📜  JSF-体系结构(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:02:25.868000             🧑  作者: Mango

JSF Architecture

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a web application framework that allows developers to build user interfaces for Java web applications. JSF is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, and it provides a set of reusable, standard UI components and events for building web applications.

Features of JSF

JSF provides a number of features that make it a popular choice for developing web applications:

  • Component-based architecture: JSF is based on a component-based architecture, which allows developers to reuse UI components throughout an application.

  • MVC architecture: JSF uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the concerns of the user interface (View), data management (Model), and application logic (Controller).

  • Standard UI components: JSF provides a set of standard UI components, such as input fields, buttons, and labels, that can be easily customized and reused.

  • Event-driven programming model: JSF provides an event-driven programming model, which allows developers to respond to user actions, such as button clicks and form submissions.

  • Built-in validation: JSF provides built-in validation for user input, which can help prevent errors and improve the overall user experience.

JSF Components

JSF provides a number of standard UI components that can be used to build web applications. These components include input fields, buttons, labels, and more. Components can be added to a page using a component tag, which is defined in the JSF tag library.

Here is an example of a JSF input field component:

<h:inputText value="#{user.username}" />

This component creates an input field for the user's username, and it binds the value of the field to a property named "username" in the user object.

JSF Events

JSF provides a number of standard events that can be used to handle user interactions, such as button clicks and form submissions. Events are handled by backing beans, which are Java objects that contain the application logic for a particular page or component.

Here is an example of a JSF command button that handles a button click event:

<h:commandButton value="Submit" actionListener="#{user.submit}" />

This button creates a command button with the label "Submit", and it binds the action of the button to the "submit" method of the user bean.

JSF Lifecycle

JSF has a well-defined lifecycle, which specifies when various events occur during the processing of a request. The lifecycle consists of six phases:

  1. Restore View
  2. Apply Request Values
  3. Process Validations
  4. Update Model Values
  5. Invoke Application
  6. Render Response

During the lifecycle, JSF performs a number of tasks, including restoring the view state, validating user input, updating the model, invoking business logic, and rendering the response.


JSF is a powerful web application framework that provides a rich set of features for building web applications. The component-based architecture, standard UI components, event-driven programming model, and well-defined lifecycle make it a popular choice for developers.