📜  TCS安置纸|电子邮件写作问题10(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:33.102000             🧑  作者: Mango









  • 内容真实、准确,体现公司诚信;
  • 风格简洁、流畅,注意行文连贯;
  • 注意邮件格式,内容置顶、结尾礼貌用语;
  • 注意邮件语气和表达方式,用好礼貌用语,不使用俗语口语、不使用火药味;
  • 注意邮件思路和标题。标题应该简单清晰,即让对方一看就知道邮件的目的,同时也要注意邮件的开头言辞,及时回应对方的需求,展现公司对客户的重视和对员工的爱护。
Subject: Company situation and future planning

Dear [客户名称],

I am writing this email to give you an overview of our company's current situation and future planning.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your continued support and trust in our company. We value our relationship with you and will always strive to provide you with the best service possible.

As you may know, our company has been in operation for nearly a decade, and we have always adhered to the principles of integrity, quality, and innovation. We have seen steady growth in revenue over the years and have maintained a good reputation in the industry.

In response to the changing market, our company has also been adjusting its business strategy. We are now shifting our focus to the development of new technologies and products, and we believe that our efforts will bring us a bright future.

Meanwhile, we have always placed great importance on our employees. We provide them with a fair and comfortable working environment, and we are committed to their career development and personal growth. We believe that the success of the company depends on the dedication of our employees, and their satisfaction is our top priority.

Thank you again for your continued support, and we look forward to working with you for many years to come.

Yours sincerely,

