给定一个已排序的数组arr []和一个具有M个查询的集合Q ,其中每个查询的值分别为X和Y ,任务是查找数组中小于X且大于Y的所有整数的总和。
注意: X和Y可能会或可能不会出现在数组中。
Input: arr[] = [3 5 8 12 15], Q = {{5, 12}, {4, 8}}
For query 1, X = 5 and Y = 12. Sum = 3( < 5) + 15( > 12) = 18.
For query 2, X = 4 and Y = 8. Sum = 3( < 4) + 15 ( > 8) + 12 ( > 8) = 30.
Input: arr[] = [4 7 7 12 15], Q = {{3, 8}, {4, 8}}
For query 1, X = 3 and Y = 8. Sum = 12( > 8) + 15 ( > 8) = 27.
For query 2, Sum = 12 + 15 = 27.
- 构建一个前缀和数组,其中prefix_sum [i]表示arr [0] + arr [1] +…arr [i]的和。
- 找到值小于X的最后一个索引i ,然后提取前缀总和直到第i个索引。通过分别在Python和C++中使用bisect_left()或lower_bound(),可以以O(logN)复杂度获得索引。
- 同样,在数组中找到第一个索引i ,其值大于Y,然后计算出总和prefix_sum [n-1] – prefix_sum [i-1] 。分别在Python和C++中的内置函数bisect()和upper_bound()在O(logN)中执行所需的操作。
- 在以上两个步骤中计算出的两个结果的总和是必需的答案。继续对每个查询重复这些步骤。
# Python code for the above program
from bisect import bisect, bisect_left
def createPrefixSum(ar, n):
# Initialize prefix sum
# array
prefix_sum = [0]*n
# Initialize prefix_sum[0]
# by ar[0]
prefix_sum[0] = ar[0]
# Compute prefix sum for
# all indices
for i in range(1, n):
prefix_sum[i] = prefix_sum[i-1]+ar[i]
return prefix_sum
# Function to return sum of all
# elements less than X
def sumLessThanX(ar, x, prefix_xum):
# Index of the last element
# which is less than x
pos_x = bisect_left(ar, x) - 1
if pos_x >= 0 :
return prefix_sum[pos_x]
# If no element is less than x
return 0
# Function to return sum of all
# elements greater than Y
def sumGreaterThanY(ar, y, prefix_sum):
# Index of the first element
# which is greater than y
pos_y = bisect(ar, y)
pos_y -= 1
if pos_y < len(ar)-1 :
return prefix_sum[-1]-prefix_sum[pos_y]
# If no element is greater than y
return 0
def solve(ar, x, y, prefix_sum):
ltx = sumLessThanX(ar, x, prefix_sum)
gty = sumGreaterThanY(ar, y, prefix_sum)
# printing the final sum
print(ltx + gty)
def print_l(lb, ub):
print("sum of integers less than {}".format(lb)
+ " and greater than {} is ".format(ub),
end = '')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# example 1
ar = [3, 6, 6, 12, 15]
n = len(ar)
prefix_sum = createPrefixSum(ar, n)
# for query 1
q1x = 5
q1y = 12
print_l(q1x, q1y)
solve(ar, q1x, q1y, prefix_sum)
# for query 2
q2x = 7
q2y = 8
print_l(q2x, q2y)
solve(ar, q2x, q2y, prefix_sum)
sum of integers less than 5 and greater than 12 is 18
sum of integers less than 7 and greater than 8 is 42
时间复杂度: O(N +(M * logN))
辅助空间复杂度: O(N)