- 自然数:计数的数称为自然数,或者,所有从 1 开始的数称为自然数。它们用 N 表示。示例: N : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…
- 整数:包含零 (0) 的自然数称为整数。简而言之,从零( 0 )开始的数字是整数。它们用 W 表示。例如, W : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
- 整数: -3、-2、-1、0、1、2、3……等数字称为整数。它们用 Z 表示。此外,整数有 3 种类型:
- Positive Integers, e.g. 1, 2, 3, …
- Negative Integers, e.g. -1, -2, -3, …
- Zero Integers, e.g. 0
- 偶数:能被2整除的数称为偶数。它们用 E 表示。例如,E: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...
- 奇数:所有不能被2整除的数称为奇数。它们用 O 表示。例如,O: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...
- 合数:具有两个以上因数的数称为合数。示例:4、6、8、9、10、……
- 素数:只有两个因数(1 和自身)的数称为素数。示例:2、3、5、7、11、...
- 互质数:两个或两个以上除1外没有公因数的数称为互质数。示例:2 & 3、2 & 3 & 5 等。
- 有理数:可以写成 p/q 形式的数,其中 p 和 q 是整数,q!=0 称为有理数。它们用 Q 表示。例如,Q:0、1、1/2、4/3、-5/6、...
- 无理数:不能写成 p/q 形式的数,其中 p 和 q 是整数,q!=0 称为无理数。示例:pi, 0.10100100000000111111111110…
- 实数:有理数和无理数的集合称为实数。例如,R:0、1、-2、3/4、pi 等……
- 小数:整数部分和功能部分用小数点分隔的数字。现在,通过一个例子来了解整数部分和小数部分。示例 3.7(其中 3 是整数部分,点是小数部分,7 是小数部分)。其他示例 49.35、54.894 等。
Remember Whole numbers don’t contain 2.5, 3/5, etc. It means fractional and decimal numbers are not whole numbers. As discussed in many types of numbers, Resume the interesting question based on decimal and whole numbers.
Now, coming to the question, Is a decimal number bigger than a whole number? As discussed in the concept of whole and decimal numbers, One can guess now which number must be bigger or which one must be smaller. If the whole number and decimal number before the decimal are equal, then the decimal number is bigger. So, Let’s discuss it through various examples.
Firstly, one guessed whole numbers are always greater than decimal numbers. Suppose one has guessed what is right and let’s elaborate on it with the help of examples, which of the two is -2 or 0.4, then it is clear that 2 is greater and it is a whole number too. Let’s see another example, 4 or 2.54556, here also, 4 is a whole number and is greater.
问题 1:4 和 4.1 哪个更大?
Now, 4.1 is greater but how it can possible. It is not whole number. It is not necessary if the whole number is not containing decimal so it would be larger in each and every case and decimal number on the other end would be smaller.
Basically, It depends on the condition. Here, 4 is 4. It doesn’t contains anything extra in it but 4.1 is (4 + 0.1). It means it contains 0.5 extra in it. So it is greater in this.
问题 2:51 或 54.56 哪个更大?
In this case also, Although 51 is whole number, it is smaller and 54.56 on the other hand is greater than 51. It’s a simple analogy. One can compare in this way also like start comparing from left to right and one would get to know which one is smaller and which one is greater.
On the left side first it is 5 and 5 is same in both cases. Further, 1 comes in 51 and 4 comes in 54.55. Now obviously, 1 is smaller than 4. There is no need to compare beyond it in this case. it can be said 54.56 is greater.