📜  feathersjs cli - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:44.498000             🧑  作者: Mango

FeathersJS CLI - Shell-Bash

FeathersJS is a popular Node.js framework for building real-time applications. The Feathers CLI is a command-line interface tool that allows you to quickly and easily create new projects, generate code, manage plugins and services, and more.


You can install the Feathers CLI using npm, the Node.js package manager:

npm install -g @feathersjs/cli

Once installed, you can check that it is working correctly by running the following command:


This should display the help menu for the Feathers CLI.

Using the Feathers CLI
Creating a new project

To create a new Feathers project, run the following command:

feathers generate app

This will prompt you for some information, such as the name of your project, which database you want to use, and which authentication strategy you want to implement.

Once the project is created, you can start the application by running the following command:

npm start
Generating code

The Feathers CLI includes a number of generators that allow you to quickly create code for services, hooks, and more.

For example, to create a new service, run the following command:

feathers generate service

This will prompt you for some information, such as the name of the service and the database connection to use. Once complete, the CLI will generate a new service file in your project's services folder.

Managing plugins and services

The Feathers CLI includes a number of built-in plugins and services that you can install and manage using the feathers command.

For example, to install the authentication plugin, run the following command:

feathers generate authentication

This will install the plugin in your project's node_modules folder and update the appropriate configuration files.

You can also manage your project's services using the CLI. For example, to list all of your project's services, run the following command:

feathers services list

This will display a list of all services in your project, along with their current status.


The Feathers CLI is a powerful tool for quickly and easily creating real-time applications using the FeathersJS framework. Whether you are creating a new project from scratch, generating new code, or managing plugins and services, the CLI provides a simple and efficient interface for getting the job done.