给定大小为N的数组A [] ,其中的条目为整数,则某些条目为-1。任务是用满足以下条件的数字替换-1。
- 要替换的数字的二进制表示形式的奇数位置应仅包含0,数字必须为偶数。
- 替换为-1的数组项A [i]的方式为: A [i]> = A [i-1]以及给定数组A [0]!=-1 。
Input : A[] = {1, 5, -1, 25, -1, 7, 35, -1}
Output : 153
Index 2: Replacing -1 with 8 as its binary representation is 1000 which has 0
in its odd places and 8 is even and 8 >=5
Index 4: Replacing -1 with 32 as its binary representation is 100000 which has 0
in its odd places and 32 is even and 32>=25
Index 7: Replacing -1 with 40 as its binary representation is 101000 which has 0
in its odd places and 40 is even and 40>=35
Input : A[] = {4, 8, 12, -1, 3, 0, 15, -1, 34, -1}
Output : 142
- 使用线性搜索遍历数组以标识所有-1。
- 无论哪里有-1,都会从索引比当前索引小1的数字开始生成另一个while循环。
- 检查所有进行中的项的二进制表示形式的奇数位置,如果它仅包含预期的零,则跳出循环,否则将迭代器加1,直到达到所需的数量。
- 当满足所需的数字时,给定索引处的相应元素将替换为满足所有条件的新数字。
- 计算所有-1替换后的数组项总和。
# Find the minimum sum of array
# entries following given criteria.
def Bit_Even_Arrays(arr):
# Iterating through the
# array to find -1's
for k, v in enumerate(arr):
z = 0
if v == -1:
# Starting from the entry
# with index 1 less than -1
# as A[i]>= A[i-1]
y = k - 1
z = arr[y]
# Initiating the infinite series
# that satisfies given criteria
# and breaking out of the loop
# once it satisfies
while True:
S = bin(z)[2:][1::2]
if (z % 2 == 0) \
&(len(set(S))== 1)\
& ('0' in set(S)):
# incrementing the entry
# until the required
# entry is met
z += 1
arr[k]= z
return (sum(arr))
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = [1, 5, -1, 25, -1, 7, 35, -1]
print (Bit_Even_Arrays(arr))