- 快速燃烧:气体快速燃烧并产生热量和光的燃烧称为快速燃烧。例如-在室温下在空气中燃烧的磷。
- 自燃:材料在没有任何明显原因的情况下突然燃烧起来的燃烧类型称为自燃。
- 爆炸:随着热、光和声音的演变而发生的突然反应称为爆炸。反应中生成的大量气体被释放出来。例如 - 鞭炮的燃烧。
- 存在可燃物质:只有当物质是可燃的,即可以燃烧的物质时,才有可能燃烧。例子——木头、纸、煤油、稻草、火柴棒等。如果没有可燃物质,就不能燃烧。
- 燃烧支持物的存在:燃烧支持物(例如氧气)的充足供应对于燃烧是必不可少的。
- 达到点火温度:物质只有在达到一定的最低温度后才开始燃烧。物质在空气中燃烧的温度称为着火温度。如果物质的温度低于其着火温度,则该物质不会着火。
以上三种情况也叫火 三角形。酒精、汽油、液化石油气和尼龙纤维等物质很容易着火。这是因为这些物质的着火温度低。这种物质称为易燃物质。储存或运输易燃物质时需要特别小心。
- 在第一种情况下,蜡烛燃烧没有任何问题,火焰不会闪烁,蜡烛不受影响。因为空气在烟囱中稳定地流动,不会因为木块而从底部的可用空间中断。
- 在第二种情况下,蜡烛只燃烧几秒钟,蜡烛的火焰就熄灭了。由于空气不是从烟囱底部出来的,蜡烛不会不受影响地燃烧,并且会闪烁并产生烟雾。
- 在第三种情况下,由于空气不可用,火焰熄灭并产生烟雾。空气中的氧气支持燃烧。没有氧气,燃烧是不可能的。
The ignition temperature of a material is the temperature at which it ignites. For combustion to begin, the temperature at which the fuel vaporizes on its surface must be reached. If a fuel is in the form of vapour, it ignites instantly (gas). Cooking gas ignites very instantly.
因为酒精和汽油在室温下会蒸发,所以会很快着火。另一方面,樟脑会迅速点燃。在常温下,布和纸会着火。由于煤油在 150°C 以上的温度下会蒸发,因此需要很长时间才能着火。
当一块织物或纸被煤油浸透并着火时,纸会立即着火。反过来,这会使煤油升温,将其表面温度提高到 150°C 或更高,点燃其下方的煤油。植物油也是如此。植物油灯的灯芯需要很长时间才能着火。灯芯下方的油被灯芯尖端的火焰蒸发,从而保持火焰燃烧。
- 加热装置:气体、木材、煤和液体燃料的燃烧通常用于加热冶金和工业中产生蒸汽(蒸汽等)的设备。
- 炸药:爆炸性燃烧和爆炸经常用于以机械作用或爆炸为最终目标的各种应用中。爆炸燃烧和爆轰理论在实际应用中得到应用。
- 发动机:各种发动机,燃气轮机,涡轮喷气发动机和冲压发动机都在其中。奥托发动机通过用活塞压缩气缸中的混合物来工作。在活塞到达顶部之前用火花点燃混合物,火焰以正常速度传播到未燃烧的混合物中,提高压力并推动活塞。
- 火箭推进:火箭中气体、液体或固体推进剂燃烧的结果通过(德拉瓦尔)喷嘴以高速从燃烧室排出。为了估计必要的推力,需要彻底了解喷嘴中化学反应的动力学。随着燃烧产物的平均分子量增加,推力减小。结果,具有高燃烧热的低分子量混合物被用于火箭。
- 化学反应:为了产生化学反应,有多种方法使用火焰。一个例子是分析化学中的珠子测试。氧气不足的火焰的还原能力仅在少数情况下使用。一些火焰会产生具有经济价值的烟灰,焦炭和木炭的生产依赖于精确的燃烧和火焰管理。
A chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat is called combustion. The substance that undergoes combustion is said to be combustible or fuel which may be solid, liquid or gas. Sometimes, light as glow or a flame is also given off during combustion.
The types of combustion are-
- Rapid Combustion: Combustion in which gas burns rapidly and produces heat and light is called rapid combustion. For example- Phosphorus which burn in air at room temperature.
- Spontaneous Combustion: The type of combustion in which a material suddenly bursts into flames, without the application of any apparent cause is called spontaneous combustion.
- Explosion: A sudden reaction that takes place with the evolution of heat, light and sound is called explosion. A large amount of gas formed in the reaction is liberated. For example- Burning of firecrackers.
The following conditions are necessary for combustion to take place-
- Presence of a combustible substance: Combustion is only possible if the substance is combustible, i.e. the substances which can burn. Examples-wood, paper, kerosene oil, straw, match stick etc. If there is no combustible substance, then combustion can’t take place.
- Presence of a supporter of combustion: Adequate supply of a supporter of combustion (e.g., oxygen) is essential for combustion.
- Attainment of ignition temperature: A substance starts to burn only after it has attained a certain minimum temperature. The temperature at which a substance burns in the presence of air is called its ignition temperature. A substance cannot catch fire if its temperature is lower than its ignition temperature.
问题 4:解释火柴棍和灭火器的工作原理。
The main component of the bulb of a matchstick is red phosphorus which turns into white phosphorus on heating. White phosphorus spontaneously ignites which increases the temperature of the wooden stem to the ignition point and the matchstick starts burning.
Fire can be controlled by removing any or some factors of combustion, i.e. fuel, oxygen (air) and ignition temperature. The role of the fire extinguishers is to cut off the supply of oxygen or bring down the temperature of the fuel or both.
问题 5:将一块燃烧的木头或木炭放在铁板上。用玻璃杯盖住它,观察会发生什么。木炭会在一段时间后停止燃烧吗?你能想到它停止燃烧的原因吗?
Yes after sometime charcoal stops burning as burning charcoal or wood is covered with a tumbler, charcoal will burn until oxygen is present in the jar. During burning, carbon dioxide is also produced by charcoal. After sometime oxygen present in jar get exhausted due to burning and simultaneously charcoal is covered with carbon dioxide, thus, charcoal stop burning.
问题 6:折叠一张纸,制作两个纸杯。在其中一个杯子中倒入一些水,然后用蜡烛加热它们。你观察什么?
Paper cup with water does not burn and paper cup which does not contain water starts burning quickly. Paper cup which contains water do not burn till water is vaporized as heat introduced to paper cup containing water, goes to water. Water keeps the ignition temperature of the paper cup low. Thus, this is the reason paper cup containing water does not burn. Paper cup without water reached its ignition temperature required to burn paper quickly and starts burning.