📜  javascript mod - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:42:25.900000             🧑  作者: Mango

JavaScript Module System


In JavaScript, modularity is achieved through the use of modules. A module is a self-contained unit of code that can be imported and exported as needed. This helps to keep code organized and maintainable, and also makes it easier to reuse code across different applications.

There are several different module systems available in JavaScript, but the most popular is the CommonJS module system, which is used by Node.js. Another popular module system is the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) system, which is used in browser-based applications.

CommonJS Module System

The CommonJS module system defines a standard for how modules should be structured and how they should be imported and exported. In this system, each module is contained in its own file, and all variables and functions defined in the module are private by default. To make variables and functions accessible outside the module, they must be explicitly exported.

Exporting from a Module

To export variables and functions from a module, we use the module.exports object. For example, let's say we have a module called myModule that defines a function myFunction. To export this function, we would do:

function myFunction() {
  console.log('Hello World!');

module.exports = myFunction;

This makes the myFunction function available to other modules that require this module. To use this function in another module, we would do:

const myFunction = require('./myModule');

myFunction(); // Output: Hello World!
Importing into a Module

To import variables and functions from another module, we use the require function. For example, let's say we have a module called myModule that exports a function myFunction. To use this function in another module, we would do:

const myFunction = require('./myModule');

myFunction(); // Output: Hello World!
AMD Module System

The Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) system is a module system designed for use in browser-based applications. It is similar to the CommonJS module system, but is designed to work with the asynchronous nature of loading scripts in a browser.

Defining a Module

In the AMD system, modules are defined using the define function, which takes an array of dependencies and a factory function that returns the module. For example, let's say we have a module called myModule that defines a function myFunction. To define this module, we would do:

define([], function() {
  function myFunction() {
    console.log('Hello World!');

  return {
    myFunction: myFunction

This makes the myFunction function available to other modules that require this module. To use this function in another module, we would do:

require(['myModule'], function(myModule) {
  myModule.myFunction(); // Output: Hello World!
Importing Dependencies

To import dependencies into a module, we include them in the array of dependencies passed to the define function. For example, let's say we have a module called myModule that depends on the jquery module. To use this module in myModule, we would do:

define(['jquery'], function($) {
  function myFunction() {
    $('body').append('<p>Hello World!</p>');

  return {
    myFunction: myFunction

JavaScript modules are a powerful tool that help to keep code organized and maintainable. The CommonJS and AMD module systems are two popular options that provide a standard for working with modules in JavaScript. Understanding how to work with modules is an essential skill for any JavaScript developer.