📜  域和服务器之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:03.078000             🧑  作者: Mango


1. 域名:


每个域都配备了自己的域控制器,负责管理域的所有基本功能并管理网络中的安全问题。域的任务是管理对网络资源的访问以及通过用户的唯一标识 ID 和密码对用户进行身份验证。通过这种方式,域实现了访问与各种类型的用户相关的网络资源的级别。

2. 服务器:

计算机网络中的服务器是客户端-服务器体系结构的两个组件之一。服务器是任何网络设备,例如计算机,甚至是用于管理网络资源并向网络的其他节点提供功能和特权的程序。从理论上讲,在任何实例中与其他客户端节点共享资源的任何计算机或设备都可以称为服务器。通常在实际使用中,服务器专门用于特定目的。一些这样的服务器类型是数据库服务器、文件服务器、Web 服务器、邮件服务器、代理服务器、打印服务器等。




A domain is group of nodes, workstations, devices and other servers, etc that are meant to share resources and data.A server itself is often a part of a domain along with other clients and servers. These may be devices, computers, programs, etc. that are dedicated to provide certain privileges and functionalities.
A domain has the responsibility governing basic functions, managing access control, authentication, etc.A server has the task of providing network resource or privileges to other client members of the network. 
A domain is uniquely identified using a domain name and there are further many subdomains possible in a network. Servers are made to serve a particular purposes and are thus classified according to their roles such as cloud servers, print servers, file servers, web servers, domain servers, etc.
A domain is not a physical device rather is a group of devices there it doesn’t need connecting devices such as switches or routers.A server is connected to other clients and network devices using switches, routers or other similar intermediary devices from where clients can access the features and services being provided.