📜  Flutter Doctor (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:07.239000             🧑  作者: Mango

Flutter Doctor


flutter doctor is a command-line tool provided by Flutter to diagnose and troubleshoot issues with your Flutter development environment. It checks your machine for the necessary software and helps you identify any missing dependencies or configuration problems.


To use flutter doctor, you need to have Flutter SDK installed on your machine. Once installed, you can open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

flutter doctor

This will start the diagnosis process and display the results in the terminal.

Diagnosis Results

The output of flutter doctor provides detailed information about the status of various components required for Flutter development. Here are some of the common diagnosis results:

  • Flutter SDK: It checks whether Flutter SDK is installed and displays the installed version. If Flutter SDK is not found, it provides instructions to download and install it.

  • Android toolchain: It checks whether the necessary tools and libraries for developing Flutter apps on Android are installed, such as Android SDK, Android Studio, and virtual devices. If any of these components are missing or misconfigured, it suggests appropriate actions to resolve the issue.

  • iOS toolchain: It verifies the availability of required tools for developing Flutter apps on iOS, such as Xcode. If anything is missing or needs attention, it provides guidance on how to set up the iOS development environment.

  • Connected devices: It scans for connected devices or emulators on which you can run your Flutter app. If no devices are found, it suggests connecting a device or starting an emulator.

  • Chrome: It checks the installation of Chrome browser and the Dart Debug Extension. Having these components ensures a smoother debugging experience for Flutter web apps.

Additional Functionality

Apart from diagnosing the Flutter development environment, flutter doctor also provides additional functionality:

  • Version Checks: By providing the --version flag, it displays the version of Flutter SDK, Dart SDK, and other related software installed on your machine.

  • Doctor summary: By using the --summary flag, it provides a concise summary of the overall diagnosis result, highlighting any critical issues that need attention.


flutter doctor is a powerful command-line tool that helps you set up and validate your Flutter development environment. It ensures that all the necessary components and dependencies are properly installed and configured. By using flutter doctor, you can easily identify and resolve any issues, enabling smooth and efficient Flutter app development.

Note: Remember to run flutter doctor periodically to ensure your development environment is up to date and properly configured.