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📜  教资会网络 | UGC NET CS 2017 年一月至三日 |问题 49

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:55.641000             🧑  作者: Mango

教资会网络 | UGC NET CS 2017 年一月至三日 |问题 49

内存管理系统有 64 个页面,页面大小为 512 字节。物理内存由 32 个页框组成。逻辑地址和物理地址所需的位数分别为:
(A) 14 和 15
(B) 14 和 29
(C) 15 和 14
(D) 16 和 32答案: (C)

we know that Number of pages = virtual memory space / page size.
and Number of frames = physical memory space / frame size.
and page size is equal to frame size. 
According to question and given data:
      virtual memory space = Number of pages * page size
i.e.  virtual memory space = 64 * 512 B
      virtual memory space = 26 * 29B
                  i.e.     = 215B.
So, 15 bits are required for virtual memory space.
 physical memory space =  Number of frames * frame size.
 physical memory space = 32 * 512 B
 physical memory space = 25 * 29B
                i.e.   = 214B.
So, 14 bits are required for virtual memory space.
