Evaporation is a type of vaporisation that occurs on the surface of liquids and includes the transformation of liquid particles into gaseous particles. As a result, this process is considered to entail a change in the matter state of liquids.
- 温度:蒸发速率直接取决于温度。温度越高,蒸发速度越快。随着温度的升高,使液体获得更多的动能。
- 表面积:蒸发速率直接取决于液体暴露的表面积。表面积越大,蒸发速率越大。
- 风速:风速越大,蒸发率越大。这就是大风天衣服容易干的原因。
- 分子间吸引力:与分子间吸引力较小的液体相比,它们之间具有较大分子间吸引力的液体蒸发得慢得多。这是因为液体的分子结合松散,它们可以通过获得较小的动能很容易地变成蒸汽。
- 空气湿度:如果外面的空气中已经含有更多的水蒸气,那么蒸发率就会降低。
- 当我们将一些烈酒或汽油放在手背上并挥动它们时,烈酒很快就蒸发了,我们的手变得非常寒冷。这是因为烈酒需要汽化潜热才能从液体转变为汽化形式。精神从我们的掌握中拉出这种休眠的蒸发能量。手失去热量并冷却下来。
- 在炎热的夏季,水经常在称为图片或 Matka 的陶罐中保持低温。为了在炎热的夏季降温,通常将水保存在称为投手或 Matka 的陶罐中。陶罐的壁上有大量极小的气孔或孔洞。一些水不断地通过这些毛孔到达锅的外面。这些水不断蒸发,吸收了陶罐和剩余水蒸发所需的潜热。结果,剩余的水失去热量并变冷。这也是蒸发诱导冷却的一个例子。值得一提的是,由于水汽化潜热值很大,地球上所有的水都不会蒸发。
- 在炎热的夏夜,许多人,尤其是在村庄里的人,都会在自家门前的地上洒水。这些水通过消除来自地面和周围空气的高蒸发潜热而蒸发。从该区域移除热量后,它变得寒冷和舒适。从树叶中蒸发的水以同样的方式冷却周围的空气。
- 排汗,通常被称为出汗,是我们的身体保持恒温的机制。当我们的体温在炎热的一天或进行剧烈运动后升高过高时,我们的汗腺会在我们的身体上释放水分或汗水。当汗水蒸发时,我们的身体会吸收蒸发的潜热。这让我们的身体保持凉爽。
- 沙漠冷却器在炎热干燥的日子里冷却得更好,因为它是根据蒸发原理工作的。大热天温度越高,水分蒸发速度越慢,水分蒸发速度越高,水分蒸发速度越快。由于水分蒸发率较高,沙漠冷却器在炎热干燥的日子里冷却得更好。
- 众所周知,人类用碟子喝热茶的速度比用杯子喝的快。这可以通过蒸发引起的冷却现象来解释。碟子的表面积很大。由于茶托的表面积很大,热茶蒸发得更快。这种快速蒸发使热茶更快地冷却,使其更容易饮用。
During summer, we perspire (sweat) a lot due to our body’s mechanism of cooling by evaporation of sweat which takes heat from the body and makes the body cool. Cotton, being a good absorber of sweat, absorbs the sweat and helps in increasing the speed of the evaporation by increasing the surface area and exposing it to the atmosphere.
问题 2. 陶罐 (matka) 中的水如何保持凉爽?
When we kept water on the earthen pot (matka), the water molecules evaporate from the several tiny pores of the pot. During this process, it takes the heat from the water and thus the water cools down due to the loss of heat. This is the reason why water kept in earthen pot keep cool.
This is because when we sprinkle water over the ground or roof top, the water from there evaporates taking the heat from the ground or roof top and in the process making it cool.
问题 4. 我们可以用碟子而不是杯子来啜饮热奶茶。说明理由。
We know that the rate of evaporation increases as the surface area of the liquid increases. Thus, when we put the hot milk or tea on a saucer, the surface of the liquid increases, thus the rate of evaporation of the milk or tea increases and due to increase in the rate of evaporation, more heat is taken from the hot milk or tea and it cools down more rapidly as compared to when it was in the cup and we are easily able to sip the hot milk or tea on saucer rather than a cup.
问题5. 为什么我们在手掌上放一些丙酮或香水时会感觉冰凉?
When we pour some acetone or petrol on our palm, the acetone or perfume starts evaporating. In this process, it takes the necessary heat required from our palm and due to loss of heat we feel cold. This is the reason why our palm feels cold when we put some acetone or perfume on it.
问题 6. 空气冷却器如何根据蒸发原理工作?使用适当的图表进行解释。
This is because of the working mechanism of the air cooler. The air coolers has an exhaust fan which sucks in the dry air of the room inside. In the cooler there is a pad that has been wet by water. The water evaporates from the pad by taking the heat from the dry air thus, in the process making the air cool. This cool air released from the air coolers which circulates inside the room. Thus, air coolers work on the principle of cooling effect caused by Evaporation.
问题 7. 当我们在手上涂抹洗手液时,我们会感到凉爽。给理由?
The sanitizers that we apply over our hand contains alcohol as one of it’s primary constituent and the alcohol evaporates much faster than water. Thus, when we apply hand sanitizers over our hand, the alcohol starts evaporating by taking the heat from our own body and thus, due to the loss of heat from our body, we feel cool.
问题 8。与冬天和季风相比,夏天我们的衣服干得更快。为什么?
During summer, the temperature is higher than winter and monsoons and we know that the rate of evaporation is directly dependent on the temperature, so in summer clothes dry up much faster in summer in comparison to winter and monsoon. Another important factor is humidity, in summer humidity in air is much less than that in monsoon, thus clothes dry up slowly in monsoons.