在校园招聘过程中,TCS会进行为时10分钟的电子邮件写作测试,该测试也包含在其他写作测试中。此回合在招聘过程中起着至关重要的作用,并且对每个学生都是必不可少的。 TCS有自己的测试求职者的方式,基于情况分析,情境理解和通过电子邮件撰写的英语水平。基本上,在问题的开头会引入一种情况,然后是一系列从10到15的短语。在对情况有正确的理解之后,学生需要写一封正式的电子邮件,包括问题中提到的所有短语。 。一个人需要通过问题的第一部分来理解电子邮件的上下文,并将给定的短语塑造成情况的上下文。
- 编写电子邮件时,请勿犯语法,拼写错误或任何输入错误。
- 撰写电子邮件时,请保持正式语调。
- 使邮件简短明了,涵盖所有要点。 (建议至少50个字)。
- 不要敲打灌木丛,按照要点写。
- 不要跳过问题中提到的任何短语。
- 请勿更改上述短语的时态或顺序。
- 将邮件分为几个段落(推荐2个段落)。
- 妥善记录邮件的收件人和发件人。
- 对问题中提到的主题进行适当的称呼和正式提及。
- 如果在问题中提到一个人的名字,请称呼他/她为亲爱的他/她。如果未提及姓名或性别不明确,那么亲爱的先生/女士会这么做。
- 在做出正确的标记之前,请始终以“问候”,“感谢和问候”,“感谢您”,“热烈问候”,“您真诚的”等结尾电子邮件。如果提到一个名字,那么再提及那个名字,就可以根据情况来使用他/她自己的名字,并加上适当的名称。
- 将完整的邮件以正确的箱型格式书写,即,始终粘贴在页面的左边缘。
- 通常,会提供一个与问题一起提供指导的方向,必须给予优先考虑并遵循该指导,以使其顺利通过整个回合。
very few - service centres - complaints - pending problems - maintenance - cost -
time -delivery - increase - customer satisfaction
Dear Mr Kishore,
I purchased a Suzuki Desire from XYZ Suzuki showroom, located at Howrah. I have been using it for two months and recently found a problem with the AC and braking system. I took it back to the showroom where the service was unfortunately not available. I tried to locate service centres and to my surprise, there were very few service centres located in the city. Looking at the records there are many complaints regarding this issue and many pending problems. This is a great disadvantage to the customers part which is resulting in the increase in maintenance cost, time and creating delivery issues.
I would like to request and suggest you look into this matter and if possible open up more service centres which will help in customer satisfaction and in return will increase the sales and profit on company’s part.
Thanks and Regards,
- TCS安置纸|电子邮件写作问题1
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