📜  rotch randn - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:47:07.387000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to rotch randn - Python

rotch randn - Python is a Python library that provides a convenient way to generate random numbers using the Rotch method. It offers a highly flexible interface and numerous options to customize the random number generation process.


You can install rotch randn - Python using pip:

pip install roth-randn

To start using rotch randn - Python, you need to import the library in your Python program:

import roth_randn

Generating Random Numbers

The main functionality of rotch randn - Python is the generation of random numbers. You can generate random floating-point numbers within a given range using the random function:

random_number = roth_randn.random()

By default, the random() function generates a random number between 0 and 1. You can specify a different range by providing the start and end parameters:

random_number = roth_randn.random(start=10, end=100)

Seeding the Random Number Generator

You can seed the random number generator to ensure reproducibility of the generated random numbers. It is especially useful when you want to recreate the same set of random numbers. To seed the generator, use the seed function:


Generating Multiple Random Numbers

If you need a list of random numbers, you can use the randn function. It takes an integer as an argument, specifying the number of random numbers you want:

random_numbers = roth_randn.randn(10)

This will return a list of 10 random floating-point numbers.

Markdown Format

When returning code snippets, please make sure to format them as Markdown code blocks. Here's an example:

import roth_randn

random_number = roth_randn.random()
