📜  MySQL first()(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:44:26.920000             🧑  作者: Mango

MySQL First()

If you're a programmer who works with databases, you've probably heard about the FIRST() function in MySQL. This function returns the first value in a set of values that are specified in an ORDER BY clause.


The basic syntax for the FIRST() function is:


The value parameter is the value you want to retrieve, and the expression parameter is the column or expression you want to sort by. You can use the ASC keyword to sort in ascending order (the default) or the DESC keyword to sort in descending order.


Here's an example that demonstrates how to use the FIRST() function:

SELECT customer_id, 
       FIRST(order_date) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY order_date ASC) AS first_order
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id

This query retrieves the earliest order date for each customer in the orders table. The FIRST() function is used to retrieve the first order_date value for each group of orders that belong to the same customer.


It's important to note that the FIRST() function is not a standard SQL function, so it may not be supported by all database management systems. Additionally, the FIRST() function only makes sense when used with an ORDER BY clause, so it's not very useful in situations where you don't have a specified sort order.

Overall, the FIRST() function can be a powerful tool for retrieving the first value in a set of values. If you're working with MySQL and need to retrieve the first value in a specific situation, consider using the FIRST() function to simplify your queries.