📜  如何在 p5.js 中制作数字时钟?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:51.812000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何在 p5.js 中制作数字时钟?

时钟的工作很简单。使用hour()、minute()second()方法检索当前的小时、分钟和秒。如果返回的数字小于 10,则使用我们将创建的格式化函数填充“0”。 AM 或 PM 通过使用检测到的小时值确定。然后使用画布上的text()方法将整个时间字符串显示为文本。


function setup() {
  // Create Canvas of given size
function draw() {
  // Set the background color
  // Set the strokeWeight to be thicker
  // Get the current second, minute and hours
  // and assign them to res variables
  var sec = second();
  var min = minute();
  var hrs = hour();
  // Check for AM or PM based on the
  // hours and store it in a variable
  var mer = hrs < 12 ? "AM":"PM";
  // Format the time so that leading
  // 0's are added when needed
  sec = formatting(sec);
  min = formatting(min);
  hrs = formatting(hrs % 12);
  // Set the color of the background 
  // Set the font size 
  // Set the text alignment in center
  // and display the result
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  // Display the time
  text(hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec +
       " " + mer, width/2, height/2);
// This function pads the time
// so that 0's are shown 
// eg. 06,08,05 etc.
function formatting(num){
  // Convert to int and check 
  // if less than 10
  if(int(num) < 10) {
    // Return the padded number
    return "0" + num;
  // Return the original number if
  // padding is not required
  return num;


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