Input: "my name is geeks for geeks"
Output: number of spaces = 5
Input: "geeksforgeeks"
Output: number of spaces=0
- 来自用户的输入字符串
- 用零初始化计数变量
- 运行 for 循环 i 从 0 到字符串的长度
- 在 for 循环中,检查是否 s[i] == 空白,然后将计数增加 1
- 在 for 循环之外,打印计数
示例 1:
# create function that
# return space count
def check_space(string):
# counter
count = 0
# loop for search each index
for i in range(0, len(string)):
# Check each char
# is blank or not
if string[i] == " ":
count += 1
return count
# driver node
string = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks"
# call the function and display
print("number of spaces ",check_space(string))
# create function that
# return space count
def check_space(string):
# counter
count = 0
# loop for search each index
for i in string:
# Check each char
# is blank or not
if i == " ":
count += 1
return count
# driver node
string = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks, Geeks!"
# call the function and display
print("number of spaces ",check_space(string))
# Create function that
# return space count
def check_space(Test_string):
return Test_string.count(" ")
# Driver function
if __name__ == "__main__":
Test_string = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks, Geeks!"
# Call the function and display
print(f"Number of Spaces: {check_space(Test_string)}")
number of spaces 2
示例 2:
# create function that
# return space count
def check_space(string):
# counter
count = 0
# loop for search each index
for i in string:
# Check each char
# is blank or not
if i == " ":
count += 1
return count
# driver node
string = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks, Geeks!"
# call the function and display
print("number of spaces ",check_space(string))
number of spaces 3
示例 3:使用 count()函数。
# Create function that
# return space count
def check_space(Test_string):
return Test_string.count(" ")
# Driver function
if __name__ == "__main__":
Test_string = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks, Geeks!"
# Call the function and display
print(f"Number of Spaces: {check_space(Test_string)}")
Number of Spaces: 3