = radius of smaller circle
    R = radius of bigger circle
    l = slant height of the frustum
  • 圆锥台的总表面积:
    Total Surface Area (TSA) = pi * l(R + r) + pi(R2 + r2)
    r = radius of smaller circle
    R = radius of bigger circle
    l = slant height of frustum


    Input : Radius of smaller circle = 3
            Radius of bigger circle = 8
            Height of frustum = 12
            Slant height of frustum = 13
    Output :
    Volume Of Frustum of Cone : 1218.937
    Curved Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 449.24738
    Total Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 678.58344
    Input : Radius of smaller circle = 7
            Radius of bigger circle = 10
            Height of frustum = 4
            Slant height of frustum = 5
    Output :
    Volume Of Frustum of Cone : 917.34436
    Curved Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 267.03516
    Total Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 735.1321
    // CPP program to calculate Volume and
    // Surface area of frustum of cone
    using namespace std;
    float pi = 3.14159;
    // Function to calculate Volume of frustum of cone
    float volume(float r, float R, float h)
        return (float(1) / float(3)) * pi * h *
                        (r * r + R * R + r * R);
    // Function to calculate Curved Surface area of
    // frustum of cone
    float curved_surface_area(float r, float R, float l)
        return pi * l * (R + r);
    // Function to calculate Total Surface area of 
    // frustum of cone
    float total_surface_area(float r, float R, float l, 
                                               float h)
        return pi * l * (R + r) + pi * (r * r + R * R);
    // Driver function
    int main()
        float small_radius = 3;
        float big_radius = 8;
        float slant_height = 13;
        float height = 12;
        // Printing value of volume and surface area
        cout << "Volume Of Frustum of Cone : "
             << volume(small_radius, big_radius, height) 
             << endl;
        cout << "Curved Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : "
             << curved_surface_area(small_radius, big_radius, 
                                     slant_height) << endl;
        cout << "Total Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : "
             << total_surface_area(small_radius, big_radius, 
                                     slant_height, height);
        return 0;

    // Java program to calculate Volume and Surface area
    // of frustum of cone
    public class demo {
        static float pi = 3.14159f;
        // Function to calculate Volume of frustum of cone
        public static float volume(float r, float R, float h)
            return (float)1 / 3 * pi * h * (r * r + R * R +
                                                    r * R);
        // Function to calculate Curved Surface area of
        // frustum of cone
        public static float curved_surface_area(float r, 
                                       float R, float l)
            return pi * l * (R + r);
        // Function to calculate Total Surface area of 
        // frustum of cone
        public static float total_surface_area(float r, 
                             float R, float l, float h)
            return pi * l * (R + r) + pi * (r * r + R * R);
        // Driver function
        public static void main(String args[])
            float small_radius = 3;
            float big_radius = 8;
            float slant_height = 13;
            float height = 12;
        // Printing value of volume and surface area
            System.out.print("Volume Of Frustum of Cone : ");
                                big_radius, height));
            System.out.print("Curved Surface Area Of" + 
                                " Frustum of Cone : ");
                                      big_radius, slant_height));
            System.out.print("Total Surface Area Of" + 
                    " Frustum of Cone : ");
                            big_radius, slant_height, height));

    # Python3 code to calculate 
    # Volume and Surface area of
    # frustum of cone
    import math
    pi = math.pi
    # Function to calculate Volume
    # of frustum of cone
    def volume( r , R , h ):
        return 1 /3 * pi * h * (r 
                * r + R * R + r * R)
    # Function to calculate Curved 
    # Surface area of frustum of cone
    def curved_surface_area( r , R , l ):
        return pi * l * (R + r)
    # Function to calculate Total  
    # Surface area of frustum of cone
    def total_surface_area( r , R , l , h ):
        return pi * l * (R + r) + pi * (r
                                * r + R * R)
    # Driver Code
    small_radius = 3
    big_radius = 8
    slant_height = 13
    height = 12
    # Printing value of volume 
    # and surface area
    print("Volume Of Frustum of Cone : "
    print(volume(small_radius, big_radius,
    print("Curved Surface Area Of Frustum"+
                        " of Cone : ",end='')
    print("Total Surface Area Of Frustum"+
                        " of Cone : ",end='')
            big_radius,slant_height, height))
    # This code is contributed by "Sharad_Bhardwaj".

    // C# program to calculate Volume and 
    // Surface area of frustum of cone
    using System;
    public class demo {
        static float pi = 3.14159f;
        // Function to calculate 
        // Volume of frustum of cone
        public static float volume(float r, float R, float h)
            return (float)1 / 3 * pi * h * (r * r + R * 
                                            R + r * R);
        // Function to calculate Curved
        // Surface area of frustum of cone
        public static float curved_surface_area(float r, 
                                    float R, float l)
            return pi * l * (R + r);
        // Function to calculate Total
        // Surface area of frustum of cone
        public static float total_surface_area(float r, float R, 
                                               float l, float h)
            return pi * l * (R + r) + pi *
                        (r * r + R * R);
        // Driver function
        public static void Main()
            float small_radius = 3;
            float big_radius = 8;
            float slant_height = 13;
            float height = 12;
        // Printing value of volume 
        // and surface area
        Console.Write("Volume Of Frustum of Cone : ");
                        big_radius, height));
        Console.Write("Curved Surface Area Of" + 
                         " Frustum of Cone : ");
                                big_radius, slant_height));
        Console.Write("Total Surface Area Of" + 
                        " Frustum of Cone : ");
                        big_radius, slant_height, height));
    // This article is contributed by vt_m



    Volume Of Frustum of Cone : 1218.937
    Curved Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 449.24738
    Total Surface Area Of Frustum of Cone : 678.58344