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📜  将二叉树分成两半的方法数

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:16.318000             🧑  作者: Mango



        /   \ 
      -1     -1 
Output: 1
Only way to do this will be to remove the edge from the right of the root.
After that we will get 2 sub-trees with sum = 0.


will be the two sub-trees.

        /   \ 
      -1     -1 
Output: 2

一个简单的解决方案是一个接一个地删除树的所有边,并检查是否将树分成总和相同的两半。如果是这样,我们会将最终答案增加 1。在最坏的情况下,这将花费 O(N 2 ) 时间,其中“N”是树中的节点数。

  1. 创建一个变量“sum”并将二叉树的所有元素的总和存储在其中。如本文所述,我们可以在 O(N) 时间内找到二叉树的所有元素的总和。
  2. 现在我们从根节点开始递归执行以下步骤:
    • 求其右子树(“R”)的所有元素之和。如果它等于总和的一半,我们将计数增加 1。这是因为删除连接当前节点与其右孩子的边会将树分成两棵总和相等的树。
    • 求其左子树(“L”)的所有元素之和。如果它等于总和的一半,我们将计数增加 1。


// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
// Node of a binary tree
struct node {
    int data;
    node* left;
    node* right;
    node(int data)
        this->data = data;
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;
// Function to find the sum of
// all the nodes of BST
int findSum(node* curr)
    // If current node is
    // null
    if (curr == NULL)
        return 0;
    // Else
    return curr->data + findSum(curr->left)
           + findSum(curr->right);
// Function to recursively check
// if removing any edge divides tree into
// two halves
int checkSum(node* curr, int sum, int& ans)
    // Variable to store the
    // sum from left and right
    // child
    int l = 0, r = 0;
    // Checking sum from left sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr->left != NULL) {
        l = checkSum(curr->left, sum, ans);
        if (2 * l == sum)
    // Checking sum from right sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr->right != NULL) {
        r = checkSum(curr->right, sum, ans);
        if (2 * r == sum)
    // Finding the sum of all the elements
    // of current node
    return l + r + curr->data;
// Function to return the number
// of ways to remove an edge
int cntWays(node* root)
    // If root is null
    if (root == NULL)
        return 0;
    // To store the final answer
    int ans = 0;
    // Sum of all the elements of BST
    int sum = findSum(root);
    // If sum is odd then it won't be possible
    // to break it into two halves
    if (sum % 2 == 1)
        return 0;
    // Calling the checkSum function
    checkSum(root, sum, ans);
    // Returning the final answer
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    node* root = new node(1);
    root->left = new node(-1);
    root->right = new node(-1);
    root->right->right = new node(1);
    // Print the count of possible ways
    cout << cntWays(root);
    return 0;

// Java implementation of the approach
class GFG
// Node of a binary tree
static class node
    int data;
    node left;
    node right;
    node(int data)
        this.data = data;
        left = null;
        right = null;
static int ans;
// Function to find the sum of
// all the nodes of BST
static int findSum(node curr)
    // If current node is
    // null
    if (curr == null)
        return 0;
    // Else
    return curr.data + findSum(curr.left) +
// Function to recursively check
// if removing any edge divides tree
// into two halves
static int checkSum(node curr, int sum)
    // Variable to store the
    // sum from left and right
    // child
    int l = 0, r = 0;
    // Checking sum from left sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr.left != null)
        l = checkSum(curr.left, sum);
        if (2 * l == sum)
    // Checking sum from right sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr.right != null)
        r = checkSum(curr.right, sum);
        if (2 * r == sum)
    // Finding the sum of all the elements
    // of current node
    return l + r + curr.data;
// Function to return the number
// of ways to remove an edge
static int cntWays(node root)
    // If root is null
    if (root == null)
        return 0;
    // To store the final answer
    ans = 0;
    // Sum of all the elements of BST
    int sum = findSum(root);
    // If sum is odd then it won't be possible
    // to break it into two halves
    if (sum % 2 == 1)
        return 0;
    // Calling the checkSum function
    checkSum(root, sum);
    // Returning the final answer
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    node root = new node(1);
    root.left = new node(-1);
    root.right = new node(-1);
    root.right.right = new node(1);
    // Print the count of possible ways
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG
// Node of a binary tree
public class node
    public int data;
    public node left;
    public node right;
    public node(int data)
        this.data = data;
        left = null;
        right = null;
static int ans;
// Function to find the sum of
// all the nodes of BST
static int findSum(node curr)
    // If current node is
    // null
    if (curr == null)
        return 0;
    // Else
    return curr.data + findSum(curr.left) +
// Function to recursively check
// if removing any edge divides tree
// into two halves
static int checkSum(node curr, int sum)
    // Variable to store the
    // sum from left and right
    // child
    int l = 0, r = 0;
    // Checking sum from left sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr.left != null)
        l = checkSum(curr.left, sum);
        if (2 * l == sum)
    // Checking sum from right sub-tree
    // if its not null
    if (curr.right != null)
        r = checkSum(curr.right, sum);
        if (2 * r == sum)
    // Finding the sum of all the elements
    // of current node
    return l + r + curr.data;
// Function to return the number
// of ways to remove an edge
static int cntWays(node root)
    // If root is null
    if (root == null)
        return 0;
    // To store the final answer
    ans = 0;
    // Sum of all the elements of BST
    int sum = findSum(root);
    // If sum is odd then it won't be possible
    // to break it into two halves
    if (sum % 2 == 1)
        return 0;
    // Calling the checkSum function
    checkSum(root, sum);
    // Returning the final answer
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    node root = new node(1);
    root.left = new node(-1);
    root.right = new node(-1);
    root.right.right = new node(1);
    // Print the count of possible ways
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Node of a binary tree
class node:
    def __init__(self,data):
        self.data = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Function to find the sum of
# all the nodes of BST
def findSum(curr):
    # If current node is
    # null
    if (curr == None):
        return 0
    # Else
    return curr.data + findSum(curr.left)+ findSum(curr.right)
# Function to recursively check
# if removing any edge divides tree into
# two halves
def checkSum(curr, s):
    global ans
    # Variable to store the
    # s from left and right
    # child
    l = 0; r = 0
    # Checking sum from left sub-tree
    # if its not null
    if (curr.left != None):
        l = checkSum(curr.left, s)
        if (2 * l == s):
    # Checking sum from right sub-tree
    # if its not null
    if (curr.right != None):
        r = checkSum(curr.right, s)
        if (2 * r == s):
    # Finding the sum of all the elements
    # of current node
    return l + r + curr.data
# Function to return the number
# of ways to remove an edge
def cntWays(root):
    # If root is null
    if (root == None):
        return 0
    # To store the final answer
    global ans
    ans = 0
    # s of all the elements of BST
    s = findSum(root)
    # If s is odd then it won't be possible
    # to break it into two halves
    if (s % 2):
        return 0
    # Calling the checkSum function
    checkSum(root, s)
    # Returning the final answer
    return ans
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = node(1)
    root.left = node(-1)
    root.right = node(-1)
    root.right.right = node(1)
    # Print the count of possible ways


这种方法的时间复杂度为 O(N),空间复杂度为 O(H),其中“N”等于二叉树中的节点数,“H”等于二叉树的高度。