📜  hodl (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:08.873000             🧑  作者: Mango

Hodl: The Crypto Term Every Programmer Should Know

If you're a programmer involved in the world of cryptocurrencies, you've probably heard the term "hodl" thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it so important? In this article, we'll delve into the origins of hodl, explain what it means, and discuss why hodling your crypto assets may be the best strategy for long-term success.

What Does Hodl Mean?

The term hodl originated from a BitcoinTalk forum post back in 2013. In the post, a user named GameKyuubi was discussing the current state of the cryptocurrency market, lamenting the fact that he had made a poor trade decision and was now "hodling" his coins as a result.

While the term was originally a typo of the word "hold", it has since taken on a life of its own, becoming a popular meme in the crypto world. The term now refers to the act of holding onto your crypto assets, even during times of volatility or market downturns.

Why Hodl?

While day trading and attempting to time the market may seem tempting, hodling may actually be a better strategy for long-term success. Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, and attempting to make quick trades based on market movements can be extremely risky.

Instead, hodling your crypto assets allows you to take a long-term approach, focusing on the overall growth of the market rather than short-term fluctuations. By holding onto your assets, you may be able to weather market downturns and benefit from long-term growth.

Additionally, hodling prevents you from making impulsive decisions based on FOMO (fear of missing out) or FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt). By taking a patient and strategic approach to your investments, you may be able to make more informed decisions and achieve greater success over time.


In conclusion, hodling may be the best approach for programmers and others involved in the cryptocurrency world. By holding onto your assets for the long-term, you may be able to navigate market volatility and achieve greater success over time. So, the next time someone tells you to "hodl", remember that they're advocating for a strategic and patient approach to your crypto investments.

Code snippet:

def hodl(assets):
    This function takes in a list of crypto assets
    and returns a message advising to hodl them
    message = f"Remember to hodl on to your {', '.join(assets)} for the long-term!"
    return message